
  • 网络AURORA;Arora
  1. DerekGibbleheart来自科罗拉多州奥罗拉市这是一张老妈和老妹的照片

    Derek Gibbleheart in Aurora Colorado.This is a photo of my mother and sister

  2. 麦当劳周二宣布,旗下位于日本的门店停止向上海福喜食品公司(ShanghaiHusiFoodCo.)购货。上海福喜的母公司是总部位于美国伊利诺伊州奥罗拉的福喜集团(OSIGroupInc.)。

    McDonald 's on Tuesday said its outlets there cut ties with Shanghai Husi Food Co. , an arm of OSI Group Inc. of Aurora , Ill .

  3. 奥罗拉副总裁史密斯(DavidSmith)博士称,基于对睡眠和工作习惯的跟踪调查,奥罗拉发现参加失眠治疗课程的学员平均每人节省了672美元的生产力。

    Based on follow-up surveys that asked about both sleep and work habits , Aurora sees an average of $ 672 in productivity savings per participant in the insomnia module , said Dr. David Smith , an Aurora vice president .

  4. 斯托伦沃克(BarbStollenwork)是奥罗拉的一名健康项目协调员,现年53岁。在2011年底结束了失眠治疗项目的学习后,她戒掉了每晚吃泰诺安(TylenolPM)的习惯。

    Barb Stollenwork , age 53 and a wellness program coordinator at Aurora , kicked her nightly Tylenol PM habit after finishing the program at the end of 2011 .

  5. 位于科罗拉多州奥罗拉(Aurora)的一家初创企业正在对鲨鱼皮的微观组成模式加以利用&鲨鱼皮的独特组成方式,使其比其他动物皮肤具备更强的防菌能力。

    A start-up in Aurora , Colo. is using microscopic patterns that mimic shark skin ─ known for its unique design that is more resistant to bacteria than other animals ' skin .

  6. 丹佛市奥罗拉区(aurora)警长丹奥茨(danoates)对记者表示,有10人在电影院被打死,另有4人据报道在医院死亡。

    Dan Oates , police chief in the Denver suburb of Aurora , told reporters that 10 people were killed at the cinema and four others were reported to have died in hospital .

  7. 这项课程由强生公司(JohnsonJohnson's)旗下的保健与预防部门开发,是奥罗拉提供的健康培训项目之一。该课程要求学员记睡眠日记,并会根据个人的睡眠模式给出建议方案。

    The course , one of several health-coaching sessions offered at Aurora and developed by Johnson Johnson 's JNJ - 0.74 % Wellness Prevention unit , requires participants to keep a sleep diary , and then makes recommendations based on individual sleep patterns .

  8. 44岁的马西尼家住科罗拉多州奥罗拉(Aurora),是一名注册会计师,也是两个孩子的母亲,她在职业生涯中曾连续从事过很多压力很大的管理工作。

    Throughout her career , the Aurora , Colo. , certified public accountant has pursued a progression of high-pressure management jobs . ' I 'm hard core , ' says the 44-year-old wife and mother of two .

  9. 这项课程由强生公司(Johnson&Johnson's)旗下的保健与预防部门开发,是奥罗拉提供的健康培训项目之一。该课程要求学员记睡眠日记,并会根据个人的睡眠模式给出建议方案。

    The course , one of several health-coaching sessions offered at Aurora and developed by Johnson & Johnson 's JNJ - 0.74 % Wellness & Prevention unit , requires participants to keep a sleep diary , and then makes recommendations based on individual sleep patterns .

  10. 奥罗拉(Aurora)枪击案发生以后,大部分欧洲人的本能反应是震惊和迷惑:即使是这起最新的可怕事件,也未能说服美国公众和政客相信枪支管制的必要性。

    In the wake of the Aurora shootings , the instinctive reaction of most Europeans is shock and bewilderment that even this latest horror does not persuade the American public and politicians of the need for gun control .

  11. FBI在美国国土上进行的恐怖主义搜捕活动中逮捕了三名嫌疑人。在科罗拉多州奥罗拉逮捕的是一对父子,而在纽约Queens也逮捕了一名男子。三人都是因为做虚假声明。

    The FBI has made 3 arrests in a terror probe right here on US soil , being a father and a son in Aurora , Colorado also a man in Queens , New York under arrest , all for making false statements .

  12. 他们的女儿出生了他们称她为黎明的女神奥罗拉

    A daughter was born , and they called her Aurora .

  13. 毕竟奥罗拉根本不知道这一切

    After all , Aurora knows nothing about all this .

  14. 在奥罗拉,我们失去了我们所爱和爱着我们的人。

    The people we lost in Aurora loved , and were loved .

  15. 那个奥罗拉公主的粘贴是怎么回事?

    And what 's with the Princess Aurora stickers ?

  16. 位于桑顿的枪支店与奥罗拉枪击案有些关连。

    There is link between the Aurora shootings and the store in Thornton .

  17. 在奥罗拉,洪水和冰雹将司机们困在停车场。

    In Aurora , water and hail trapped drivers in a parking lot .

  18. 科罗拉多州奥罗拉市四人在经历了警匪一夜对峙后死亡。

    Four people are dead following an overnight standoff in Aurora , Colorado .

  19. 比尔:奥罗拉后面的科技来自俄国人吗?

    BR : Did the technology behind the Aurora come from the Russians ?

  20. 科隆比纳,纽镇奥罗拉的弗吉尼亚理工大学。

    Columbine , Virginia tech , Aurora , Newtown .

  21. 噢,奥罗拉公主?天啊,我们一定要告诉斯蒂芬。

    Oh , the princess aurora ? Good heavens , we must tell stefan .

  22. 类似的话总统先生在7月份奥罗拉电影院屠杀案后就曾说过。

    The president said something similar after the cinema massacre in Aurora in July .

  23. 可是我没有说这是奥罗拉

    I-I didn 't say it was Aurora .

  24. 桑迪胡克枪击案和奥罗拉枪击案中都使用了223口径的枪支。

    That caliber of ammunication was used in both the Sandy Hook and Aurora shooting .

  25. 向奥罗拉公主致意!

    Hail to the princess Aurora !

  26. 去年夏天一名男子曾在奥罗拉市一家影院中开枪杀死12人。

    Aurora is where a gunman opened fire in a theater last summer killing 12 people .

  27. 在位于奥罗拉的销售中心,随时都可以进行扩张。

    At his distribution center in Aurora , one wall is temporary to allow for expansion .

  28. 奥罗拉公主万岁

    Hail to the Princess Aurora

  29. 欧洲空间局的“奥罗拉”计划

    Aurora Plan of ESA

  30. 匹兹堡迈阿密奥克兰塔尔萨西雅图威明顿奥罗拉密尔沃基德州农工

    Pittsburgh , Miami , Oakland , Tulsa , Seattle Wilmington , Aurora , Milwaukee , Texas A & M.