
  1. 如果我属于他,而他属于我时,什么都不重要。

    Nothing matters if I am yours and you are mine .

  2. 不管是什么都不重要了

    Well , whatever it is , it doesn 't matter ,

  3. 人家说有了礼服什么都不重要。

    They say it 's all downhill after the dress .

  4. 其实,什么都不重要,因为人终有生老病死。

    In fact , nothing counts , and death is coming for us all .

  5. 无论他说什么都不重要。

    Whatever he says is of no importance .

  6. 难道我们做什么都不重要了么?

    It doesn 't matter what we do ?

  7. 汤姆一直坚信,无论你的性取向是什么都不重要,别人用不着在意你这方面。

    Tom believes that it really should not matter what your sexuality is and that no one should care .

  8. 在这个领域,一切都是非常令人兴奋的,你要去哪里,或者做什么都不重要,因为对我来说它是一个新鲜的事物。

    At this stage it 's all exciting ; it doesn 't really matter where we go or what we do , it 's a new thing .

  9. 我没注意这一点因为当时什么都不重要了,我只是呆呆地盯着他的女儿朵拉,为她的美貌出神,嘴里说不出半句话来。

    I did not notice , because nothing mattered at that moment . I just stared stupidly at his daughter Dora , lost in wonder at her beauty , and unable to say anything .

  10. 他说你给他什么从来都不重要。

    He said that everything you gave him never mattered .

  11. 无论你姓什么这都不重要.

    What your last name is it doesn 't matter .

  12. 联合国一位高级公务员做什么最终都不重要,如果各国政府不准备敲定一份协议,那么它们就不会敲定一份协议。

    It doesn 't matter what a senior U.N. civil servant does , ultimately , ' he said . If governments are ' not ready to sign off on an agreement , then they will not sign off on an agreement . '

  13. 曾经发生过什么事已经都不重要了。

    What might have happened is neither here nor there .

  14. 他们说了些什么,那些都不重要。

    Whatever they said , they don 't matter .

  15. 我们做过什么,去过哪里都不重要。

    And at some point , I realized that it didn 't matter what we 'd done or where we 'd gone .

  16. 讨厌你的人都是善妒易怒的人,别去管他们说了什么,无论他们说什么,都不重要。

    The haters are angry , jealous people.What they think or say is ultimately meaningless .

  17. 我是准备要做些什么,比如去上课克利兹,你已经进耶鲁了,现在什么都不重要了——就是,克利兹你这没种的家伙。——

    I 'm going to class . Klitz , you already got into Yale . I mean , it doesn 't matter anymore . -