
  • 网络Demolition and resettlement;arrange for relocation household
  1. 农村拆迁安置小区户外空间环境设计研究&以江苏省泰州市高港区庆丰村为例

    Research in Outdoor Space Environment Design of Rural Resettlement Residential Area

  2. 部分居民的拆迁安置,古民居的修缮;

    Dismantlement and relocation of residents , repair of ancient residencies ;

  3. 房屋拆迁安置服务有限公司

    " Housebreaking and Resettlement Service Co. , Ltd. "

  4. 拆迁安置补偿中生存保障因素

    Study of the Factors of the Survival Guarantee in Allocation and Compensation of Demolition

  5. 浅谈拆迁安置住宅的特点及设计中的一些体会

    Brief Discussion of the Placement Dwellings ' Characteristics and Understanding in the Designing Process

  6. 浅析拆迁安置用住宅设计的几个问题

    Simple analysis on some problems existing in the design of demolishing and constructing residence

  7. 西安市城中村拆迁安置补偿标准探讨

    Discussion on the Allocation and Compensation Standards of Demolition of City Villages in Xi'an

  8. 要做好项目的拆迁安置工作。

    Resettlement project to do the work .

  9. 拆迁安置:采取集中安置与分散安置的方式。

    Housing removal and resettlement : adopt the modes of centralized resettlement and scattered resettlement .

  10. 拆迁安置时,受影响人一般要求就近还房安置。

    In general , the affected people request nearby house resettlement during housing removal and resettlement .

  11. 拆迁安置构想。

    Plan of removal and settling .

  12. 随着房地产事业的蓬勃发展,作为拆迁安置楼的盒子房应运而生。

    With the development of real estate industry the box buildings emerge as removal settlement building .

  13. 拆迁安置小区规划的问题及解决途径&以宁波市北仑区为例

    A study on planning practice of resettlement residential area : a case of Beilun District , Ningbo

  14. 随后按法定标准完成了征地拆迁安置补偿工作。

    Followed by the statutory criteria for the completion of the land resettlement compensation for the demolition work .

  15. 拆迁安置补偿方式应尊重被拆迁人的选择,补偿标准应按照地方拆迁管理条例规定及具体情况修正后确定。

    Providing options to the dispersed in the compensation system and the compensation standard be decided to the local regulation ;

  16. 作为新型社区,拆迁安置社区在建设和发展过程中存在着很多题目,引起了广泛的关注。

    As community of new type , resettlement community is facing various problem and drawing wide attention of the public .

  17. 拆迁安置与补偿是与城中村村民利益紧密相关的,拆迁安置与补偿的合理与科学直接影响着城中村村民对城中村改造的积极性;

    Removal compensation and resettlement is relative to the villagers ' benefits , its ' rationality and scientific methods influences the villagers ' positivity about transformation ;

  18. 以期对长沙市拆迁安置小区居住环境设计提供指导和借鉴作用。

    In hopes that we can provide guidance and reference to the design of the dwelling environment of the district of the demolition and removal in changsha .

  19. 充分调研拆迁安置信息化管理需求,明确系统开发目标,开展可行性分析、成本估计、效益分析和风险评价等工作,最后根据实际情况制定系统开发计划和进程。

    Sufficient investigation the need of the resettlement information management , explicit system develop target , feasibility analysis , cost estimates , benefit analysis and risk assessment works .

  20. 然而,一些地方征地拆迁安置程序不规范,补偿不透明,致使挪用甚至截留农民征地补偿费的现象时有发生。

    However , some local land expropriation relocation program is not standard , compensation opaque , the appropriation of the land compensation fees even intercept farmers frequently occurred .

  21. 拆迁安置管理工作作为征地拆迁工作的重要部分,一直是政府部门和各责任主体高度重视环节。

    Resettlement management work as an important part of land acquisition and resettlement , this work has been the high priority areas of government departments and main responsibilities .

  22. 文中总结出的相应的套型设计方法,研究问题的思路,也希望对其他城市相类似的拆迁安置住宅工程有一定的借鉴作用。

    The article summarizes the corresponding methods of layout design , researching the idea of hope and give a certain reference for other cities which in similar resettlement housing projects .

  23. 高速公路拆迁安置是高速公路建设的重要组成部分,是一项复杂的系统工程,其涉及面广,工作环节繁杂,主管机构和项目管理单位多。

    The expressway resettlement is an important part of expressway construction , a complicated systematic project , which involves a wide range of work areas complex , authorities and project management .

  24. 为了促进市区房地产市场的可持续发展,必须改变现行拆迁安置形式,以货币补偿来替代原有的产权调换。

    In order to promote the further healthy urban real estate market and sustainable development , we must change the existing property right ex - change form to the monetary compensation form .

  25. 她迫不及待地告诉调研人员,她认为关键在于“如何用好补偿款”。她还说:“妇女在拆迁安置过程中应该和男人有平等的权利。”

    She told researchers she thought the project should " make good use of compensation money " and that " women should have equal rights to men in the resettlement process . "

  26. 拆迁安置房作为保障性住房,随着城市化进程的加快,建设发展迅速,规模日益扩大。

    With the accelerating process of urbanization , the construction of the resettlement housing acted as the welfare-oriented housing is developing rapidly , the scale of the resettlement housing is also expanding remarkably .

  27. 围绕以上几个要点,结合杭州某农转居拆迁安置房小区景观设计案例,进一步分析并提出了相应的设计对策。

    Based on the above points , combined with a landscape design case of resettlement housing community for farmers removal in Hangzhou , the author analyses and puts forward the corresponding design measures .

  28. 在城中村改造的诸多矛盾和冲突当中,房屋拆迁安置补偿问题尤为突出,是顺利推进城中村改造的关键。

    Among all the contradictions and conflicts , the compensation for demolition and resettlement of urban village is the most prominent one , which is key to the implement of the reformation of urban village .

  29. 因拆迁安置重建不能占用耕地,当地受影响人又注重风水,使集中安置点确定困难。

    The cultivated land can not be occupied by the reconstruction for resettlement , and the local affected people attach much importance to the geomancy , so it is difficult to determine the sites for concentrated resettlement .

  30. 为保障不同收入家庭对住房的多样性需求,国家开始大力建设以经济适用房、拆迁安置房和廉租房为主的保障性住房。

    To protect the the diversity of needs of families of different income on housing , countries begin to give great efforts to build affordable housing , Including affordable housing , resettlement housing and low-rent housing mainly .