
jiāng jiè
  • boundary;border;frontiers
疆界 [jiāng jiè]
  • (1) [border]∶国界

  • (2) [boundary]∶边界,分界线

疆界[jiāng jiè]
  1. 横跨划分石头森林站立石化的疆界。

    Across the borders that divide forests of stone standing petrified .

  2. 医学的疆界是增进人的健康。

    To promote the health of human is the borders of medicine .

  3. 国王在其王国的疆界之内维持着秩序。

    The king maintained order within the bounds of his realm .

  4. 优秀的法官能够拓展正义的疆界。

    A good judge can extend the boundary of justice .

  5. ATM通过在其网络疆界内的起始点和目的地之间建立虚拟信道和虚拟通路,按需分配带宽。

    ATM allocates bandwidth on demand by constructing virtual channels and virtual paths between source and destination points on the ATM network boundaries .

  6. 董平:穿越梦幻和现实的疆界

    Dong Ping wants to cross the border between dreams and reality

  7. 约翰逊被找来签订一项与土地疆界有关的条约。

    Johnson was called into conclude a treaty regarding land boundaries .

  8. 法国&暹罗定界委员会这疆界没有明确划定。

    Franco-Siamese Delimitation Commission The boundary is not clearly defined .

  9. 守住医学的疆界&关于医学中的科学主义与金钱至上主义

    Defending the Borders of Medicine & On Scientism and Money-oriented in Medicine

  10. 他们想向西拓展美国疆界。

    They wanted to expand the borders of America westward .

  11. 局限在性里,我们不断探求要跨越大海最远的疆界

    Confined to sex , we pressed against the limits of the sea

  12. 中国的战略疆界不会超出其自然疆界。

    China 's stratedic fronteer will not go beyond its natural boundaries .

  13. 它是不明智留下疆界大牧羊犬给它自己的设备。

    It is unwise to leave a Border Collie to its own devices .

  14. 内部疆界不是坚定的在区域的自然地理特点。

    Internal borders are not determined on natural geographical features of the region .

  15. 它需要连接地面把你留在地球的实际疆界中。

    It needs grounding to keep you in the physical confines of Earth .

  16. 色彩,线条的疆界跟密集的不固定形象交错重叠。

    Colors , lines , and unset shapes cross and overlap each other .

  17. 我们扩大了思想和道德领域的疆界。

    Mental and moral horizons have been extended .

  18. 有关那两个国家疆界的争论,由于互相让步而得到了解决。

    The disagreement about the boundary between the two countries was settled by compromise .

  19. 全球化正模糊着国家疆界,削弱国界对投资决策的影响。

    Globalisation is blurring national borders and making them less relevant for investment decisions .

  20. 汉土疆界碑铭文解读&以法律文化的视角

    Interpretation of the " Han-Tu Boundary Stele ": From the Angle of Legal Culture

  21. 这疆界没有明确划定。

    The boundary is not clearly defined .

  22. 电子地图(集)对中国疆界的偏差表达:现实与解决

    Boundary bias representations faced by China in electronic maps ( atlas ): Reality and solution

  23. 但就经济增长而言,这极不可能是最终的疆界。

    But , for growth , this is most unlikely to be the final frontier .

  24. 十分精密、精确、有界限的。这疆界没有明确划定。

    Sharply exact or accurate or delimited .

  25. 社会法的出现,突破了法律部门之间旧有的疆界。

    The rising of social law has already broken the boundary between branches of law .

  26. 而实际上,亲属称谓与社会称谓只存在狭义的概念,而不存在绝对的疆界。

    In fact , both relative appellation and social intercourse appellation are just narrow concept .

  27. 那里,世界并没有被狭隘的疆界切成碎片;

    Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic wall ;

  28. 在很多方面,我们的大胆想象拓宽了可能性的疆界。

    In many ways , our audacity to imagine helps push the boundaries of possibility .

  29. 它一直延伸到整个疆界,长达1000多英里(约1609千米)。

    It also stretched the entire length of the border , more than 1000 miles .

  30. 来自不识疆界的疾病疫情;

    from diseases that know no borders ;
