
  1. 狼图腾》是一部描写蒙古草原狼无畏、积极进取、强烈家族意识和团队精神的小说

    Wolf totem is a novel about wolves intrepidity , initiation , strong sense of kindred and group spirit . 《

  2. 但是瑕不掩瑜,除了些许叙事上的不足与有些平淡的3D效果,无可否认,《狼图腾》仍是阿诺依据故事原型而打造的一部精良之作。

    But despite a few slight narrative flaws and lackluster 3-D imagery , there 's no denying that with Wolf Totem , Annaud has crafted a film upon a truly original premise .

  3. 另一部是法国导演让-雅克·阿诺(Jean-JacquesAnnaud)执导的《狼图腾》。

    and " Wolf Totem , " directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud , a Frenchman .

  4. 《狼图腾》中文化认同的人类学阐释

    An Interpretation of Wolf Totem Cultural Identity from perspective of Anthropology

  5. 狼图腾,还是熊图腾&关于中华祖先图腾的辨析与反思

    On the Discrimination and Reflection about China Ancestors ' Totem

  6. 《野性的呼唤》与《狼图腾》之比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Call of the Wild and Wolf Totem

  7. 有消息称,《狼图腾》在欧洲市场已预售了800万美元。

    It has reportedly pre-sold $ 8 million in the European market .

  8. 从《野性的呼唤》和《狼图腾》看生存法则

    Principles of Survival from The Call of Wild & The Totem of Wolf

  9. 《狼图腾》的思想悖论与信仰缺失

    The Contrary Thoughts in " The Wolf Totem " and the Faith Imperfection

  10. 由此,可以认为《狼图腾》英译本是成功的译作。

    Therefore , Wolf Totem is a successful translation .

  11. 冷静过后重思《狼图腾》&基于三个层面的再阐释

    Rethinking Wolf Totem : reinterpretation from three perspectives

  12. 周铁东认为,《狼图腾》不再是仅限于一个中国故事的定位。

    According to Zhou , Wolf Totem is no longer a narrowly defined Chinese story .

  13. 《狼图腾》是由中国电影集团公司副总裁张强牵头的。

    This project is spearheaded by Zhang Qiang , an executive of China Film Group .

  14. “狼图腾”的崇拜,恰恰从反面映照出了国民的信仰缺失与灵魂空虚。

    Worshiping " wolf totem " reflects the lack of belief and emptiness of soul .

  15. 论《狼图腾》中的强者精神

    On spirit of strongman in Wolf Totem

  16. 于冬认为近期杀青的《狼图腾》就是一个完美的例子。

    Yu says Wolf Totem , which has just wrapped production , is a perfect example .

  17. 另一种宏大:《狼图腾》的叙事模式和叙事策略

    Another Kind of " Greatness ": the Narrative Mode and Narrative Strategies in The Wolf Totem

  18. 《狼图腾》四问

    Four Questions on Wolf Totem

  19. 在《野性的呼唤》和《狼图腾》中,生存原则作为一个重要的主题频繁穿插于故事情节之间。

    Principles of survival are frequently illustrated in The Call of Wild and The Totem of Wolf .

  20. 电影《狼图腾》的主题之一是描述自然与人类文明之间的冲突。

    One of Wolf Totem 's most prominent themes is the contradiction between nature and human civilization .

  21. 原始草原的美丽与哀愁&《狼图腾》的图腾震撼与冲击

    The Beauty and Sadness of Primitive Prairie & The Shake and Shock of " Wolf Totem "

  22. 该公告结束了《狼图腾》和《山河故人》制片方的激烈竞争。

    The announcement ended a fierce competition between the producers of Wolf Totem and Mountains May Depart .

  23. 而《狼图腾》中作者不但爱狼而且敬畏狼。

    While in the Wolf Totem , the author not only loves wolves , but also reveres them .

  24. 也就是说《狼图腾》有两个报送奥斯卡的可能性。

    That is to say , ' Wolf Totem ' has two chances to go to the Oscars .

  25. 然而,《狼图腾》的制片人王为民表示,我们的电影需要真正的狼。

    But Wang Weimin , the producer of Wolf Totem told China Daily that our movie needed real wolves .

  26. 《狼图腾》是一部描写蒙古草原狼无畏、积极进取、强烈家族意识和团队精神的小说。

    Wolf totem is a novel about wolves ' intrepidity , initiation , strong sense of kindred and group spirit .

  27. 不久长篇小说《狼图腾》也加入了这个行列。

    Soon to be added to that list is the translation of a long fiction called " Wolf Totem " .

  28. 本文在充分占有调查资料的基础上,对现代裕固族文化中的狗崇拜现象及其与古代狼图腾崇拜的关系进行了剖析。

    Based on investigations , this paper analyzes dog worship in Yugur culture and its relations with ancient wolf worship .

  29. 然而,《狼图腾》的制片人王为民表示,“我们的电影需要真正的狼。”

    But Wang Weimin , the producer of Wolf Totem told China Daily that " our movie needed real wolves . "

  30. 如果你热爱动物、渴望与大自然亲密接触,那么电影《狼图腾》一定不容错过。

    For moviegoers who are animal lovers and people who yearn for a connection with nature , Wolf Totem is highly recommended .