
jiāng tǔ
  • territory
疆土 [jiāng tǔ]
  • [territory] 指一个国家的领土

  • 疆土新辟。--清. 洪亮吉《治平篇》

疆土[jiāng tǔ]
  1. 大权在握者,比如斯大林和希特勒(Hitler),往往将自己视为无私而孤独的骑士,在佩剑纵马前行时被吸引至敌人的疆土。

    Men of power such as a Stalin or Hitler usually see themselves as selfless , lone knights riding with swords drawn into hostile territory .

  2. 恐怕在这里也是表示疆土不完整。

    I guess it indicates the incomplete territory as well .

  3. 在最近沃顿商学院(WhartonSchool)的一次会议上,阿什比向《财富》杂志(Fortune)畅谈了在太空&这块最后未开拓疆土(FinalFrontier)所需的领导力。

    Ashby talked to fortune about leadership in the final frontier at a recent conference at the Wharton School .

  4. 他的最高理想是建立他称之为englishpodenterprise的企业他计划教中国企业的雇员说英语:比起为分布于中国辽阔疆土上的数千名员工聘请家教,在线教授英语的费用肯定较少。

    His highest hopes are for a venture he calls EnglishPod enterprise - his plan to teach English to employees of Chinese companies : teaching English online will surely cost less than hiring a tutor for thousands of employees spread across the vast expanse of the Middle Kingdom .

  5. 整个国家似乎都在怀念其失去的帝国疆土。

    The whole country seems to yearn for its lost empire .

  6. 中国是一个拥有九百六十万平方公里疆土的国家。

    China is a country with an area of9,600,000 square kilometers .

  7. 疆土边境不能阻止变革。

    Change cannot be held back by frontiers .

  8. 我们是两个疆土辽阔的大国,分处地球的两端。

    We are two great and huge nations on opposite sides of the globe .

  9. 这里是崭新的一代人生活、工作和娱乐的疆土。

    This is a place for the new generation to live , work and play .

  10. 很快北国疆土就会被极夜的寒冷所吞没。

    Soon the northern lands will be locked in the cold of the polar night .

  11. 涵盖大片地域的帝国疆土。

    Empires which extended over large areas .

  12. 而汉朝的分封制度是建立在封建土地所有制基础之上,是剖裂疆土的分封。

    But the Han Dynasty enfeoffs the system is the establishment above the feudalism land ownership foundation .

  13. 两次侵入不列颠,罗马疆土扩展到大西洋;

    He had also invaded Britain twice and expanded the territory of Rome to the Atlanlic ocean .

  14. 军队武力战争和帝国扩张疆土让如今的阿富汗饱受战乱之苦。

    Today , Afghanistan is a war-torn region , battled over by military forces and world-spanning empires .

  15. 中国正在以此扩展基础设施建设的疆土,提出越来越大胆的方案。

    In doing so , China is pushing the boundaries of infrastructure-building , with ever bolder proposals .

  16. 大不列颠和爱尔兰的行使行政,司法和政治功能的疆土分支。

    A territorial division exercising administrative , judicial , and political functions in Great Britain and ireland .

  17. 战国时期,秦王为了保护自己的疆土开始建造长城。

    During the Warring States period , the Qin kingdom began building walls to protect their territory .

  18. 但在行动中,美国烟草公司已经开拓了海外疆土,尤其在发展中国家。

    But when it did , American tobacco companies exploited overseas markets , particularly in the developing world .

  19. 中国悠久的历史、广袤的疆土、好客的习俗,这些都孕育了中餐烹饪的独特艺术。

    Chinas unique culinary art owes itself to the countrys long history , vast territory and hospitable tradition .

  20. 在解决两国存在的争议上,包括在克什米尔分割疆土上的分歧中,取得的成效不是很大。

    Little progress was made in resolving their disputes , including disagreement over the divided territory of Kashmir .

  21. 他的马,没有原因的,进入北部落的疆土。

    His horse , for no reason at all , got into the territory of the northern tribes .

  22. 这种合同交易的极端版本适合描述车臣的情况,俄罗斯所有疆土中最大的麻烦策源地。

    An extreme version of this contract applies to Chechnya , the most troublesome of all Russia 's regions .

  23. 这些强大的国家,依靠自己的军事和经济优势,发动战争以扩大自己的疆土;

    These powerful states , relying on their military and economic advantages , launched wars to expand their territories ;

  24. 比如说,根据为了法国的荣耀或者普鲁士国家疆土扩大所做的贡献来衡量行为。

    for instance , judging actions by their contribution to French glory or the furthering of the Prussian state .

  25. 成吉思汗先带领蒙古在1205年时攻入西夏的疆土并在4年后推翻了西夏。

    Genghis Khan first led the Mongols into Western Xia territory in 1205 and ravaged them four years later .

  26. 就在诺尔曼出生的那一年,横贯加拿大辽阔疆土的第一条铁路完成了。

    The very year of norman 's birth saw completion of the first railroad linking the vast expanse of canada .

  27. 两地产商在各自的疆土上,磨刀霍霍,潜心经营,成为西部地产的擎天两柱。

    Two developers in their respective territory , Sabre-rattling , and began operating as a property across the western two pillars .

  28. 海洋&生命的摇篮,她孕育了人类的文明,是人类赖以生存和持续发展的第二疆土。

    Ocean-the cradle of life-gave birth to the human civilization and is the second territory of human survival and sustainable development .

  29. 新近重新“成熟起来”的特殊的那个,在斯坦福桥这片与众不同的疆土上,还有其他的问题需要处理。

    The newly mellowed special one now has other issues to contend with in the unconventionally austere confines of Stamford bridge .

  30. 1903年与米莉森特·威尔逊结婚。在欧洲渡蜜月期间,他以《汽车杂志》扩张他出版帝国的疆土。

    While honeymooning in Europe after his marriage to Millicent Wilson in1903 , he expanded his publishing empire with Motor Magazine .
