
hōnɡ tái wù jià
  • artificially force up commodity prices;push up prices;whoop up
  • price jacking
  1. 关于布局的问题,应尽力想办法减少运输以提高效率。否则徒加成本来哄抬物价而已。

    For the layout issues , transportation shall be reduced as much as possible to improve efficiency . Otherwise , it just adds costs to push up prices .

  2. 大举贷款,哄抬物价,这些投机行为日渐疯狂。

    A speculative frenzy of borrowing and bidding up is at work .

  3. 姆南加古瓦斥责了哄抬物价的行为,称这给人民带来了苦难。

    Mnangagwa slammed businesses for hiking prices , saying it suffering to the people .

  4. 预计政府还将实施反哄抬物价的价格管制。

    Anti-gouging price controls are also expected .

  5. 报告称,其他受到严惩的行为包括哄抬物价和隐瞒出境史致多人隔离。

    Other behaviors also were punished more heavily , including price gouging and people who lied about their histories when they returned from abroad and thereby caused many others to be quarantined , the report said .

  6. 一间客房的价格,比如莫斯科丽思卡尔顿酒店(924美元)和圣保罗法萨诺酒店(720美元),就可以透露出俄罗斯和巴西商品市场正在全线哄抬物价,同时,这也削弱了其他产业的竞争力。

    The price of a room in Moscow 's Ritz-Carlton ( $ 924 ) and S ? o Paulo 's Fasano hotel ( $ 720 ) are telltale signs that the commodity wealth in Russia and Brazil is bidding up prices across the board , eroding the competitiveness of other industries .