
  • 网络supply chain integration
  1. 基于供应链一体化的客户识别与管理

    Customer Identification and Management under Supply Chain Integration

  2. 在供应链一体化管理发展趋势下,ERP作为现代物流企业管理的重要手段,在物流企业中的运用越来越多,但是企业在实际实施ERP过程中存在着诸多问题。

    With the trend of supply chain integration , ERP system-an important means of managing modern logistics enterprises , is applied more and more in the logistics enterprises .

  3. 供应链一体化环境下的CRM管理

    CRM in Integrated Supply Chain

  4. 供应链一体化的CRM是在SCM基础上进行的,SCM为CRM提供系统集成的基础。

    CRM in integrated supply chain is based on SCM , which provides integrated systems for CRM .

  5. 一对一营销、4R营销、以及供应链一体化等思想都为模型的建立提供了许多有益的启示。

    Some theories , eg. one-to-one marketing , 4Rs marketing and supply chain integration , supply a great deal of inspiration to the construction of model .

  6. 供应链一体化整合民营制造企业的探索

    Application of Supply Chain Integration in None - governmental Manufacturing

  7. 供应链一体化时代的物流管理

    Logistics Management in the Era of Integrated Supply Chain

  8. 集团化制造企业的供应链一体化研究

    Study on Integrated Supply Chain of Manufacturing Corporation Group

  9. 船舶建造工程管理及供应链一体化研究

    Study on Ship Production Management and Supply Chain Integration

  10. 基于供应链一体化的物流敏捷化实现机制研究

    The Mechanism of Integrated Supply Chain-based Logistics Agility

  11. 汽车行业电子商务与供应链一体化集成分析

    An Analysis of the Integration of the Electronic Business with Auto Industry Supply Chain

  12. 供应链一体化下的战略采供关系研究

    Strategic purchasing-supply relationship under supply chain integration

  13. 特大型水上水厂船在三峡工程中的应用船舶建造工程管理及供应链一体化研究

    Oversize Water Supply Ship Serves Construction of TGP Study on Ship Production Management and Supply Chain Integration

  14. 通过建立收入共享模型,分析了双渠道下收入共享契约实现供应链一体化决策机制时的实施条件。

    The dual channel supply chain integration implementation conditions have been studied by establishing revenue sharing model .

  15. 供应链一体化在盐业企业改造中的现实意义

    The Practical Significance of the Integrated Reengineering of Supply Chain in the Reconstruction of Salt Industry Enterprises

  16. 通过全面的物流系统分析,最后对医院药品物流体系构建过程中关于零库存、供应链一体化、管理信息系统功能的延伸以及药品供应中的顾客服务等问题进行了较为系统的探讨。

    At last , several issues about the medicine logistic system in the construction process were discussed systemically .

  17. 目前我国零售商与供应商之间的冲突频发,反映了零售商与供应商之间对立竞争的关系。零售商与供应商之间的冲突影响了双方合作关系,是双方走向供应链一体化的屏障。

    Nowadays the conflict between retailer and supplier breaks out frequently , which suggests the competitive relation between them .

  18. 这三个关键问题就是制约基于供应链一体化的物流敏捷化实现的主要机制。

    They are the main mechanism that restricts the realization of the logistics agility based on the integration of supply chain .

  19. 物流信息系统通过物流供应链一体化和信息化实现了企业物流管理的系统性和集成性。

    Logistics information system realizes the systematization and integration of enterprise logistics management through integration of logistics supply chain and information .

  20. 经济全球化、电子商务和供应链一体化管理理念的发展使中国传统企业受到了强烈冲击,传统的经营模式已经不再足以应对激烈的市场竞争。

    Chinese tradition enterprises have been strongly impacted by the economic globalization , electronic commerce and the supply chain integral management principles .

  21. 随着经济全球化、网络化的发展,越来越多的物流服务商成为供应链一体化的协同者。

    Whether as economic globalization , networking , become being integrated to supply chain more and more logistics facilitator in coordination with person .

  22. 并分析了推动物流全球化的动力是现代信息革命、经济全球化、区域经济一体化、国际供应链一体化以及全球经济的可持续发展要求。

    International supply chain integration and the sustainable development of global economy , the modern information revolution and economic globalization propel logistics globalization .

  23. 但是,实际上由于客户关系管理缺乏供应链一体化的客户识别技术和方法,在实践上产生了不利影响。

    However , for the lack of supply chain integration technology and customer identification method , customer relationship management has a negative impact in practice .

  24. 因此,企业必须从供应链一体化的高度去认识和解决反向物流管理问题。

    Therefore , the enterprise must understand and settle the management issue of the reverse logistics from the perspective on the integration of the supply chain .

  25. 有鉴于此,本文以通过对Y乳业公司来研究供应链一体化模式,是研究具有一定的理论意义和现实意义的。

    In view of this , this paper based on supply chain to dairy company Y model , is studied with certain theoretical and realistic significance .

  26. 并对支持集团化制造企业供应链一体化的两大支撑体系&信息系统和知识管理体系进行了阐述。

    Then the paper analyzes two basic systems - information system and knowledge management system - which are very important to support supply chain integration of MCGs .

  27. 而以互联网技术广泛应用为标志的信息时代的来临,为供应链一体化管理的实施提供了可靠的基础。

    The coming of information technology age , which is marked with Internet widely used , has brought a solid foundation for the supply chain management implementing .

  28. 文中首先阐述了供应商评价在实现供应链一体化的重要性,然后总结了供应商评价的一般步骤,并列举出供应商评价的常用方法。

    This paper described the importance of the supplier evaluation in supply chain integration first , then summarized the general steps of supplier evaluation , and cited some common methods .

  29. 同时,本文还对集团化制造企业供应链一体化的运营前景和进一步的研究进行了展望。

    At the same time , we preview the prospect of supply chain integration , and point out some interesting topics about further research on supply chain integration of MCGs .

  30. 为实现供应链一体化和卖方管理库存,建立了同时考虑供给方的配送费用和客户的库存费用的整体优化模型。

    To implement the integrated supply chain and VMI ( Vendor-managed inventory ), an optimization model was proposed by taking both the delivery expenses and the inventory expenses of customers into account .