
ɡōnɡ yè qǐ yè
  • industrial enterprise
  1. 投资工业企业的,基本建设项目免收规划谘询费,小城镇建设配套费减半徵收。

    For industrial enterprise investment , the fee of capital construction project planning consultant shall be exempted and a 50 % reduction of auxiliary cost of construction of small towns should be granted .

  2. 本文在分析烟草行业信息化建设现状的基础上阐述了卷烟工业企业应用ERP的必要性;

    Firstly , basing on analyzing present information building situation of cigarette trade this paper relates the essentiality for the cigarette industrial enterprise to apply ERP .

  3. 这个社区的成员非常复杂,尤其是因为这里有许多小型的工业企业。

    The community is very mixed , not least because there are plenty of small industrial enterprises .

  4. 他从一个小工场创业起家,现在成了一个大工业企业的老板。

    He started off with one small factory , and now he 's the head of a huge industrial empire .

  5. 工业企业主要行业经济效益指标II

    Economic efficiency indicators of industrial enterprises I

  6. 本文根据上海市大中型工业企业技术引进的实际情况,借助于新古典增长理论的分析框架,研究了技术贸易和FDI两种主要的技术引进方式的直接效应。

    This paper explores the direct growth effects of ownership and technology imports under the framework of neoclassical economic theory .

  7. 工业企业贯彻实施ISO标准刍议

    On ISO Standard in Industries

  8. 文章利用数据包络分析(DEA)方法,对1998~2003年我国全国及各经济区工业企业的效率水平进行了实证研究。

    Using the DEA method , this article gives an empirical study on the efficiency of Chinese industrial enterprises of various economic regions .

  9. 用DEA方法对怀柔县农业、乡镇企业、国有工业企业进行了分析和诊断;

    Fifthly , the input-output of agriculture , township and village enterprise , state-owned enterprise in Huairou county was analyzed and diagnosed by using DEA .

  10. 我国加入WTO后,使电力工业企业面临的经营环境发生了重大变化,电力工业企业的发展面临着机遇与挑战。

    Since our country has joined WTO , the condition of business which the electric power industry enterprises face has changed significantly . The development of the electric power industry enterprises has opportunity and challenge .

  11. 赛得利成立于2003年,其预期中的首次公开发行(ipo)见证了专注于新兴市场(尤其是中国)的工业企业的快速发展。

    Sateri was founded in 2003 and its expected initial public offering is testimony to the rapid development of industrial companies that focus on emerging markets , in particular China .

  12. 全国大多数大型工业企业内部都建设好了自己的内部网络即Intranet,在此基础上建立一套B/S模式生产监测平台为先进的控制策略以及操作优化有着非常重大的意义。

    Most of industrial enterprises themselves have build Intranet , on which it has great significance to establish a set of supervisory platform for advanced controlling strategy and optimizing operation .

  13. 应用结果表明,在多种控制网络并存的工业企业中,采用OPC技术开发企业内部监控网络是一种很有推广价值的实用方法。

    The results indicate that it is the universal and practical method to adopt OPC technique in internal monitoring network of a modern enterprise which exists several control networks .

  14. TPM管理模式在日本被视为每个企业特别是制造型工业企业的推行的最基础、最实用的管理法宝,在美国、欧洲也被广泛应用。

    It has been considered as the most basic and practical magic weapon for management by every enterprise in Japan , especially manufacturing industrial enterprises .

  15. 本文主要使用的是结构方程模型(SEM)方法和调节多元回归(MMR)方法,采样的范围是进行跨国经营的中国工业企业。

    We use structural equation modeling ( SEM ) and moderated multiple regression ( MMR ) mainly in this paper as methods of analysis . The sample is Chinese industrial enterprises .

  16. 但最近,高达50%的毕业生在其它行业找到第一份工作消费品、制药、媒体、科技和工业企业,以及非政府组织(ngo)和慈善组织。

    But these days up to 50 per cent of graduates find their first job in other sectors consumer goods , pharmaceutical , media , technology and industrial companies , as well as NGOs and charities .

  17. 过去几个月,多名外企高管,包括跨国工业企业通用电气(GE)、西门子(Siemens)和巴斯夫(BASF)的首席执行官,都曾谈到外企在中国所处的更为艰难的运营环境。

    In the past few months , a number of executives , including the chief executives of industrial multinationals General Electric , Siemens and BASF , have made comments on the tougher operating environment for foreign businesses in China .

  18. 尽管以德国电气工程集团西门子(Siemens)为首的一些大型工业企业担心,波及部分地区银行与房产等行业的信贷问题已开始影响制造业等领域,米塔尔仍然发表了这番言论。

    His comments come in spite of concerns by some large industrial companies , led by Siemens , the German electrical engineering group , that the credit problems affecting sectors such as banking and housing in some regions are beginning to have an impact on areas such as manufacturing .

  19. 针对现行的《工业企业厂界噪声测量方法》(GB12349-90)在实际应用存在的一些问题进行分析与探讨,并提出解决这些问题的方法与建议。

    The paper analyses and approaches several problems existed in the actual application of present " Noise Measurement Methods of the Bound of Industrial Enterprises "( GB12349-90 ) , and puts forward the methods and suggestions for resolving these problems .

  20. 工业企业节能政策工具选择模型研究

    Study on the Selecting Model of Industry Enterprises Energy-Saving Policy Tools

  21. 玻璃工业企业对于大气环境及水环境的污染及防治

    Pollution of Atmosphere and Water from Glass Enterprises and the Treatment

  22. 工业企业扩音通信系统工程设计规程

    Specification for engineering design of amplifying communication system in industrial enterprises

  23. 造船、拆船及修船厂船舶工业企业技术创新风险评价研究

    Research on Risk Assessment of Technical Innovation in Shipbuilding Industry Enterprises

  24. 我国汽车工业企业知识产权建设对策研究

    Study on Intellectual Property Right Construction of China 's Automobile Industry

  25. 秦皇岛市工业企业需水量零增长预期分析

    Estimations of Industrial Water Demand and Its Zero Growth in Qinhuangdao

  26. 工业企业建设项目卫生预评价规范的研制

    Regulation study on sanitary pre-assessment for construction terms of industrial enterprises

  27. 安庆市工业企业噪声危害现状调查与分析

    Investigation of Noise Pollution Status of Industrial Enterprise in Anqing City

  28. 河北省工业企业推行工业工程情况的介绍

    Introduction to the Application of IE in Enterprises in Hebei Province

  29. 美国500家大工业企业资本结构实证研究

    Empirical Research on Capital Structure of 500 Industrial Enterprises in USA

  30. 关于工业企业固定资产的分析

    Analysis with regard to the fixed assets of the industrial enterprise