
  • Cry Wolf;the wolf is coming;The Boy Who Cried Wolf
  1. 只是因为如果你打算再喊“狼来了”

    is because if you 're gonna cry wolf again ,

  2. 如果你经常喊狼来了的话,当你真需要帮助时,人们便不会相信了。

    If you cry wolf too often , people will stop believing that you need help .

  3. 一只白色的小羊羔在四处游玩,就在这时,一只狼来了,捉住了这只羊羔,狼要吃掉这只羊。

    A white lamb2 was playing in the fields3 . At that time , a wolf came4 and caught it . The wolf wanted to eat the lamb .

  4. 一个放羊的孩子在离村子不远的地方放羊。他为了开心寻乐常喊:“狼来了!狼来了!”他的恶作剧有两三次达到了目的。

    A Shepherd-boy , who tended his flock not far from a village , used to amuse himself at times in crying out " Wolf ! Wolf ! " Twice or thrice his trick succeeded .

  5. 伴随着中国加入WTO,电信业开放的步伐不断加快,中国电信运营商如何沉稳、成功应对“狼来了”?

    Along with the process of China entering the WTO , the telecommunication sector varying frequently , how can Chinese telecommunication operators successfully and soberly face the entering of multinational telecommunications ?

  6. “狼来了”的故事最后

    At the end of " the boy who cried wolf "

  7. 所以喊狼来了的人没安好心。

    So any crying wolf now is not in good faith .

  8. 狼来了&美国柑橘强力冲击中国市场

    Wolf Is Coming : American Oranges Launch An Attack to Chinese Market

  9. 公共卫生喊“狼来了”是不是喊得太频繁、太响亮?

    Has public health cried " wolf " too often and too loudly ?

  10. 狼来了的故事,大家都应该听过。

    Wolf story , everyone should be heard .

  11. 对未经证实的作弊行为大喊狼来了,这种做法是错误的。

    Crying wolf about possible cheating is wrong .

  12. “狼来了”他叫了好多次,我们现在不相信了。

    He cried wolf so many times , we don 't trust him now .

  13. 你听过那个“狼来了”的故事吧

    You know the story of " The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf " ?

  14. 我不是在瞎喊“狼来了”!

    I am not crying wolf again .

  15. 迟早有一天,喊狼来了的小孩要说实话的。

    Sooner or later , the little girl who cries wolf is telling the truth .

  16. 对于大多数中国人来说,对于狼来了的故事都十分熟悉。

    Most Chinese people are quite familiar with the story of The three wolves cries .

  17. 我们不是狼来了。

    We 're not just crying wolf .

  18. 对话框在喊狼来了!

    The dialog that cried Wolf !

  19. 嚷嚷着狼来了的男孩说有坏事发生,结果没有。

    The boy who cried wolf said something bad would happen , and it did not .

  20. 现在,他开始研究后,狼来了,作为监护人,他的羊群。

    Now , he began to look upon the wolf as a guardian of his flock .

  21. 狼来了道德故事原型的价值逻辑及其重构

    Value Logic and Its Reconstruction of the Moral Fable " The Shepherd-boy and The Wolf "

  22. “我不想和那个喊狼来了的孩子一样,”她说。

    ' I don 't want to be like the boy who cried wolf , 'she says .

  23. 一天,他想捉弄村民,就大喊:狼来了!

    One day he wants to make fun of the farmers . So he shouts , Wolf !

  24. 《山难》:现代版的狼来了的故事,感人肺腑的情感沟通。

    " Mountain ": a modern version of the story of the wolf is coming , the emotional communication .

  25. 小时候,我总告诉妹妹说狼来了,把她吓得直哭。

    As a boy , I used to intimidate my sister into crying by telling her a wolf was coming .

  26. 乔治索罗斯好多次虚张声势的大叫“狼来了”,但这次他说“狼”真的来了。

    He has cried wolf many times , but this time George Soros says the beast is really upon us .

  27. 日本永远也不会有才能来接收这个世界,所以有些人以为中国的要挟只是另一个狼来了的故事。

    Japan never took over the world , so some people dismiss the Chinese threat as yet another big wolf-cry .

  28. 他说狼来了但其实并没有所以狼真的来时就没有人去救他了

    He said the wolf was there when it wasn 't. So no one helped him when the wolf really came .

  29. 贾斯汀,希望你如愿在偷笑,因为你现在就是那个会叫狼来了的音乐男孩。

    Hope you got your chuckle in , Justin , because you are now officially music 's Boy Who Cried Wolf .

  30. 每个学龄前儿童都知道,如果你总喊狼来了,当这种满口獠牙的犬科动物真的出现时,没人会理你。

    Cry wolf often enough and , as every preschooler learns , you will be ignored when the fanged canine actually turns up .