
  • 网络Supply logistics
  1. 基于DEA的企业供应物流系统效率评价的实例分析

    An Empirical Analysis on the Efficiency of Enterprise Supply Logistics Systems Based on DEA

  2. 本论文将RickDove的企业CTRS敏捷性评价模型移植到对敏捷制造企业供应物流系统的研究之中,并针对这几个关键指标提出供应物流系统的定量评价模型。

    The thesis transplants Rick Dove 's enterprise 's agility evaluation method into the supply logistics system evaluation model and set up the quantitative analysis model of every factor in agile manufacturing system 's supply logistics system .

  3. 在阐述汽车零部件供应物流基本模式的基础上,指出我国主流供应物流模式存在的弊端:其次,基于JIT理论研究本文提出汽车零部件供应物流方案。

    On the basis of explaining the basic modes of automobile spare part supply logistics , the text points out the drawbacks existing in the mainstream supply logistics mode of our country . Based on JIT theory , the text proposes one scheme of automobile spare part supply logistics .

  4. 重庆市电力公司供应物流管理研究

    Research on Supply & Logistics Management of Chongqing Electric Power Corporation

  5. 企业供应物流阳光化的环境建设研究

    Study on the Sunlight Environment Construction of the Enterprise Supply Logistics

  6. 钢铁企业内部能源供应物流的优化研究

    Study of Supply Logistics Optimization of Energy Sources inside Steel Enterprise

  7. 大型工程建设项目的供应物流模式选择研究

    How to Select the Supply Logistics Mode in Large-scaled Construction Project

  8. 电子商务改变着传统产业结构的同时,对流通领域中供应物流的定价策略也产生了巨大的影响。

    Electronic commerce has changed the structure of traditional commerce ;

  9. 而稳定高效的供应物流系统是是制造企业生产经营能否实现连续稳定运行的重要保障。

    Supply logistics system is the significant support to the production system .

  10. 现代汽车制造企业供应物流方式的选择分析

    Selection of the Supply Chain Model of Modern Car Manufacturers

  11. 汽车制造企业精益供应物流研究

    Research on the Lean Supply Logistics in Automobile Enterprises

  12. 开滦供应物流应用研究

    A Study on the Application of Kailuan Supply Logistics

  13. 汽车制造业供应物流配送系统规划方法研究

    Study on the Planning Method of Distribution System in Automotive Industry Inbound Logistics

  14. 制造企业供应物流运作模式的构建

    Constitution of Supply Logistics Operating Mode in Manufacture Enterprise

  15. 因此本文重点对煤矿供应物流进行了研究。

    Therefore , this article focuses on the study of coal supply logistics .

  16. 企业供应物流系统效率评价研究

    Research on Enterprise Supply Logistics System Efficiency Evaluation

  17. 中小制造企业供应物流管理的研究与应用

    The Research and Application of Supply Physical Flow Management for Middle & Small Manufacture Enterprise

  18. 将工程建设项目物流管理分为供应物流管理和现场物流管理。

    Logistics management of construction projects is divided into supply logistics management and site logistics management .

  19. 以制造企业为背景,运用数据包络分析方法对制造企业供应物流系统效率评价进行研究。

    This paper uses the Data Envelopment Analysis method on the data of a manufacturing business enterprise .

  20. 对供应物流的关键问题&供应商的主动交付进行了研究。

    The suppliers ' pro-active delivery is the key problem of supply logistics management and is studied .

  21. 因此,本论文运用系统工程理论与方法,对煤炭企业供应物流系统进行分析研究。

    So the thesis analyzes and study on the supply logistics system of thecoal enterprise by system engineering theory .

  22. 最后,对煤矿企业内部供应物流成本控制绩效评价进行研究。

    At last , this paper detailed research on the appraisement of controlling intra-supply logistics cost in coal enterprises .

  23. 论文首先对敏捷制造理论及现代供应物流理论进行了论述。

    At the beginning of the thesis , the agile manufacturing theory and the modern supply logistics theory are illuminated .

  24. 从而推进宁国水泥厂供应物流管理水平的不断提高。

    In this way , it will continuously promote the level of the supply logistics management in Ningguo cement plant .

  25. 同时,利用差距分析法建立了物流系统优化的目标模型;并针对中小型制造企业的供应物流、生产物流和销售物流分别提出了相关的优化策略。

    In this procedure , an objective-model to optimize the logistics system was developed by using the gap analytical method .

  26. 油田供应物流管理的改革与方向&以胜利油田为例对连锁供应模式的探讨

    The Reform and Orientation of Oilfield Materials Management & An Exploration in Chain Supply Pattern as Exemplified by Shengli Oilfield

  27. 企业物流主要分为四大部分:供应物流、生产物流、废弃物流和销售物流。

    Enterprises logistics is mainly divided into four fractions : supplying logistics , manufacturing logistics , rejectamenta logistics and marketing logistics .

  28. 服装生产企业供应物流是现代物流学科在纺织服装业的具体应用。

    The supply logistics of clothing manufacturers are specific applications of disciplines of modern logistics in the textile and garment industry .

  29. 其中,供应物流是连接一级供应商与制造企业之间物料供应的重要活动。

    Supply logistics is the important linkage between the first-tier suppliers and manufactory , as one of the fundamental value-adding activities of manufactory .

  30. 通过理论与实践相结合,对石化企业供应物流信息系统进行了具体设计。

    It also designs specifically the information system of supply logistics in petroleum & chemical enterprise through the combination of theory and practice .