
  • 网络Supply Chain Strategy
  1. 服装集团的供应链战略与管理(下)

    Supply Chain Strategy and Management of Garment Group ( 2 );

  2. 从而我们应用四箱战略来帮助企业选择适合的供应链战略。

    We develop a four-box strategy to help companies selecting the supply chain strategy .

  3. 基于BP神经网络的供应链战略伙伴选择研究

    Research on Supply Chain Strategic Partner Selection Based on BP Neural Network

  4. 用EVA指标优化供应链战略管理

    The Optimal Managing with the EVA for the Strategy of Supply Chain

  5. SG公司集成供应链战略实施之研究

    The Research on Strategy of SG Company 's ISCM Execution

  6. IIPC供应链战略成本管理研究

    A Study on Strategic Cost Management for IIPC Supply Chain

  7. 对我国彩电企业供应链战略分析与设计

    Analyzing and designing of supply Chain strategies in our Color-TV enterprises

  8. 基于交易成本的供应链战略伙伴关系量化

    A Research of Supply Chain Strategic Partnership Based on Transaction Cost

  9. 建筑企业供应链战略合作伙伴的选择

    Selecting of Tactic Cooperative Partner of Supply Chain for Construction Enterprise

  10. 供应链战略合作伙伴关系治理结构的研究

    Research on the Governance Structure of Strategic Partnership in Supply Chain

  11. 基于作业成本思想的供应链战略采购研究

    Research on Strategic Purchasing of Supply Chain Based on Activity-based Costing Theory

  12. 基于公理化设计的农业供应链战略设计

    Approach for Agricultural Supply Chain Strategies Based on Axiomatic Design

  13. 供应链战略联盟中的风险因素分析

    Analysis on risk elements in strategic alliance in supply chain

  14. 基于网络化制造的供应链战略能力规划研究

    Strategic Capacity Planning Based on Networked Manufacturing for Supply Chain

  15. 信息共享是实现供应链战略的关键因素。

    Information sharing is the key constituent of supply chain management strategies .

  16. 研究了供应链战略伙伴选择问题。

    The first step of SCM is partner selection .

  17. 以具体协同目标为导向的合作方式,具体协同目标必须与销售、营等供应链战略目标相一致。

    Collaborative objectives aligning supply chain strategies such as sale and management goal .

  18. 不确定环境下的供应链战略决策分析

    Strategy Decision Analysis of Supply-chain in the Uncertain Environment

  19. 基于供应链战略联盟的竞争优势研究

    Analysis on Competitive Advantages Based on Supply-chain Strategic Alliances

  20. 基于精细供应链战略的精细物流模式

    Lean Logistics Mode Based on Lean SC Strategy

  21. 放眼全球,企业应该具备全球供应链战略眼光。

    And 6 . enterprises to possess the strategic foresight of global supply chain .

  22. 供应链战略特性及其构建方法

    Strategic Features and Building Ways of Supply Chains

  23. 论交易成本与供应链战略合作伙伴关系

    Transaction Cost and Strategic Partnership in Supply Chain

  24. 跨国公司供应链战略联盟的决策问题研究

    A Study on Decision Problems of Supply Chain Strategic Alliance of the Transnational Corporation

  25. 建立供应链战略联盟;

    Setting up alliance of supply chains ;

  26. 根据公司年度销售与生产计划制定供应链战略规划。

    Set up supply chain strategy plan according to company annual sales & manufactures plan .

  27. 供应链战略目标可以分解为许多具体的供应链决策目标。

    Supply chain strategic object can be decompose kinds of objects of supply chain decisions .

  28. 绿色供应链战略伙伴关系

    Strategic Partnership of Green Supply Chain

  29. 供应链战略风险研究

    Research on Supply Chain Strategic Risk

  30. 接下来界定供应链战略成本管理的基本概念,特点与方法体系。

    After that , we define the basic concepts and characteristics of supply chain strategic cost management .