
  1. 当最终利率上升,持有黄金的机会成本将会上升,而黄金将失去其光芒。

    When interest rates eventually rise , the opportunity cost of holding gold will go up , taking off the shine .

  2. 近年来我国多次下调利率且降幅较大,对寿险公司产生了严重冲击,最终导致了利率风险。

    Interest rate fluctuates in recent years , which play an important influence on life insurance company and lead to great interest risk in China .

  3. 如果它快速转向更为鹰派的货币政策,最终上调美元利率,其结果对新兴市场可能是严峻的。

    If it moves swiftly to a more hawkish monetary policy , leading ultimately to a rise in US interest rates , the result for emerging markets could be stark .

  4. 汇丰(HSBC)驻香港的亚太区高级经济学家范力民(FredericNeumann)表示,政策制定者最终将不得不上调利率,告别全球金融危机期间不寻常的低利率水平,但现在按兵不动是正确的。

    Frederic Neumann , senior Asia economist at HSBC in Hong Kong , says policymakers will have to raise rates eventually from the extraordinarily low levels reached during the global financial crisis , but are right to hold their fire for now .

  5. 这里很清楚的经验是,平均通胀率发生改变最终会导致平均利率的改变,包括按揭贷款利率。

    The clear lesson here is that changes in the average inflation rate ultimately lead to changes in average interest rates , including those on mortgages .

  6. 不过,最终必须通过降低利率或削减债务余额的方式,来削减官方所持债务的成本。

    Yet , ultimately , the cost of the debt owed to official sources will have to be cut by lowering interest rates or reducing sums outstanding .

  7. 市场人士密切关注这项计划,因为这是美联储最终开始上调短期利率时可能使用的一项重要工具。

    Market participants have been watching this program closely because it could be an important tool used by the Fed when it eventually starts raising short-term interest rates .