
  • 网络Classic Enterprise
  1. 古典企业理论、委托代理理论、交易成本理论、产权理论、合约理论和专业化协作理论等各自解释了企业的一个部分而没看到整体。

    The classic enterprise theory , the agency by agreement theory , the transaction costs theory , property right , the contract theory and the specialization coordination theory contribute partly to the enterprise theory , but not to the enterprise as a whole .

  2. 对于MBO与古典企业、现代企业以及后现代企业之间关系的研究,有助于深刻理解MBO在企业制度变迁中的积极效应。

    The research on the relationships between MBO and classical , modern and post-modern enterprises is helpful for us to understand more deeply the positive effects of MBO in the institutional reformation of enterprises .

  3. 分工、协作与古典企业理论的再造

    Division of Labor , Cooperation and Rebuilding of the Classical Firm Theory

  4. 论古典企业与现代企业的不同性质

    Differences in the Nature between Traditional Firms and Modern Firms

  5. 在他们的研究中一般把家族企业作为古典企业,认为家族企业由于所有权与经营权合一不存在代理问题。

    In their research , they generally categorize family enterprise to being classical enterprise ;

  6. 古典企业,资本家既是非人力资本投资者,又是企业的经营管理者。

    Classical enterprise , capitalist as inhuman force capital investor , it is also the management of enterprise .

  7. 在古典企业和某些现代股份制企业中,资本雇佣劳动是一个不争的事实。

    In classical enterprises and some modern shared company , it 's a fact that capital employs labor .

  8. 企业组织形式的变迁使公司治理经历了古典企业治理与现代企业治理阶段。

    The change of enterprises ' organization made corporate governance go through classic governance stage and modern governance stage .

  9. 在新古典企业理论中,企业是一种投入产出转换装置。

    But in the neoclassical theory , the firm is basically viewed as a mechanism of converting input into output .

  10. 古典企业向现代企业转化的过程也是企业家人力资本与非人力资本分离的过程。

    The course that classical enterprise transforms to modern enterprise is also the course that entrepreneur manpower capital and inhuman force capital split .

  11. 事实上,古典企业是资本雇佣劳动,现代企业则是共同治理,它们是不同性质的企业契约。

    In fact , traditional firm and modern firm are different in nature , with the former being capi - tal wage labor and the latter common management .

  12. 改制为古典企业,所有权和进入权两者的配置效率和激励效率的增加都是确定的;

    When SOE 's are transformed into the classical firms , both allocative and motivational efficiency , resulted from the reform of both ownership and access will certainly be improved .

  13. 基于简单协作、分工协作以及机器体系的工厂制度等古典企业组织形式内部,在生产过程中会产生专业化知识。

    Inside classical forms of firms , such as factory system based on simple coordination , coordinated division of labor and machinery system , specialized knowledge will emerge in the production process .

  14. 而且,随着企业制度由古典企业制度向现代企业制度的迈进,人力资本在企业价值创造中的作用也日益增强。

    Meanwhile , with the progress of enterprise system from traditional enterprise system to modern enterprise system , human capital has witnessed a steady improvement in its function in the creation of enterprise value .

  15. 但其困境是:同是根源于物质资本的控制权,在古典企业中表现为一种超级权力,而到了现代公司却只剩下防范企业经营者机会主义行为的“投票权”。

    But it face such dilemma that the control rights originate from capital which reveal a super power in classical firm just leave the " vote rights " to avoid the managers'opportunism in modern corporation .

  16. 论述了企业的权力结构、获利能力、规模边界以及企业与市场的替代关系,并给出了古典企业和现代企业的原子模型。

    The power structure , the profit ability and the scale boundary of firms and the substituting relationship between the firm and the market are discussed , and the atom-model of classic and modern firms is proposed .

  17. 在管理制度上,所有权与经营权合一的古典企业制度(家族管理)仍是小企业有效的管理模式,但是,其具体的经营管理方式必须不断创新。

    On the system of management , the classical firm 's institution of integration of ownership and management is still an effective management model for small business , but the specific management pattern should be continuously innovated .

