
  • Supply Chain Management;SCM;Supply Chain Management, SCM
  1. 第五章基于供应链管理的B2B电子商务系统的实现。

    Chapter V : Implements the B2B B-Commerce System based on SCM .

  2. ERP软件系统如何与其他先进的管理思想如供应链管理结合并适应中小型企业需求是目前比较受关注的研究问题。

    And how to combine ERP with other advanced management methods such as SCM and make ERP fit to the mid-small enterprises becomes a hot question recently .

  3. 基于WEB的电子商务环境下供应链管理绩效评价

    Supply Chain Performance Management Measurement Based on WEB E-commerce

  4. 首先,本文阐述了Agent的相关理论和技术研究,说明多Agent理论与技术引入敏捷供应链管理的可行性与有效性。

    The feasibility and validity of introducing the theory and technology of multi-agent into ASCM is described .

  5. 基于J2EE技术的企业电子商务供应链管理应用研究

    The J2EE-based Application and Research on Enterprise E-Business Supply Chain Management

  6. 面向供应链管理的ERP

    The ERP facing to the supply chain management

  7. 基于J2EE的制造业供应链管理信息平台的构建

    Building of Manufacture SCM Information Platform Based on J2EE

  8. 用CAS理论分析供应链管理系统

    The Analysis of Supply Chain Management System with CAS Theory

  9. EPC网络在集成化供应链管理中的应用研究

    Application Research of EPC Network in Integrated Supply Chain Management

  10. SCM是供应链管理;

    SCM is Supply Chain Management .

  11. 借鉴ISO9000的管理思想精髓优化供应链管理

    Using the Spirit of ISO9000 Management Ideas to Optimize Supply China Management

  12. 供应链管理(SCM)是对企业外部的供应商进行统一的管理,保证物料供应环节的顺利运转。

    Supply Chain Management ( SCM ) deals with the management of outside companies of the whole supply chain .

  13. 供应商管理库存(vendormanagedinventory,简称VMI)是供应链管理环境下一种新型的库存管理模式,体现了供应链集成化管理的思想,是供应链管理环境下库存控制的一项重要策略。

    Vendor Managed Inventory ( VMI ), as a newly inventory management strategy , highly reflects the integrated SCM concept .

  14. 而商品配送,是TK连锁超市的整个供应链管理中最核心的一个环节。

    Logistics is a most important link in supply chain management of TK chain supermarket .

  15. 供应链管理与EDI技术

    Supply Chain Management and EDI Technology

  16. SCM(供应链管理)和MRP(物料需求计划)都是先进的现代企业管理模式。

    Both SCM ( Supply Chain Management ) and MRP ( Material Requirement Planning ) are advanced management patterns .

  17. 在供应链管理(SCM)和虚拟制造组织(VMO)中,供应商的评价和选择是一个研究的热点;

    Vendors ' Evaluating and Selecting is one studying focus in SCM and VMO .

  18. 进入二十世纪,供应链管理越来越成为学术界研究的一个热门领域,而长鞭效应(bullwhipeffect)正是实施供应链管理中的一个重要障碍。

    Supply Chain Management has become a hotspot for scholars since the 21st century , and Bullwhip Effect is just a crucial obstacle to actualize Supply Chain Management .

  19. 营销管理,渠道管理,物流与供应链管理(3PL),零售等。

    Marketing Management , Channel Management , Logistics and supply chain Management ( 3PL ), Retailing .

  20. 协同商务下基于CPFR的供应链管理研究

    Study on the Supply Chain Management Based on CPFP under the Coordinate Commerce

  21. 另一方面通过对企业业务流程的全面管理降低企业成本。CRM与ERP(企业资源规划)、SCM(供应链管理)一起,已成为现代企业提高竞争力的三大法宝。

    Nowadays , CRM , together with ERP ( enterprise resource planning ) and SCM ( sales channel management ) is the key weapon to enhance modern enterprises , competitiveness .

  22. 根据航运企业与合作伙伴之间的业务流程进行了信息系统分析,建立了航运业发展与合作伙伴开展供应链管理的ERP模式。

    According to business process of shipping enterprise and cooperation colleague , the author analysised the information system , and established the shipping industry supply chain and ERP the system mode whit their partners .

  23. 分析供应链管理环境下流水线装配型企业PPC的特点、重点与难点,给出了相应策略。

    The features , emphasis and difficulty of PPC in pipeline assembly enterprise under SCM are analyzed , and the corresponding strategies are given .

  24. J2EE(Java2enterpriseedition)技术是目前最先进的、主流的企业级电子商务应用技术,利用J2EE技术构建的供应链管理系统是解决企业问题的最好途径。

    J2EE ( Java 2 Enterprise Edition ) technology is the most advanced mainstream enterprise e-commerce application technology . Supply chain management system based on J2EE technology is the best way to solve the problems of chain enterprises .

  25. 随着现代企业信息化建设进程逐步加快,企业上层信息管理系统(如ERP、供应链管理等)对工业控制系统的实时生产信息和资源提出了更高的要求。

    With the development of information construction in a modern enterprise , the strategy information management system in an enterprise , such as ERP or CRM , asks the industrial controlling system with a real time production information and resource .

  26. 知识管理的SECI模型在供应链管理中的应用分析

    Application and Analysis of Knowledge Management Model & SECI in Supply Chain Management

  27. 本文针对航空工业信息化状况,剖析航空工业供应链管理系统特点,提出UML与RUP中用例驱动方法相结合的优化开发模式。

    Aimed at the information situation of Aviation Industry , the paper analyses the characteristics about supply chain management system of Aviation Industry , and put forward an optimized development pattern that UML is directed by Use Case Driven of RUP .

  28. 并行工程结合供应链管理及ERP思想,依托现代信息技术,在产品开发和物料供应等环节整合企业资源,为企业提高市场反应能力和顾客服务水平、增强核心竞争力等方面提供强有力的支持。

    For concurrent engineering combining SCM and ERP thought , relying on the modern information technology and management thought , It offers powerful support for the fact that enterprises improve the reaction ability of the market and customer 's service level , strengthen the key competitiveness .

  29. ERP作为企业管理信息化的关键技术,对企业管理信息化的推进起到了很大的作用,在供应链管理模式下,企业通过内部网并采用ERP管理软件实现信息共享。

    As a key technology of the enterprise management of information technology , has played a large role in promoting the enterprise management of information technology . In the mode of supply chain management , enterprise uses the intranet and ERP management software to share information .

  30. 阐述了PML服务器的运行原理,对其结构和功能进行了分析,设计并开发了PML服务器,大大增加了信息共享的内容,提高了实时性,促进供应链管理的发展。

    The paper describes the principle of a PML ( Physical Markup Language ) server , analyzes the structure and function of the system in detail and designs and develops a prototype PML server .