
  • 网络oscar de la renta
  1. 马克尔的母亲多里娅·拉格兰(DoriaRagland)穿了鲜豆苗色调的奥斯卡·德拉伦塔(OscardelaRenta)外套和长裙;

    Doria Ragland , Ms. Markle 's mother , wore an Oscar de la Renta coat and dress the shade of fresh pea shoots ;

  2. 最后几年,她为奥斯卡·德拉伦塔(OscardelaRenta)设计了一系列珠宝,还为购物网站HSN设计了一系列服装和配饰。

    During her last few years , she designed a collection of jewelry for Oscar de la Renta and a line of clothing and accessories for HSN .

  3. 总统26岁的千金是一名作家,同时也是学校的老师,她毕业于德克萨斯大学,她那件镶边婚纱出自奥斯卡·德拉伦塔之手。

    The president's26-year-old daughter is a writer and schoolteacher , who graduated from the University of Texas .

  4. 设计师品牌奥斯卡·德拉伦塔向来以设计名贵华丽的礼服著称,许多好莱坞明星和贵族名媛都是它的拥趸。

    Stylist brand oskar Della Aaron tower in design of dress , rare luxuriant nobility and many Hollywood stars socialite is its fans .