
láng gǒu
  • wolfhound;wolf dog;German shepherd dog
狼狗 [láng gǒu]
  • [wolfhound; German shepherd dog] 外形似狼的一种优良狗,凶猛而嗅觉灵敏,可充作军犬、警犬、猎犬等

狼狗[láng gǒu]
  1. 而在北达科他州的威利斯,正在收看CNN学生新闻的是一些土狼狗。

    And in Williston , North Dakota , some coyotes are watching CNN STUDENT NEWS .

  2. 他专门驯养体格庞大的狗,便如爱尔兰猎狼狗。

    He specialises in breeding large dogs such as Irish wolrfhounds .

  3. 阿尔萨斯狼狗看上去像狼,并以凶猛闻名。

    Alsatians look like wolves and have a reputation for being fierce .

  4. 感谢上帝你养的可不是丹麦大狼狗。

    Thank God you didn 't have a great dane .

  5. 猎狼狗最初是为了捕狼而豢养的。

    Wolfhounds were originally bred for hunting wolves .

  6. 早于1995年,周春芽便开始绘画他的德国狼狗黑根。

    Zhou Chunya started painting his German wolfhound , Hei Gen , as early as1995 .

  7. 而他的梦中则充满了野兽的影子——狗,狼狗,还有野狼。

    and his dreams were filled with other animals - dogs , half wolves , and wild wolves .

  8. 我喜欢狗,就养三四条看家护院的大狼狗。

    I like dogs , 34 , look after the house on the big German shepherds guarding the hospital .

  9. 在前门栓一只狗(最好是叫声洪亮、凶猛的狼狗)。

    Chain a dog to the front door ( preferably a big , loud , mean , barking dog ) .

  10. 好吗准备好了吗你们可以站起来对站起来大象大象丛林狼狼丛林狼狗猫头鹰鹦鹉鹦鹉

    Okay ? Ready ? You could stand up.Yeah , stand up.Elephant . Elephant.Coyote . Wolf.Coyote . Dog.Owl . A parrot .

  11. 伊利诺斯州的芝加哥,在那里我们可以发现乌诺足球学院高中还有令人生畏的狼狗。

    Up to Chicago , Illinois , it 's where we find the Uno Soccer Academy High School and the fearsome wolves .

  12. 一种大形狗中,象爱尔兰猎狼狗或俄国狼狗,被训练后来捕狼或其他大的野兽。

    Any of various large dogs , such as the Irish wolfhound or the borzoi , trained to hunt wolves or other large game .

  13. 《野性的呼唤》主要叙述一只强壮勇猛的狼狗巴克从人类文明社会回到狼群原始生活的过程。

    The Call of the Wild was about a story that Buck , a strong brave dog , came back to the primitive life from the human civilization .

  14. 叶城家养了一条很凶猛的大狼狗,洪小玲刚来时,它冲洪小玲凶狠地叫着,过了两天,就熟悉了。

    Ye kept a very large and ferocious dog . When Hong came to his house initially , the dog barked at her fiercely . But it became familiar with her after two days .