
  • 网络Supply school;supply side economics;Supply-side school
  1. 拉弗曲线作为供给学派的理论核心,通过税率与税收之间的关系来反映税率对国民经济影响,这一理论对研究我们的经济活动具有重要的意义。

    As the core theory of supply school theory , Laffer curve is important for our economic activity .

  2. 供给学派与凯恩斯主义是两个相互对立的学派,二者有完全不同的理论和政策主张。

    With the totally different theory and policy views , the supply school and Keynes ' doctrine are opposite each other .

  3. 关于供给学派减税理论的实践效果的评析及其启示

    Practice Results of Tax Reduction Theory Advanced by Supply-side Economics and Enlightenment

  4. 论供给学派的经济理论与实践

    On economic theory and practice of supply - side economics

  5. 不过,毕竟供给学派和反气候变化论者已经不再主宰白宫和国会的几个重要委员会。

    After all , supply-siders and climate-change-deniers no longer control the White House and key Congressional committees .

  6. 在此基础上,对中国特色社会主义制度下的供求矛盾以及供给学派在我国现实经济中的局限性以及制度变量下的供给进行了深入分析。

    Basing on the discussion , the thesis analyses the contradiction of supply and demand in the socialism with Chinese characteristics .

  7. 西方经济理论中的供给学派虽从市场另一侧面揭示了需求不足、供给过剩的实质,并提出以减税为核心的政策主张。

    The supply-side School although revealed the substance of demand scarcity and supply excess , and bring up tax reduction as main policy assertion .

  8. 70年代的滞胀打破了这一稳定,货币学派、供给学派、理性预期等应运而起,这种百家争鸣的景象一直持续到今天。

    The stagflation broke the stabilization in 1970s , the Monetary School , the Supply-Side School and other schools follow the need of ages and become flourishing .

  9. 80年代的税制改革可以说是以供给学派的税收理论作为基础,强调尽力降低税收超额负担,实现效率目标。

    Based on the taxation theories of the supply school , the reforms in 1980s emphasized on decreasing the excessive burdens in taxation and realizing the goal of efficiency .

  10. 第二部分介绍供给学派经济学的基本理论与实践;说明里根的经济复兴计划主要是以供给学派经济理论为依据的;

    The second part introduces the basic theory and practice of Supply-Side economics , explaining that Reagan 's program of economic renaissance is worked out according to the theory of Supply-Side economics .

  11. 供给学派通过对滞胀危机的分析,认为政府忽略了供给的作用看,政府应该通过减税,使得供给增加,从而渡过危机。

    Supply of stagflation crisis of school through analysis , thought the government ignored supply role look , the government should supply increases on tax cuts , made , and through the crisis .

  12. 本文着重对凯恩斯学派和供给学派减税理论进行了比较分析,并认为各减税理论主要观点之间既有联系也有区别,但都具有促进经济发展的共同诉求。

    Based on the comparative analysis of the theories of the Keynes school and the supply-side economics , it is illustrated that each commonly aspires to promoting economic development , and has connected but different views .

  13. 供给学派认为,税率的降低可增加私人的储蓄,储蓄的增加必然带动投资的增加,这就使单位投入能够产出更多的物品和劳务。

    The supply school believes that tax rate reduction can increase personal savings and the increase of which is bound to drive investment to increase , as a result , unit investment can yield more products and labor services .

  14. 历史上,关于税收思想的理论学派主要包括古典学派、凯恩斯学派、货币学派和供给学派,这些经济学流派从不同的角度论述了税收的性质、特点和对经济的影响。

    Historically , the theoretical school of thought on the major taxes , including classical school , Keynesian , monetarist and supply-side , the schools of economics are discussed from different angles , the nature of taxation , characteristics and impact on the economy .

  15. 到了20世纪70-90年代,由于滞涨的出现,国家干预理论再度被否定,货币主义、理性预期学派和供给学派继续强调经济的自由发展。

    In the 70-90 age of the 20th century for the appearance of " stagnates rises ", the state intervention theory is denied once again , the monetarism , the rational anticipated school of thought and the supplies school of thought continue to emphasize the economical the free development .

  16. 最后将古典的经济增长观纳入供给学派的逻辑框架,重新审视和评价了供给学派的减税建议,并对供给学派的方案在发达国家和发展中国家的适用性作了一个粗略的理论预测。

    Finally , it incorporates the classic theory of economic growth into the logic framework of the Supply School , checks and reviews its proposals for reducing tax from a new viewpoint , and gives a rough theoretical forecast on its applicability in the developed countries and the developing countries .

  17. 让供给经济学派伤心的是,执政联盟计划将种种收入补助计划纳入单一福利,随着受益人收入的增长,慢慢减少对其的补助。

    In a stab at supply-side economics , the coalition plans to fold myriad income support schemes into a single benefit with a slow withdrawal rate as recipients ' incomes rise .