
  • 网络southern people weekly;Southern People Weekly Magazine
  1. 《南方人物周刊》封面人物栏目调查与思考

    " title page character " column investigation and ponder of Southern People Weekly Magazine

  2. 而在报道模式上,《南方人物周刊》一般以3&5篇文章完成一个专题。

    In reporting mode , the Southern People Weekly generally 3 - 5 articles to complete a theme .

  3. 《南方人物周刊》创刊于2004年6月14日,从创刊之日起就独具特色。

    Southern People Weekly , founded in the June 14 , 2004 , from the date founded on the unique .

  4. 在描写方式上,《南方人物周刊》采用的是故事化的叙事方式,极大的增强了阅读的美感和趣味性。

    In the way of description , Southern People Weekly used in the story of the narrative approach , greatly enhanced the beauty and fun of reading .

  5. 从选材方面来看,《南方人物周刊》的封面人物报道不仅仅注重选取在某一时段具有代表性的人物,而且在选取人物时注意以新闻性为重要的选取标准。

    From the selection point of view , Southern People Weekly reported that not only focus on the front cover of selected during a certain period of representative figures , but also when attention to the character select news of the importance of the selection criteria .