
  • 网络Classical economics;classical economic school
  1. 西方经济学家熊彼特、索洛、缪尔森、奈尔森、阿罗等都对这个问题从不同的角度进行了深入的研究,先后涌现出有关企业创新研究的新古典经济学派、新熊彼特学派、国际创新体系学派等。

    Western economists , such as Schumpeter , Solow , Samuelson , Nelson and Arrow , have all conducted profound researches about it from different perspectives , and they were followed by schools of New Classical Economics , Neoclassical Economics , and International School of Innovation System .

  2. 人口经济学是从古典经济学派的人口经济理论发展而来的。

    Economics of population is form classical economic school 's theory of population and economy .

  3. 古典经济学派人口论

    Classical economic population theory

  4. 企业成长因素的研究从古典经济学派的规模分工理论至今,视角、结论繁多而未统一。

    There are many perspectives and conclusions about enterprise growth factors since Adam Smith 's theory of labor division , but they haven 't reached a consensus yet .

  5. 第二部分对奥地利经济学派和所谓的主流经济学派新古典经济学派做一个系统而本质的比较,从而更好地了解奥地利经济学派。

    The second part systematically compares the Austrian school and neoclassical school of economics , the so-called mainstream economics school , so as to better understand the Austrian school of economics .

  6. 经济增长理论是社会经济发展的一种理论反映,源于斯密和李嘉图为代表的古典经济学派,是二战后在发达国家广泛流行的经济理论,大体经历了三个发展阶段。

    The theory of economic growth is the theoretical reflection of socioeconomic development , which dates back to the classical economic school represented by Adam Smith and David Ricardo , which was popular after World War II .

  7. 古典经济学派及其以前的学者们大多反对国家负债;大危机过后,凯恩斯主义者赞同国家负债甚至主动负债;上世纪70年代的滞涨过后,众多学者对凯恩斯主义进行反思并主张适度负债。

    Most of the classical economic and previous scholars are against the public debt ; but after the " big crisis ", Keynesians endorse public debt even active liability ; after1970s '" stagflation ", a number of scholars reflect Keynesian proposition and stand for moderate liabilities .

  8. 70年代,新古典宏观经济学派提出并论证货币政策无效命题。

    In the 1970s , neo-classic school put forward and demonstrated the monetary policy ineffectiveness proposition .

  9. 新古典宏观经济学派又被大家成为理性预期学派,因为该学派主要依靠理性预期等假设分析宏观经济问题,认为政府不应该干预经济,市场经济自己会恢复平稳运行。

    New classical macroeconomic school was everybody become the rational anticipated school , because the school relies mainly on the rational anticipated etc hypothesis analysis of macroeconomic problems , think the government should not intervene in the economy , market economy will recover smoothly .

  10. 马克思主义分配理论的来源之二是古典经济学的分配思想,马克思在批判资产阶级古典经济学派代表人物魁奈、斯密、李嘉图等人的分配理论的基础上,继承了他们关于分配理论的合理成分。

    The second source is the classical theory of the distribution of economic thought , Marxist criticism of bourgeois classical school of economics in the representative Quesnay , Adam Smith , Ricardo and others , the basis of distribution theory , inherited the reasonable elements of their theory of distribution .