
  • 网络supply chain planning;supply chain plan;ScP;Supply Chain Planner
  1. 第三部分重点论述了供应链计划协调的一般策略,探讨了目前常用的几种协调机制,如信息协调机制、DRP以及APS。

    The three general strategies of supply chain planning coordination mechanism are specifically discussed in chapter three .

  2. 基于CPFR的供应链计划协调机理及实现

    Decentralized Supply Chain Planning Coordination Mechanism

  3. FDA希望通过实施该试点计划确定拓展安全供应链计划的实用性。

    The goal of the pilot is to allow FDA to determine the practicality of developing a secure supply chain program .

  4. 在案例分析部分以E公司为例,详细阐述其基于建立ERP信息系统的同时论证分析进行业务流程优化的必要性以及方法和步骤,并且选取供应链计划排产业务流程进行持续优化的实例分析。

    In the case of analysis with E company , it describes in detail the information system based on ERP method and steps of the business process optimization , and choosing the supply chain purchasing process analysis examples of continuous optimization .

  5. 最后,提出了一个物流信息平台架构,从WMS、TMS、供应链计划系统和查询系统四个方面进行了具体设计。

    Finally , this paper puts forward a logistics information platform structure , from the WMS , TMS , supply chain planning system and query system on the specific design four aspects .

  6. 供应链计划(SCP)是协调供应链成员的主要管理工具,对于整个供应链密切协作、更好地为客户服务具有重要意义,是供应链管理的核心。

    The Supply Chain Plan ( SCP ) is the main management tool for the coordination of Supply Chain partners . It 's very important to the closer cooperation of partners and better service for customers , and it 's also the core of SCM .

  7. 供应链计划系统的建立有两种思路,一是采用供应链管理系统(SCMS);

    There are two ways to setup a SCP system , one is the application of Supply Chain Management Systems ( SCMS ), and the other is the application of Advanced Planning and Scheduling System ( APS ) .

  8. 面向我国中小企业的全球化供应链计划、组织与控制

    Planning , Organizing and Control of GSC for Middle-small Sized Enterprise

  9. 供应链计划调度的两层次集成模型

    Supply Chain Planning / Scheduling Model of Two Integrated Levels

  10. 分布与不确定环境下的供应链计划优化

    Optimization of Supply Chain Planning under Decentralized and Uncertain Environment

  11. 在此基础上,本文对基于质量控制的供应链计划问题进行了全面的研究,主要内容包括以下两个部分。

    Then this thesis studies the supply chain planning problem .

  12. 供应链计划建模中的博弈方法

    Collaboration Planning Modeling Based on Game Theory for Supply Chain

  13. 不确定环境下两阶段战略供应链计划研究

    Research on the Two-Stage of Strategic Supply Chain Planning under Uncertain Environment

  14. 过程工业供应链计划调度模型及算法的研究进展

    Strategies , models and algorithms of supply chain planning / scheduling in process industries

  15. 面向时间竞争的供应链计划模式

    Supply Chain Planning Mode in Time-Oriented Competition

  16. 考虑不确定性的供应链计划模型

    Supply chain planning model under uncertainty

  17. 描述了在电子商务环境下,使用竞投标方法制定供应链计划的问题。

    The problem of the bid strategy used in supply chain planning under e-commerce environment is described .

  18. 对供应链计划建立了考虑不确定性的战略层模型和运作层模型。

    Considering uncertainty , a model is presented for the strategy and operation planning of the supply chain design .

  19. 并把它应用于供应链计划中企业联盟的企业伙伴挑选与生产能力分配问题。

    Then the algorithm is applied to solve the supply chain planning problems of partner selection and their product capacity in the enterprise alliance .

  20. 第二部分重点论述了供应链计划协调基本模型。

    Secondly , the paper summaries the key elements of SCM and presents a hierarchical matched model to analyze some supply planning and coordination parameters .

  21. 仿真实验表明,该策略能够较好地协调多厂供应链计划,结果明显优于已有的协调方法。

    The simulation experiments showed that the method could better solve the multi-plants supply chain production planning problem and was superior to the existing coordination methods .

  22. 在分析现有供应链计划模式不足的基础上,为实现基于时间竞争的目的,提出了基于预订单思想的计划模式。

    Based on analysis of the insufficient plan modes which are widely used now , a new plan mode , Predict-order mode in supply chain was proposed for Time Competition .

  23. 敏捷制造企业对供应链计划、动态联盟的组成与风险利润分配等多种功能的需要,带来了一系列新的优化问题。

    Agile manufacturing enterprises require ERP with some new optimization problems such as supplying chain planning , dynamic alliance forming , allocation of profit and risk , and so on .

  24. 在协同的商务环境下,供应链计划排程必须从全局规划的角度来整合供应链上所有的资源,以消除企业个体规划所产生的冲突。

    Under the environment of collaborative commerce , supply chain planning must integrate all the resources in a supply chain from the whole layout view , which will eliminate the individual planning conflicts between enterprises .

  25. 分析了过程工业供应链计划调度的内容和特点,并对计划调度模型及其算法的研究现状进行了概述。

    Contents , characteristics , models and algorithms of supply chain planning / scheduling in process industry are described . Due to the characteristics and complexities , some problems can ′ t be handled well at present .

  26. 首先对跨国供应链计划进行了简要介绍,并且讨论了跨国供应链中的不确定因素-市场需求的三种数学描述形式-随机、模糊、模糊随机;

    Firstly , a brief introduction of global supply chain tactical planning is given , and three mathematic description forms of market demand , one of the uncertain factors in global supply chain , stochastic , fuzzy , stochastic fuzzy , are discussed ;

  27. 该系统除具有一般企业资源计划软件的功能外,还能够支持敏捷制造的机遇驱动的运作方式、供应链计划、动态联盟的组成与监控、风险利润分配和联盟解体清算等多种功能。

    In addition to the general functions of ERP , it can support the AM required functions , such as Opportunity Driven operation manner , supply chain planning , formation and control of dynamic alliance , risk and profit allocation and liquidation modes of dynamic alliance .

  28. 一些专家学者的计划模型过于理想化,大量前提假设使模型与实际相差很远,复杂化、繁琐化加上单纯追求低成本/低库存水平,使国内有关供应链计划的模型缺乏实用性。

    The plan models of some scholars are too much idealistic , with large quantity of premise assumptions which make the model far away from reality . Complicate and tedious processes with a goal of simply low cost / low inventory level make such models not adaptable .

  29. 阐述了面向大规模定制的供应链计划的研究意义和特点,在综合考虑供应链计划影响因素基础上,建立了面向大规模定制的供应链计划模型,并通过实例说明了模型的有效性和可行性。

    This paper expatiates the significance and characteristics for research of supply chain plan MC-oriented . Based on the comprehensive consideration for affected factors for supply chain plan , establishes the mathematical model of supply chain plan MC-oriented and explains the validity and feasibility of the model by illustrations .

  30. 无论是企业部门之间的关系或企业与企业之间的业务交流,企业任何形式的合作比如产品设计,供应链计划,预测,物资流动,市场营销等都可能被视为协同操作。

    Either for the relationship between the departments in an enterprise , or the business exchanges amidst enterprises , any form of collaboration ( including product design , supply chain planning , forecast , material flows , marketing , etc. ) may all be regarded as the collaboration operation .