
  • 网络supply chain integration;Supply Chain Conformity
  1. 基于Petri网的供应链整合问题研究

    Study on Supply Chain Integration Problem Based on Petri Net

  2. 基于ECR的中国家电业供应链整合模式研究

    Research on the Supply Chain Integration Model of China 's Home-appliance Industry Based on the ECR

  3. 本文通过分析B公司的需求预测及库存控制现状,讨论了基于市场需求的混凝土外加剂需求预测及库存控制方案,提出了供应链整合环境下的库存控制优化需要。

    Based on the analysis for current status of demand forecast and inventory control in company B , this paper remarks the proposals on demand forecast and inventory control according to concrete admixture market and provides the inventory control optimization needs in supply chain integration .

  4. 纺织服装企业供应链整合研究

    The Study on SCM for Integration of Textile and Apparel Enterprise

  5. 供应链整合新技术&联合计划预测、补货

    New Technology for Supply Chain Integration & Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishing

  6. 基于供应链整合的纺织物流外包

    Contracting Out of Textile Logistics Based on Supply Chain Integration

  7. 中国制造业供应链整合的难点分析与对策研究

    The Difficulties and Countermeasures of Supply Chain Integration in Chinese Manufacturing Industry

  8. 中国在全球采购与供应链整合中的作用和策略

    China 's Role and Strategy in the Global Purchasing and Supply Chain Integration

  9. 对于良率的提升和供应链整合的效率都有非常积极的影响。

    It has positive impact on improving deficiencies and integration of supply chain .

  10. 中国汽车行业供应链整合研究

    Supply Chain Integration Research of China Automobile Industry

  11. 并购企业供应链整合的知识管理研究

    A Research into the Knowledge Management of Supply Chain Integration in M & A

  12. 企业供应链整合实证分析

    A proof analysis of enterprise supply chain integration

  13. 基于蛛网模型的生产商与零售商的供应链整合研究

    The Study on Supply China Integration between Manufacturer and Retailer Based on Cobweb Model

  14. 企业横向并购中的供应链整合模型

    Integration of Supply Chains in Horizontal Merger

  15. 基于动态规划的供应链整合

    About an Ideal Combination of the Providing Chains on the Basis of a Dynamic Plan

  16. 发展物流金融强化供应链整合&物流金融系列研讨之一

    Develop Logistics Finance to Strengthen SC Integration

  17. 新疆特色林果产品供应链整合构建研究

    Study on How to Integrate and Establish Supply Chain of Special Forest Fruits in Xinjiang

  18. 车辆路径规划问题广泛存在于生产生活的各个方面,是运输管理和供应链整合的一个重要方面。

    The Vehicle Routing Problem ( VRP ) is exist widely in all aspects of life .

  19. 企业并购的成功与否很大程度上取决于供应链整合的成败。

    Success of enterprise mergers depends very much on the success or failure of supply chain integration .

  20. 再次,对国外成功通信设备制造企业的供应链整合案例做了简要分析;

    After that , it makes a brief analysis on the foreign communications equipment providers ' successful case .

  21. 这个模型包含了供应链整合的要素及其对供应链绩效的作用方向。

    The model contains the elements of supply chain integration and its effect on the direction of supply chain performance .

  22. 期望本文研究能为我国自主品牌零部件企业的供应链整合提供有实际意义的借鉴与启示。

    Hopefully , this thesis could bring meaningful revelation and reference to integration of domestic automobile components industry supply chain .

  23. 大多数零售企业在并购合同签订后,要么忽视必要的供应链整合,要么根本没有能力去实施供应链整合。

    Many retailing enterprises either neglect the importance of integration , or lack the ability to implement supply chain integration .

  24. 本文接着论述了信息技术融合对供应链整合和产业结构升级的重要作用。

    So then this article discusses the importance of information technology integration on supply chain integration and upgrading the industrial structure .

  25. 据前面的分析结果,农超对接供应链整合模式最符合消费者的利益要求。

    According to the analysis results of the front ," Farmer-Supermarket Direct-Purchase " supply chain integration model most consistent with consumer interests .

  26. 内容包括电子商务运营的目标、电子商务营销规划、订单处理、供应链整合规划和网站管理共五部分。

    The content include the goal of E-commerce , the E-commerce marketing , order process , the plan of supply chain conformity and the management of website .

  27. 为了实现港口与物流园区联动发展、促进港口物流供应链整合,本文以供应链为视角,分析了港口与物流园区信息整合问题。

    In order to implement the interaction development between port and Logistics Park , the information integration of port and logistics is analyzed from perspective of supply chain .

  28. 作为一家大型流通企业,如何提高供应链整合和管理能力,稳固供应链链主地位成为急需研究的课题。

    As a large-scale circulation enterprises , how to improve the supply chain integration and management capacity , stable " chain " status become an urgent subject to be studied .

  29. 内部供应链整合模式在不同企业的实际运行中都不尽相同,应根据实际情况制定切实可行的优化整合策略。

    Internal supply chain integration model in the actual operation of different enterprises are different , and it should be based on actual development of practical optimization and integration strategy .

  30. 通过文献归纳整理可以发现,供应链整合的维度划分已经相对成熟,主要包括顾客整合、供应商整合和内部整合三个维度。

    According to the collection and induction of relevant literature , it finds that the dimension division has matured , which includes customer integration , supplier integration and internal integration .