
  • 网络environmental property rights
  1. 浅析环境产权与美国经济

    An Analysis to the Environmental Property Rights and American Economy

  2. 环境产权的泛效率源于其自身的模糊性。

    The inexplicit efficiency of environmental property rights roots in its fuzziness .

  3. 环境产权单元化:效率、责任与制度

    Unit Environmental Property Rights : Efficiency , Responsibility and System

  4. 农业环境产权理论与制度研究

    Research on Agricultural Environment Property Rights and Institution

  5. 第三章,基于效率的环境产权分配。

    The Efficient Assignment of Environmental Property Rights .

  6. 环境产权与经济增长

    Relationship between environmental property and economic development

  7. 环境产权问题的博弈分析

    Game Analysis of Environment Proprietary Rights

  8. 以环境产权促进环境经济,规制立体经济,美国很典型。

    It is typical for America to promote environmental economy and regulate stereoeconomy with environmental equity .

  9. 明晰环境产权,计算外部成本,是绿色能源参与市场竞争的前提。

    Clear property right and calculation of external cost are the preconditions for green energy to participate in market competition .

  10. 中国经济发展应摒弃环境产权视角下产权学派的产权观。

    The economic development of China should throw away the concept of equity from the equity school under the control of environment equity .

  11. 这些特点决定了经济增长与经济发展离不开环境产权的界定和支持。

    , as a result of which the economic development and growth depend on the definition and support of the environmental property right .

  12. 接着以环境产权理论为依据,对我国环境产权进行界定与配置,重新设计一个环保产业的运行机制。

    According to the theory of environmental property rights , my paper defines and collocates the environmental property rights and designs a running mechanism newly .

  13. 从环境产权对经济增长内在作用机理上看,私有环境产权因其激励功能,可最大限度地消除外部不经济负效应,对经济有促进作用;公有产权越公,对经济负效应越大。

    Due to its internal and encouraging functions , the environmental property can eliminate the negative effects of the external noneconomics and promote the economic development .

  14. 环境产权是从制度角度界定自然环境和生态环境的权利束。包括物质经济、非物质经济和环境经济在内的“立体经济论”是其存在的理论基础。

    The environmental equity limits the right of natural environment and ecological environment from the angle of system ," Stereoeconomic theory " is the theoretical base complete with material economy , non-material economy and environmental economy .

  15. 并对经济资源进行初始分配,使生态环境产权得到明确,成为可以在市场上自由流通的商品。在此基础上开展生态环境市场交易研究。

    And economic resources for the initial distribution of property rights that are clearly to the ecological environment can become a free flow of goods in the market on the basis of market transactions undertaken ecological research .

  16. 本文通过环境产权单元化可能性与可行性的理论分析,从制度供给和实施的有效性上,探讨了这种制度安排对解决环境产权泛效率的意义。

    Though analyzing the possibility and feasibility of unit environmental property rights , the significance of symmetrical system arrangement to avoid the inexplicit efficiency of environmental property rights is discussed in this dissertation on validity of offering and implementing system .

  17. 结合人口增长压力趋强这一基本国情,我们认为,在逐渐明晰环境产权制度和完善环境市场监督机制的基础上,强调公众参与的环境治理思路是我国环境治理的根本途径和战略目标。

    In consideration with the basic national condition of the pressure of population growth , we insist that public participation , on the basis of transparent environment property rights system and well-performed environment supervising mechanism , is of the fundamental approach and strategic goal of environment management .

  18. 中国环境资源产权制度的法经济学研究

    Law and Economics Study on China 's Property Rights Institution of Environmental Resources

  19. 对水环境资源产权制度创新防治水污染进行了理论分析。

    Property right innovation on aquatic environment preventing from water pollution is analyzed theoretically .

  20. 第三部分,环境审计产权保护本质的内部实现途径。

    The third part , the ways to realize property rights protection theory-to start from the internal environment .

  21. 金融生态环境、产权性质与负债的治理效应

    Financial Ecological Environment , the Ownership Nature of the Ultimate Controller , the Governance Effect of Financing Debts

  22. 本文通过分析资本市场的环境和产权交易,总结出我国上市公司在产权结构、企业治理、股权结构等方面的不完善的地方。

    It analyzes the transaction of property right of merger and the environment of capital market of our country and summarizes the imperfections in our listed company .

  23. 在审视已有的制度变迁的现状的同时,本文提出营造有效的市场竞争环境、产权制度改革以及产业管制重建是今后中国电信业制度变迁的路径选择。

    Creating effective market competition environment , reforming property right system and rebuilding industrial management and supervision are the path choice of institutional evolution for China telecom sector .

  24. 农村可持续发展下的环境资源产权界定区别于一般的产权界定,具有特殊性。

    There exist some particularities in the definition of property rights to environmental resources on the issue of sustainable Rural Development compared with the general definition of property rights .

  25. 使环境权产权化、市场化,利用经济规律引导调控人们的行为,是实现上述目标的有效途径,也是实现环境权的科学选择。

    The effective way of realizing the aforesaid goal is to define the environmental right as property right , to realize mercerization and utilize economic law to adjust and control human 's behavior .

  26. 如果环境质量产权为污染源附近的居民所有,他们通过与厂商的谈判达成一定的协议,可以维护自己的社会福利,但实际操作中存在一定的困难。

    If environment quality property belongs to inhabitants nearby , they have some agreement with firms through negotiation , so that they can protect their social warfare , but there are some difficulties in practice .

  27. 但技术创新需要产权制度的保护,只有对环境容量产权明晰,才能导致市场形成价格,从而诱发技术创新。

    But the technique innovation needs the property rights protection . Only when the property rights of environment capacity have defined clear , cause the market and format the price , from but make the technique innovation happen .

  28. 本文从分析环境资源产权的特殊性入手,对于产权弱化、产权分割、创建新产权和自愿合作基础上认知产权调整等负外部性内部化理论进行了分析。

    Analysis is made on internality of negative externality such as weaken property right , separate ownership , create new ownership and knowledge ownership adjustment based on voluntary cooperation , from the special feature of ownership of environment resources .

  29. 由于我国经济转型期的环境约束和产权约束,MBO的实践效应受到了制约与阻碍,从而使我国MBO的运行陷人困境。

    Owing to the constraints of both environment and property rights during China 's transformation of economy , the practical effects of MBO have been restrained or baffled , and the MBO operation in China is in a dilemma .

  30. 论网络环境中知识产权法的法律效力

    The Law Effect on the Intellectual Property Rights under the Internet