
  1. 妈妈,谢谢您帮我换尿布和唱歌哄我入睡。

    Thank you , mom , for changing my diaper and singing me to sleep .

  2. 那个抚养我长大,每天问我今天在学校过得如何,带我去看足球比赛,以及在我枕边读故事哄我入睡的爸爸。

    My dad . The man who is raising me , who asks me how school is every day , who takes me to soccer games and reads me stories when I can 't fall asleep at night .

  3. 是您搂着我坐在屋檐下,轻抚着我的疼,哼着儿歌哄我入睡,一对明亮的大眼深情地注视着我,那关切疼爱之情溢于言表。

    I sat in your arms under the eaves , stroking my pain , to coax me to sleep humming a nursery , a pair of bright big eyes watching me with deep feeling , that feeling of concern love .