
huán jìnɡ ɡuǎn lǐ
  • Environmental management;environment management;environment control
  1. 排污收费是国家环境管理的重要经济手段,具有强制性。

    Imposing discharge fee is a compulsorily economic measure in environmental management .

  2. 基于DEA模型的甘肃省经济运行和环境管理效率评价研究

    An Assessment of Economic Operation and Environmental Management Efficiencies Based on DEA Model

  3. 3S技术与水资源环境管理决策支持系统

    S technology and the water resource environment management decision sustain system

  4. 环境管理咨询公司EMSIEngineering客户经理面试题。

    EMSI Engineering ( Account Manager )

  5. 一个集合的KDE环境管理。

    A collection manager for the KDE environment .

  6. 关于石油管道企业HSE管理体系、环境管理体系和职业安全健康管理体系的整合探讨和建议

    Study on the Integration of HSE Management System , Environment Management System and Occupational Safety and Health Management System in Petroleum Pipeline Enterprise

  7. 实施ISO14001,规范企业环境管理

    Implementing ISO 14001 , Promoting Enterprise Environmental Management

  8. 欧盟环境管理与审计计划(EMAS)

    Eu Environmental Management and Audit Scheme ( EMAS )

  9. 第一阶段,建立并实施ISO14001环境管理体系阶段。

    The first stage , the establishment and implementation of ISO14001 environmental management system stage .

  10. 论街道/社区建立ISO14001环境管理体系的程序和特征

    Establishment of ( ISO14001 ) Environmental Management System in Neighborhood and Community : Process and Characteristics

  11. ISO14001是组织建立与实施环境管理体系和开展认证的依据。

    ISO14001 is an organization to establish and implement the environment management system and carry out certification basis .

  12. 通过并严格执行ISO9001质量管理保证体系及ISO14001环境管理体系,确保了公司产品质量稳步提高。

    Obtaining and operating strictly according the certificate of ISO9001 quality system and ISO14001 environment system have ensured the quality of products improved smoothly .

  13. 学院现有两个校办工厂、两个研究所、一个环境管理体系ISO14000认证中心、15个以相关专业为依托的研究实体。

    Now the college has two school-owned factories , two research institutes , an ISO14000 environmental management system authentication center , 15 relevant specialty-based research units .

  14. 这一阶段,组织应建立并实施ISO14001环境管理体系,从形式上符合ISO14001标准的要求。

    This stage , the organization shall establish and implement the ISO14001 environment management system , from the form in accordance with the standard of ISO14001 .

  15. ISO14000是国标化标准组织(ISO)制定的环境管理系列国际标准。获得ISO14000认证已成为打破国际绿色壁垒、进入国际市场的准入证。

    ISO14000 series are a set of environmental management system standards developed by ISO , and the certificate against ISO14001 has been a passport to global market and break-through of'Green Barrier ' .

  16. 在MRO环境管理JIT供应并非简单,因为必须追溯到供应商拿到订单到不适当供货的记录。

    That said , handling JIT supply in an MRO environment is seldom simple , because you must have flows back to the supplier in case something gets ordered which turns out to be unsuitable .

  17. 我国冶金矿山企业ISO14001环境管理体系认证要重视金属矿产资源开发中的环境问题

    SPEED-UP OF RECOGNITION OF ISO 14001 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN CHINESE METALLURGICAL & MINING ENTERPRISES ; High Attention Needs to be Paid to Environmental Issues of Mineral Resources Developing

  18. 根据调查,我国POPs引起的场地污染比较严重,现有的环境管理法律法规、标准和制度政策是POPs污染场地管理的基础,但这种基础还比较薄弱,尚不能完全满足环境无害化管理的要求。

    The existed laws and regulations , systems and policies on environmental management are applicable basis on the management of POPs contaminated sites . however , the basis is still weak , and it cannot accord entirely with the demands of the environmentally sound management .

  19. 建立环境管理制度与促进公众参与。

    Establish the environment management system and encourage the public participation .

  20. 环境管理工具:生命周期清单分析方法

    Environmental Management Tool : Review of Life Cycle Inventory Analysis Methods

  21. 怒江州饮用水源地环境管理对策研究

    Study on Management Measures of Drinking Water Sources in Nujiang District

  22. 环境管理标准系列报道(二)环境管理标准化的发展及美国的态度

    The Development of Environment Management Standardization and the Attitude Of USA

  23. 太湖流域水环境管理信息系统平台研究

    Taihu Lake Basin Water Environmental Management Information System Platform Research

  24. 设计、实施或保持质量、环境管理体系的服务。

    Design , implementation or maintenance quality and environmental management system services .

  25. 第三,要完成环境管理体系策划工作。

    Third , to complete the environmental management system planning .

  26. 生态系统方法及其在生态环境管理中的应用

    The Ecosystem Approach and Its Application in Eco-environment System Management

  27. 建立南极站区环境管理信息系统的初步研究

    Preliminary study on building Antarctic station environmental management information system

  28. 环境管理规范要求通过支撑性文件来补充。

    Environmental management standards through the supporting documents to supplement .

  29. 香格里拉大峡谷旅游区环境管理体系研究

    Research on the Environmental Management System of Shangri-La Grand Canyon Tourism District

  30. 建筑安装施工企业健康环境管理的方法

    The method of healthy and environmental management of architectural erection construction enterprise