
  1. 基于企业整体模型的供应链信息流研究

    Study on Supply Chain Information-flow Based on Enterprise Integrated Model

  2. 基于智能感官评估的服装供应链信息流反馈系统的研究

    Study on Information Feedback System of Costume Supply Chain Based on Sensory Evaluation

  3. 供应链信息流研究综述

    Review on Information Flow Study of SC

  4. 企业内部供应链信息流集成&上海精艺纺织制品加工厂集成化信息系统的建立

    Info-flow Integration of Enterprise 's Interior Supply Chain & Founding the Integrated Information System in Jingyi Dry Goods Factory of Shanghai

  5. 在分析工程总承包供应链信息流的基础上,做到了减少管道材料管理中的信息沟通障碍和提高信息流通性。

    For the purposes of reducing the communication barriers and improving the information flow , the information flow of general contracting supply chain is analyzes .

  6. EPC系统的提出不仅为供应链上信息流与物流不匹配问题的解决提供了方案,它对供应链也将会产生革命性影响。

    The initiative of EPC presents us a great plan to resolve the problem in SC , it will also have revolutionary impact on SC.

  7. 建筑业供应链的信息流及其管理

    Information Flow and Management in the Construction Supply Chain

  8. 没有各组织单元协同的合作关系,一切对于供应链中信息流、资金流的管理都失去了基础。

    If there are no organizations cooperative relations , all of the supply chain information flow and capital flow management will have no basis .

  9. 通过流程管理带动整个供应链中信息流、资金流和物流的良性运作,以及供应链中的价值增值活动,创造和提高客户价值,降低其价值成本,达到客户价值最大化的目标。

    The flow management drive the information flow , funds and logistics are excellent in the supply chain , create and improve customer 's value , reduce its value cost , reach the goal that customer 's value maximizes .

  10. 供应链中的信息流

    Information Flow in a Supply Chain

  11. 分析了供应链中的信息流,建构了信息流的分散控制、集中控制及综合协调控制三种控制模式;

    Then describes the flow of information in supply chain , establishes the decentralized , centralized and colligated control model of information flow .

  12. 条码技术上的局限性导致供应链中的信息流和物流不能保持匹配,从而影响了供应链运作效率。

    Because of the bar code 's disadvantage , information flow can 't match the physical flow in the supply chain this causes SC 's efficiency very slow .

  13. 分析了现有供应链中的信息流存在的问题及其对供应链的影响,这些问题包括信息延滞、信号失真;

    In this paper , the problems in information flow of the current supply chain and their influence on supply chain are analyzed , including information delay and signal distortion .

  14. 供应链中物流及信息流管理

    Managing Material and Information Flows in Supply Chain

  15. 供应链管理中的信息流网络

    Information Flow Net in Supply Chain Management

  16. 实现供应链上物流、信息流、资金流的有效整合是提高供应链竞争力的关键问题。

    The effective integration of supply chain logistics , information flow , and fund flow is the key point to improve the competitiveness .

  17. 供应链管理就是对信息流、物料流和资金流进行设计、计划和控制以增强竞争力。

    Supply chain management means the design , planning and control of the information flow , material flow and cash flow with a view to strengthening competitiveness .

  18. 本文对供应链管理中的信息流理论进行了探讨,指出了传统链式信息流模式的缺陷,分析了简单的网络式信息流模型的构造;

    In this article , we discuss the theory of information flow in supply chain management , pointing out the flaws of the traditionally linked information flow , analysing the conformation of the simple network model of information flow .

  19. 供应链管理是围绕供应链的物流、信息流以及资金流所展开的一系列计划、组织、协调、指挥和控制的活动。

    Supply Chain Management ( SCM ) is a series of activities of planning , organization , coordination , command and control on the logistics , information flow and capital flow of supply chain .

  20. 第四章敏捷供应链质量信息系统,首先分析了供应链质量信息流的重要性;

    Chapter four is supply chain quality information system , analyze the importance of the quality information flow of the chain at first ;

  21. 信息技术的高速发展,强烈冲击着传统的供应链管理模式,电子商务环境促进了供应链中信息流的改善,使各环节实现信息共享。

    The fast developing information technology strongly lashes the traditional supply chain management model and deeply transforms the supply chain information management . In the environment of E commerce , the information flow has been improved and the information is shared .

  22. 分析了政府采购供应链模式与运作,特别是政府集中采购供应链模式及其信息流、资金流和物流运作,提出利用政府采购中心作为链上信息集成中心来解决政府集中采购供应链的复杂性问题。

    The thesis studies model and operate of government procurement supply chain , especially government concentrate procurement supply chain model and information flow , fund flow , logistics . It puts forward that using government procurement center will be information center , which solves complicated problem of government concentrate procurement .

  23. 牛鞭效应是物流供应链发展中存在的一种普遍现象,它是供应链管理信息流的传递过程中对信息曲解逐级放大的一种表现。

    Bullwhip effect is a common phenomenon occurred in the development of logistic supply chain .

  24. 跨流域调水工程供应链主要是通过建立信息共享机制及良好的协调机制达到供应链物流与信息流的畅通。

    To ensure the fluency of the supply chain 's material stream and information stream , it is necessary to study on share of information mechanism and coordination mechanism .

  25. 外贸企业的供应链管理就是围绕外贸企业供应链的两层平台,利用自身优势,协调好供应链中的信息流、物流和资金流,从而降低成本,形成价值增值,提高竞争力。

    The SCM of foreign trading company is according to the two platforms to make good use of information-flow , logistics and cash flow and achieve the cost reducing , Value-adding and enhance the compete .

  26. 供应链管理的目的主要是通过供应链中各个企业之间的合作和分工,致力于整个供应链上物流、信息流及资金流的合理化和优化,从而提高整个供应链的竞争能力。

    The main purpose of supply chain management is rationalizing and optimizing logistics , information and funds of the whole supply chain through cooperation between the various enterprises in the supply chain , thereby enhancing the competitiveness of the whole supply chain .

  27. 而供应链中影响供应链效率的一个显著的现象就是牛鞭效应(bullwhipeffect),它是指供应链中的信息流在流动过程中由于不确定性因素引发的信息失真现象。

    As a remarkable phenomenon in the supply chain management , the bullwhip effect has enormous impacts on the supply chains . This phenomenon will occur when information is lack of fidelity caused by uncertain factors in the whole supply chain .