
  • 网络South Australia;Nan'ao;Southern Australia
  1. 南澳大学(UniversityofSouthAustralia)的研究人员征集了25名年龄在40岁至70岁的男女受试者参加为期12周的实验。

    Researchers at the University of South Australia recruited 25 men and women ages 40 to 70 for the 12-week study .

  2. CXM公司是澳大利亚资源勘查类公司,在南澳埃尔半岛东海岸拥有多处铁矿权。

    CXM is the Australian resources exploration class company with offices in El peninsula , the east coast of South Australia has the right to multiple iron ore.

  3. 方法以潮州、汕头(包括南澳县)城乡地区为中心随机抽取若干家庭,并以家庭为单位,以3d食物称重记录法进行膳食调查,建立潮汕地区城乡家庭膳食资料数据库;

    Methods The dietary survey was carried out based on 3-day weighed dietary record in the families randomly selected from in Chaozhou and Shantou .

  4. 长乐-南澳带的左旋走滑活动,是由古太平洋板块朝NW斜向俯冲引起的。

    We believe that this was caused by the NW-trending subduction of the paleo-Pacific plate .

  5. 南澳的EYRE半岛位于GAWLER克拉通南部,包含了GAWLER克拉通太古界至中元古界结晶基底的主要部分。

    The Eyre Peninsula , South Australia , makes up the southern part of the Gawler Craton . It contains a major portion of Archean to mid Proterozoic crystalline basement province of the Gawler Craton .

  6. 旅游目的地吸引力及其影响因素研究&以南澳岛为例

    Study on tourism attractiveness of Nan ' ao Island as a destination

  7. 广东南澳风电场风能资源评价

    Appraisal of Wind Power Resource in Guangdong Nanao Wind Farm

  8. 结论我国南澳县是恙虫病疫源地。

    Conclusion The Nanao county is the epidemic area of tsutsugamushi disease .

  9. 南澳旅游开发的几个问题

    Some problems in tourism development of Nan ′ ao Island

  10. 大鹏湾南澳水域氮磷及溶解氧的分析研究

    Nitrogen , phosphorus and dissolved oxygen in Nan'ao waters of Dapeng Bay

  11. 深圳大鹏湾南澳养殖区主要环境因子分布规律的研究

    Distribution of the Main Environmental Factors of Nanao Culture Areas

  12. 南澳岛丘陵土壤特性

    Characteristics of Hilly Soil in Nan ' ao Island

  13. 南澳岛退化草坡的植被恢复研究

    A Study on Vegetation Restoration for the Degenerated Sloping Grassland in Nan'ao Island

  14. 这次地震的震央是在南澳东方十九点六公里处。

    Its epicenter was 19.6 km east of Nanao .

  15. 基于区位条件的南澳海岛旅游发展转型与创新

    Innovation and Reform of Tourism Industry in Nanao Islands Based on Regional Advantages

  16. 广东南澳岛植被恢复过程中的群落动态研究

    Community dynamics during the process of vegetation restoration on Nan'ao island , Guangdong

  17. 到目前为止,南澳是澳大利亚最干燥的州。

    SA is by far the driest Australian state .

  18. 南澳有丰富的自然资源。

    South Australia is rich in natural resources .

  19. 南澳强震区北部断裂活动性与断层气异常的关系

    Relation between fault activity and fault product gas anomaly in North Nanao meizoseismal region

  20. 南澳岛输配电线路盐雾防腐问题的探讨

    Inquisition into Salt - spray Fog Anti - corrosion on Nanao Island Transmission line

  21. 长乐南澳构造带的变形变质作用

    Deformation event and metamorphism of CHANGLE-NANAO tectonic zone

  22. 广东南澳风电发展规划研究探讨

    Study on development planning of wind power generation in Guangdong Nan ' ao County

  23. 1918年南澳地震的破坏强度及震中位置

    To discuss the damage intensity and the epicentral location of Nanao earthquake in 1918

  24. 长乐-南澳韧性剪切带走滑特征探讨

    The strike - slip movement of the changle-nan'ao ductile shear zone , southeastern China

  25. 南澳县水中氟化物的背景值及相关水质指标测定

    Measurement of the Background Water Fluoride and Related Water Quality Indices in Nan'ao County

  26. 广东省南澳岛的生态旅游资源及开发战略

    The Ecological Tourism Resources and Development Strategy in Nan ' ao Island , Guangdong

  27. 吃用龙虾,南澳人视为吉详如意。

    Used to eat lobster , South Australia and Kyrgyzstan are set as well .

  28. 1918年南澳大震烈度异常的原因

    The intensity anomaly of Nanao earthquake in 1918

  29. 长乐&南澳变质带显微构造和岩组特征及应力场分析

    The microstructure and petrofabric features and stress field of Changle - nanao metamorphic belt

  30. 论1918年2月13日南澳地震

    On Nan ' ao earthquake of February 13,1918