
  • 网络Supply Chain Performance
  1. 基于BSC的建筑供应链绩效评价指标体系&及其应用研究

    Studies on Construction Supply Chain Performance Evaluate Indicator System and Its Application

  2. 基于SCOR模型的供应链绩效评价与衡量指标选取

    Supply Chain Performance Measurement & Metrics Selection Based on SCOR

  3. 基于平衡记分卡和BP神经网络的供应链绩效评价

    Evaluation of SC Performance Based on Balanced Scorecard and BP Neural Network

  4. 基于PETRINET的资金周转周期对供应链绩效影响

    The Influence of Cash Cycle on Performance of Supply Chain Based on Petri Net

  5. C2C模式供应链绩效评价指标体系研究

    A Research on Indicator System of Supply Chain Performance Appraisals in C2C

  6. 运用DEA方法可以从资源利用效率的角度对供应链绩效进行评价。

    We can use DEA to appraise the performance of supply chain in terms of the resource utilization efficiency .

  7. 供应链绩效评价中的BSC方法

    The BSC in the Supply Chain Performance Measurement

  8. 研究表明,适当的销量回扣契约能够改善VMI供应链绩效。

    The results showed that appropriate sales rebate would improve the performance of VMI supply chain .

  9. 基于SCOR模型和平衡记分法的供应链绩效评价体系研究

    Performance evaluation system of Supply Chain Based on SCOR model and balanced scorecard

  10. 在JIT制造理念的基础上,战略外包强调与供应商建立长期合作关系,这对于提高整体供应链绩效极其关键。

    Based on JIT , strategic outsourcing emphasis on the long-term relationship with the supplier . This is critical for improve overall supply chain .

  11. 首先在两阶段合作DEA模型的基础上构建一个基于并联输入阶段合作DEA的综合性的供应链绩效评价模型,应用在当企业以自制与外购的混合决策的比较。

    The paper develops the parallel input stages of DEA cooperative model , for comparing supply chain performance in the firms that use make and buy mixed strategies .

  12. 从财务角度、客户角度、流程角度、发展角度和外部角度等五个方面,全面建立了供应链绩效评价指标体系,并运用层次分析法(AHP)确定了各项指标的权重。

    I build the supply chain performance appraisal indexes system in terms of five aspects including financing , client , procedure , development and exterior , and decide the weight of indexes by AHP .

  13. 最后利用建立的汽车工业供应链绩效评价指标体系和可拓综合评价模型对H汽车公司供应链绩效进行了评价,得出了该供应链的运行状态为优秀,同时指出了供应链中存在的问题。

    At last , performance of H automobile company supply chain was evaluated with the index system and evaluation model built above . The excellent operation status of supply chain is given out , and the existing problems of supply chain are pointed out .

  14. SD-BSC在供应链绩效评价中的应用研究

    Study on the Application of SD-BSC to Supply Chain Performance Evaluation

  15. 其次,在对供应链绩效的相关内容进行研究的基础上,根据供应链绩效评价的特点和原则,分析平衡计分卡(bsc)在供应链绩效评价中的实用性。

    Secondly , based on the research on interrelated contents of performance evaluation of supply chain , the dissertation analyzes the practicability of BSC in performance evaluation of supply chain according to the features and principles of the performance evaluation of supply chain .

  16. 在引入模糊层次分析法(FAHP)的基础上,建立供应链绩效评价指标体系,并运用模糊层次分析法确定各评价指标的权重。

    In order to evaluate the performance of supply chain exactly , this paper applies Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process ( FAHP ) to determine the weights of evaluation indexes based on the establishment of evaluation indexes system of supply chain performance .

  17. 在对传统的绩效评价模型BSC、SCOR等深入研究分析的基础上,提出了SC-BSC-SCOR供应链绩效评价模型,更好地满足了供应链绩效评价指标体系的设计要求;

    Based on the research on the traditional evaluation model of performance measurement ( BSC , SCOR etc. ) , a new evaluation model of SCPM , named SC-BSC-SCOR , is proposed , which will better satisfy the design requirements of Supply Chain Performance Metrics ( SCPMs ) .

  18. 基于模糊层次分析的供应链绩效评价研究

    A Study on Performance Evaluation of Supply Chains on Fuzzy AHP

  19. 这些现象严重影响了创新产品的供应链绩效。

    All these risks badly affect on its supply chain performance .

  20. 面向大批量生产的汽车制造企业供应链绩效评价

    Performance Evaluation for High-Volume Production Automobile Manufacturing Enterprises ' Supply Chain

  21. 基于成熟度模型的建筑供应链绩效评价

    Measuring the Performance of Construction Supply Chain Based on Maturity Model

  22. 用网络层次分析法分析敏捷供应链绩效

    Use ANP-based Method to Analyze the Performance of Agile Supply Chain

  23. 文从系统的视角研究了供应链绩效管理。

    The article studies supply chain performance management from system perspective .

  24. 供应链绩效评价体系与方法的研究

    The Study of System and Means of Supply Chain Performance Appraising

  25. 供应链绩效评估的基准平衡记分卡法

    Standard Balance Scoring Card for Evaluation of Supply Chain Performance

  26. 集成化供应链绩效评价与激励机制研究

    Study on Integrated Supply Chain Performance Evaluation and Incentive Mechanism

  27. 模糊评价方法对绿色供应链绩效的评价

    Study of green supply chain and its performance measurement system

  28. 供应链绩效测量系统的本质与设计

    The Essence and Design of Supply Chain Performance Measurement System

  29. 对精益消费模式下供应链绩效评价的探讨

    The discussion of SCM performance evaluation based on Lean Consumption

  30. 一种供应链绩效评价新方法及其应用

    Method for supply chain performance evaluating and it 's applying