
  • 网络pbs;public broadcasting service;corporation of public broadcasting
  1. LulzSec还宣称对美国公共广播公司(PBS)、福克斯电视台(Fox)和索尼的被“黑”负责。

    Gov. lulzsec has also claimed responsibility for breaches at PBS , Fox and Sony ( SNE ) .

  2. 进化生物学家约翰?麦克唐纳告诉美国公共广播公司说,他曾收到孩子写来的电子邮件,写信的孩子担心自己不是父母亲生的,因为父母(自己)会卷舌头而自己(父母)不会。

    As evolutionary biologist John McDonald told PBS , he 's received emails from children concerned that they aren 't related to their parents because they don 't share the ability .

  3. 但如果在周一把电视调到美国公共广播公司(PBS)的频道上,或者通过手机观看烟火,你或会有天空万里无云、烟火分外耀眼之感。

    But if you had tuned in on Monday to watch the fireworks on PBS or watched it on your cellphone , you might have figured the sky was cloudless and the fireworks were crystal clear .

  4. 斯蒂芬森承认《神探夏洛克》为BBC带来了“巨额收入”(BBC并不将每个节目的收入分开)。最初,他为这部剧集在美国受到的热捧感到惊讶,BBC将该剧授权给美国公共广播电视公司(PBS)的频道播放。

    Conceding that Sherlock has made a " huge amount of money " for the broadcaster ( the BBC will not break down specific revenues per show ) , Mr Stephenson was initially surprised at the rapturous reception the show received in America , where it is licensed to the channel PBS .