
  • 网络supply chain integration;Supply Chain Integrated
  1. 迄今我们已确认的最引人注目的的使用案例之一就是使用Web服务在企业合作伙伴间提供供应链集成。

    One of the most compelling use cases we have identified thus far is that of providing supply chain integration between business partners using web services .

  2. 销售和市场(Salesandmarketing)关注用户关心的(如CRM&客户关系管理),支持,在线服务,供应链集成,后勤,仓储和销售渠道。

    Sales and marketing looks at customer care ( i.e. , CRM & customer relationship management ), support , online services , supply chain integration , logistics , warehouse , and sales channels .

  3. 基于多Agent的维护供应链集成建模分析

    Analysis of maintenance supply chain modeling based on multi-agent technology

  4. 基于多代理和XML的供应链集成体系结构研究

    A Research on the Integrated Framework of a Supply Chain System Based on Multi-agent and XML

  5. 提出了一种基于XML的供应链集成模型。

    A model that can realize the integration of supply chain based on XML is posed .

  6. 文章在分析企业建模技术和多Agent技术的基础上,提出基于多Agent的供应链集成建模方法,并建立了维护供应链中资源Agent的资源协调参考模型,有一定的实践意义。

    The multi-agent based supply chain integrated modeling was introduced , and last the reference model of resource coordination in supply chain was set up .

  7. 基于供应链集成的国家电网公司VMI应用研究

    Study On the Application of the VMI in the State Grid Corp. Based on the Theory of the Supply Chain Integration

  8. 随着供应链集成理论的发展,供应商管理库存(VMI)模式作为一种先进库存管理手段逐渐为业界所认可并采用。

    With the development of the theory of the supply chain integration , VMI has become a kind of advanced inventory management model .

  9. 基于代理的思想,采用WEB和CORBA技术,设计一个通用的逆向供应链集成平台,重点提出了一种Agent通用结构,包括核心层、接口、通讯层三个组成部分。

    This paper designs a general integrated framework of reverse supply chain based on the theory of agency with WEB and CORBA technologies . The agent general structure is presented as an emphasis which consists of kernel level , interface and communication level .

  10. 第二部分主要是介绍本文相关研究领域的研究现状,将分别阐述供应链集成与优化、Petri网在供应链领域的应用等,并分析得出现行研究出现的不足与改进方向。

    The second part mainly contains some related research situation . For example , the situation of study on supply chain integration and optimization , the application of Petri net on supply chain , and analysis the research defects and direction of improvement .

  11. 最后,用仿真方法建立了一个供应链集成化模型,并与分立模型进行了比较。

    Last , build a integrated simulation model of Supply Chain .

  12. 供应链集成的新思路:管理界面集成

    The New Cognition of Supply Chain Integration : Management Interface Integration

  13. 大型煤炭供应链集成决策模型及应用

    Integrated decision model of large-scale coal supply chain and its application

  14. 基于多代理的过程企业供应链集成化系统研究

    Study of integrated supply chain system in process enterprise based on Multi-Agent

  15. 非定常态供应链集成模式&应急物流体分析

    Emergent Situation Logistics Supply Chain Integrated Pattern & ELS ~ 3 Analysis

  16. 基于供应链集成的建筑虚拟企业构建

    Creation of Virtual Constructional Enterprise Based on Supply Chain Integration

  17. 供应链集成环境下的物流管理

    Logistics management based on the integrated environment with supply chains

  18. 供应链集成化动态模型与控制

    Integrative dynamic model and control for supply chain s

  19. 基于社会网络分析的供应链集成度评价

    Measurement of the Integration Level of Supply Chain Based on Social Network Analysis

  20. 供应链集成系统的研究意义与内容

    Meaning and Content of Studying Integrated Supply Chain System

  21. 电子商务的发展对供应链集成的影响

    Impact of E - business on Supply Chain Integration

  22. 基于供应链集成的网络式新产品开发研究

    Study on Network-styled New Product Development Based on the Integration of Supply Chain

  23. 敏捷供应链集成化建模方法

    Research on Integrated Agile Supply Chain Modeling Method

  24. 本章论述了供应链集成的重要性,给出了完善的供应链信息集成技术,其中包括信息传输技术,信息加密保障技术。

    Information transmission and information encryption are included .

  25. 制造业供应链集成模型研究综述

    A Survey on Manufacturing Integrated Supply Chain Modeling

  26. 浅谈供应链集成式信息系统

    Research on Integrated Information System of Supply Chain

  27. 多级递阶的供应链集成设计模型及相关决策问题研究

    An Integrated Design Model for Multi-echelon Hierarchy Supply Chain and Research on Relevant Decisions

  28. 在此基础上,系统地提出以航材供应链集成化管理、航材供应链信息管理、航材供应链流程重组以及航材供应链风险管理等,为主要构成的航材供应链管理体系内容。

    Of air material SC are the main management contents of air material SCM system .

  29. 多目标的供应链集成优化及数值仿真

    Multi-objective optimization and Simulation of supply chain

  30. 文章在该模型的基础上重新构建了供应链集成过程模型。

    Based on the model , this paper reconstructs the supply chain integration process model .