
  • 网络广告;移动应用广告
  1. The company beat out apple in a deal to acquire AdMob in 2010 for $ 750 million .


  2. The representatives also questioned how Google 's planned acquisition of mobile advertising vendor AdMob will affect consumer privacy .


  3. Google has reinforced his integration with admob with a one-click entry to an admob campaign setup from the developer console .


  4. Facebook and Google have made big acquisitions too , such as instagram and AdMob , some of which have drawn intense scrutiny from regulators .


  5. As smartphones and tablets capture ever more eyeballs , digital-ad firms such as AdMob , for which Google paid $ 750m in 2010 , are hot .


  6. AdMob 's CEO said the Iphone led to a landside of massive improvement in Mobile advertising , so it 's not surprising to learn that earlier this month , Apple bought a mobile advertising firm of its own , Quatro Wireless .


  7. On search is what Google is most famous for , but it makes most of its money from advertising.Now Google is turning its attention to Mobile advertising by Admob in November.Then why the sudden interest in Mobile ads ? The answer is on AdMob homepage , Apple 's Iphone .
