
  1. 嘿,南吉,这些人有一些关于水獭埃密特的问题。

    Hey , Nangi . These dudes have some questions about Emmitt the otter .

  2. 如你所见,南吉是一只大象,所以她会记得所有事情。

    As you can see , Nangi is an elephant , so she 'll totally remember everything .

  3. 研究了自合成的纳米二氧化硅填充胶料的物理特性、加工性能、动态力学性能,并与南吉沉淀法二氧化硅进行了对比。

    The physical character , processability and dynamic mechanic property of synthetic nanometer SiO2 were investigated and compared with that of precipitated SiO2.Part Three .