
hǒnɡ hái zi
  • coax a child
  1. 她很会哄孩子。

    She knows how to handle children . ; She has a way with children .

  2. 有件很有意思的事情:我曾与畅销戏仿作品《快给我睡觉》(GotheF-toSleep)一书作者亚当・曼斯巴赫(AdamMansbach)一同参加讨论会。他在讨论中承认,大多数晚上都是他的伴侣哄孩子睡觉。

    Funny : I once sat on a panel with Adam Mansbach , the author of the best-selling parody ' Go the F - to Sleep . ' At one point in the discussion , he conceded that his partner put his child to bed most nights .

  3. 好久都没哄孩子们睡觉了。

    I haven 't put the boys to bed for awhile .

  4. 哄孩子们去睡可不是容易的事。

    It was hard work getting the children off to bed .

  5. 她在我们的房里哄孩子入睡。

    She was putting the baby to sleep in our room .

  6. 他像猴子一样跳来跳去哄孩子不哭。

    He jumped like a monkey to make the baby not cry .

  7. 她以各种游戏哄孩子们。

    She beguiled the children with all kinds of games .

  8. 他哄孩子服下了那难吃的药。

    He coaxed the toddler to take the nasty medicine .

  9. 我去哄孩子们睡觉。

    I 'm gonna get the kids ready for bed .

  10. 为了哄孩子们高兴,他表演了几套戏法。

    He played off some tricks for the amusement of the children .

  11. 母亲通过唱歌来哄孩子入睡。

    The mother lulled the baby to sleep by singing a song .

  12. 用糖果哄孩子们不要闹。

    The children were given candy as a bribe to be good .

  13. 他知道圣诞老人什么的只是哄孩子的

    He knows this Santa stuff is just for kids .

  14. 哄孩子睡觉是我的专长。

    Getting the kids to bed is my department .

  15. 她每天晚上唱歌哄孩子入睡。

    She sang her baby to sleep every night .

  16. 我正哄孩子上床睡觉。

    I 'm putting my kids to bed .

  17. 我刚刚哄孩子睡了。

    I was just putting the baby down .

  18. 舞蹈就像是在哄孩子入梦的母亲,宁静安详。

    The tranquil dance is similar to a mother singing her baby to sleep .

  19. 母亲唱歌哄孩子睡觉。

    The mother sang her baby to sleep .

  20. 我要去哄孩子睡觉了

    I gotta go put my kids to bed

  21. “留着你那铜子吧,刘四不哄孩子玩!”

    " Keep your coppers , fourth Master Liu doesn 't mess around with children !"

  22. 我现在来不了,我在哄孩子们上床睡觉。

    I can 't come now . I 'm just putting the children to bed .

  23. 唱着歌哄孩子入睡。

    Sang the baby to sleep .

  24. 嬷嬷的口气像是在哄孩子了。

    Mammy 's tone became wheedling .

  25. 许多人认为,有些家长用电视来哄孩子,用它来替代社会交往。

    Many believe that parents use TV for babysitting , and as a substitute for social interactions .

  26. 不.没有,你来得刚好,安妮正哄孩子睡觉呢.

    No , no You 're right on time . Anne 's putting the baby to bed .

  27. 晚饭过后,在他们睡之前总统奥巴马还能哄孩子们睡觉。

    Later the president is able to tuck his children into bed before they drift off to sleep .

  28. 许多父母在哄孩子的时候或睡觉之前给孩子喝瓶装的果汁或汽水。

    Many parents give children fruit juice or squash in bottles and beakers to comfort them or before bed .

  29. 正是由于父母们日复一日的利用电视来哄孩子,电视的重要性在孩子们的生活中也得到了提升。

    And as they continue to utilize television day after day , its importance in their children 's lives increases .

  30. 而背面商标上则建议妈妈们“哄孩子上床睡觉,然后坐下来喝一杯‘妈妈果汁’,因为你也累了一天了。”

    The back label advises moms to " tuck your kids into bed , sit down and have a glass of Mommyjuice . "