  18. 本文以新古典企业理论下的利润最大化决策基本模型为出发点,环境要素是作为与传统要素并列的新型投入要素进入到基本模型中来的。

    The research begins with the profit-maximizing decision model of the neoclassical firm theory . And the environment comes into the model as a new production factor that is just like the traditional labor and capital factors .

  19. 经理人职业化作为一种社会分工,是在西方国家的企业组织由古典企业向现代化企业的发展过程中确立的。

    The agent professionalize is a kind of social division of labour , establishing in the west the nation of the business enterprise the organization from the classic business enterprise to the modernization the business enterprise of the development process .

  20. 古典企业的融资结构理论包括净收入理论、净经营收入理论和传统理论,三种融资理论都认为负债融资能够增加企业价值。

    The financing structure theories of classical enterprises include the theory of the net income , net business income theory and traditional theory , Three kinds of financing theories think that the financing in debt can increase enterprise 's value .

  21. 综观世界公司治理实践,企业的法律形态经历了由古典企业向现代企业的演变,企业权力结构也经历了两权合一向两权分离的演变。

    Looking at the world of corporate governance practice , the legal forms of enterprises experienced an evolution from classical firms to modern corporations , and the power construction of enterprises experienced an evolution from the consolidation of ownership and control to their separation .

  22. 企业形态经历了家庭-行政性公司-古典企业-现代企业的演变历程,形成以公司等法人企业为主导,辅之以独资企业、合伙企业、行政性的国有企业等多元化的生产经营体系。

    Enterprise goes through an evolutionary transition from household workshop , administrative company , classical venture to its modern version , thus bringing forth a multiple system of production and management dominated by corporations and supplemented by single undertaking , partnership , administrative state-owned enterprise .

  23. 在以独资企业和合伙企业为主要表现的古典企业形态下,交易资源的所有者和控制者同一,行为人商业受贿的意义仅在于剥夺其他交易者公平的交易机会和增加最终消费者的购买价格。

    The wholly foreign-owned enterprises and joint ventures as the main performance of the classical form of enterprise , trade and control of resources to the same owner , the perpetrator commercial bribery significance only to deprive other dealers fair trading opportunities and to increase the purchase price ultimately consumers .

  24. 这时,企业有必要实现由古典家族企业向现代家族企业的转变。

    It is necessary for family business to change from the classical family business to modern family business .

  25. 根据企业控制权的配置的变化我们区分了四种组织形式:古典家族企业、准古典家族企业,准现代家族企业,现代家族企业。

    According to the changes of the control rights , we distinguish four forms of organizations : Classical family business , quasi-classical family business .

  26. 在新兴古典经济学企业制度演进理论的启发下,本文还对中国企业制度演进中的一些现实问题进行了解释。

    With inspiration by the firm evolution theory of new classical economics , this paper provides some explanations on the reality of the firm institution evolution in china .

  27. 古典家族企业的家族性为其主要特征,而现代家族企业的企业性为其主要特征。

    For the classic family business , the family nature is its main feature ; while for the modern family business , the business nature is its main feature .

  28. 第一章介绍了新制度经济学的企业理论,以及制度安排的概念,并思考了新古典经济学企业理论与新制度经济学企业理论的区别对本文论题的启发。

    The first chapter introduces the Firm Theory in New Institutional Economics . It also introduces the definitions of institutional arrangement and considers the elicitations from the Firm Theory .

  29. 现代公司的产权组织模式是节约交易费用的组织创新,具有古典式企业不可比拟的优越性,但现代企业经营权和所有权的分离又带来了代理问题。

    The ownership organizing system of modern enterprises is the organizing innovation of economizing trade expenses , having the incomparable advantage over classical enterprise . However , the separation of ownership and operation in modern enterprise brings about the issue of agency .

  30. 企业的竞争力在不同历史时期、不同背景条件下有着不同的内容。传统或古典经济学家把企业竞争力看成是企业占有基本要素―劳动力、资金和自然禀赋等方面具有的相对优势。

    The competition ability of the business enterprise has the different contents under the period and different background in different history term .