
  • 网络Ogilvy & Mather;Ogilvy and Mather;Ogilby & Mather
  1. 直到最近,这位24岁的新娘曾任奥美广告公司总监,24岁!

    Until recently , the bride , 24 , worked as a supervisor at Ogilvy & Mather . 24 !

  2. 但是如果我们每个人都聘用比我们大的人,那么奥美广告公司就会变成一家巨人公司。

    But if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are , Ogilvy & Mather will become a company of giants .

  3. 24的陈娟(音译)毕业于北京师范大学心理学专业,现在奥美广告公司任项目经理。

    Chen Juan , 24 , a psychology major from Beijing Normal University , now works for Ogilvy & Mather Advertising as a project manager .

  4. 安东尼•赖特,奥美广告公司例如在拉丁美洲,你知道,长期以来有一种在广告中做性假想的传统,这在美国可能是令人不安或者非常有争议的,至少如果它是主流品牌的一部分的话。

    ANTHONY WRIGHT , OGILVY AND MATHER In Latin America , for example , there 's a sort of long tradition of , you know , sexual imagery in advertising that would probably be upsetting or very controversial in the U.S. , at least if it were part of a mainstream brand .