
  • 网络Maxwell House
  1. 由于哥伦比亚咖啡豆价格上涨,上个月,麦斯威尔(maxwellhouse)咖啡品牌的所有者卡夫(kraft)将其哥伦比亚调配咖啡的零售价提高了近19%。

    Kraft , owner of the Maxwell House coffee brands , raised retail prices on its Colombian blend by almost 19 per cent last month due to the rising prices of Colombian coffee beans .

  2. 依照麦斯威尔的说法,第一个障碍是沮丧。

    According to Maxwell , the first hurdle is discouragement .

  3. 麦斯威尔的言辞反对帮助这些学生。

    Maxwelll 's word is opposed to helping those student .

  4. 麦斯威尔去世时我们几乎分文不剩

    When Maxwell died , we were nearly penniless .

  5. 麦斯威尔和我在他离世一年之前曾计划了一次旅行

    Maxwell and I had the trip planned a year before he died .

  6. 她已经遇到了麦斯威尔

    she had already met Maxwell .

  7. 像是向量微积分、微分和积分形式的麦斯威尔方程式。

    Some knowledge of vector calculus assumed . Maxwell 's equations , in both differential and integral form .

  8. 麦斯威尔认为,关键在于客观地检视我们为什么反对改变。

    The key here , Maxwell allows , is to objectively examine why we 're opposed to the change .

  9. 秩序、整洁和庄重带来一半是支持、一半是敷衍了事的体系(佛罗里达斯科特&麦斯威尔)

    Order , cleanliness , seemliness make a structure that is half support , half ritual ( Florida Scott - Maxwell )

  10. 这款蛋糕最上面那层现在已经60多“高龄”,但仍然保存在一个麦斯威尔金属咖啡罐里。

    The top layer of that cake , baked six decades ago , still exists in a metal Maxwell Coffee House can .

  11. 麦斯威尔宣称要改变态度,我们必须克服他所谓的“五大”主要态度障碍。

    To change our attitude , Maxwell claims , we have to overcome what he calls the " Big Five " major attitude obstacles .

  12. 如果这么多人相信,那就一定是真的,不是吗?错,领导专家约翰。麦斯威尔在《发挥正面影响者》一书中如是说。

    If so many people believe it , it must be true , right ? Wrong , says leadership expert John Maxwell in The Difference Maker .

  13. 生下女儿麦斯威尔后,她便成了瘦身公司的最新代言人,产后半年的时间里,辛普森狂甩掉60磅。

    Simpson announced shortly after Maxwell was born that she was Weight Watchers ' newest celebrity spokesperson . Simpson shed 60 pounds within six months of giving birth .

  14. 该诉讼是一项修正案,作为当前的投诉,声称卡夫的新四磅塑料容器的麦斯威尔咖啡侵犯关键宝洁专利。

    The lawsuit was filed as an amendment to a current complaint alleging that Kraft 's new four-pound plastic container for Maxwell House coffee infringes key P & G patents .

  15. 来自加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学的教授麦斯威尔•卡梅伦认为,《大宪章》是“法治”理念第一次被白纸黑字地写入正式文件。

    According to Maxwell Cameron , a professor from the University of British Columbia in Canada , the Magna Carta was a first attempt to write down and formalize the rule of law .