
  1. 从制度创新理论分析集体土地流转问题

    Transferences of collective land from the theory of institutional innovation

  2. 农村集体土地流转的政策建议

    The policy suggestion of collective land circulation in Countryside

  3. 农村集体土地流转中的法律保障机制研究

    Legal Protection Mechanism in Rural Collective Land Circulation

  4. 集体土地流转制度改革成为广泛关注的问题。

    Therefore , the reform of collective land transfer system has become a widespread problem .

  5. 农村集体土地流转研究

    Study on Rural Collective Land Conversion

  6. 扬州市邗江区农村集体土地流转调查与探讨

    Investigation and Discussion on the Mechanism of Rural Collective Land Conversion in Hanjiang District of Yangzhou City

  7. 农村集体土地流转是深化农村土地制度改革的重要方向。

    Transfer of land-use rights is a important part of deepening the reform of rural area land system .

  8. 城乡经济一体化中集体土地流转问题研究

    Study on land transaction of peasant collective ownership during the concerted . development of urban and rural economy

  9. 最后,提出加快西部地区农村集体土地流转的一系列对策。

    The paper also puts forward a series of countermeasures for quickening the rural land shift in west China .

  10. 因此,有步骤的推进农村集体土地流转,发展规模经营成为土地制度改革的核心。

    Therefore , promoting rural collective land circulation and developing agricultural scale management gradually are the cores of rural land reform .

  11. 针对我国现行的农村集体土地流转法律制度中的一些问题,提出了一些完善法律制度的改革方案。

    In view of the current legal system of rural collective land transfer some of the problems , made some sound legal system reform .

  12. 确立农村集体土地流转的基本原则:农村集体土地的合理流转应在登记原则,公平、公正、公开原则和自愿有偿的原则上进行。

    Establish the basic principles of rural collective Land conversion , which are registering , fair , just , public , voluntary and paid principle .

  13. 项目开发中集体土地流转模式之法律分析&以成都市农村土地流转制度改革为视角

    Legal Analyze on Conversion Mode of Collective Land of Project Development & From the perspective of the system reform of farming land transaction of Chengdu city

  14. 因此,与时俱进,对集体土地流转问题进行研究,便成为本文的选题初衷。

    So go with the tide of development , it turns to be the original intention of this article to researching on the transferring of collective land .

  15. 研究选择了曾作过农村集体土地流转评估的某评估机构的实际业务资料为方法分析依据,阐述了目前针对农用地现有评估方法的局限性和克服局限性的思路。

    The core of this dissertation is the positive research about agricultural land appraisal methods , the analytic basis is some real data , which comes from an evaluation institution .

  16. 农村集体土地流转在上海以及整个东部沿海地区已经十分普遍,这是农村城市化与工业化进程中对非农建设土地需求急剧上升的结果。

    Since rural urbanization and industry development induce a hot demand for rural collective construction land , the land flows are increasing rapidly in Shanghai and other eastern area of China .

  17. 如何正确引导农村集体土地流转、优化土地资源配置,已成为现阶段农村工作中亟待解决的一项重要课题。

    How the governments at all levels correctly guide the rural collective land conversion and optimize the land resource distribution , becomes an urgently important subject in rural work at present .

  18. 提出建立供给制约和需求引导相结合的供地机制和集体土地流转的准市场机制,培育城镇土地市场;

    Establishing a mechanism of supply restriction and demand guide of land and a sub-market function of group 's land transfer , and cultivating new land market are suggested in the paper .

  19. 因此,本文探讨通过建立集体土地流转市场以及与之有关的市场监督激励机制,促进土地流转,提高经济绩效,实现农业稳步发展。

    Therefore , the effective way to improve economic performance and realize agricultural development through the land circulation is to establish collective land circulation market and the relevant market supervision and incentive mechanism .

  20. 对农村集体土地流转的政策提出如下建议:建立以集体所有权为主,其他所有制形式为补充的新型土地所有制关系;

    Several suggestions on the policy of collective land circulation in the countryside are given as follow : set up the new land possession system dominated by collectivity possession and secondly by other possession forms ;

  21. 集体土地流转已经从东部沿海发达地区向内地不断扩展,目前全国各地都已十分普遍,这是农村城市化与工业化进程中对非农建设土地需求急剧上升的结果。

    Collective land transfer has been very common in the eastern coastal region , which is the result of the sharp rise in demand for non-agricultural construction land in the rural urbanization and industrialization process .

  22. 在此基础之上,本文以国家征地制度和农村集体土地流转为例,分析了国家和农民为了争夺农村土地发展权而引发的矛盾。

    Then the paper analyses the contradiction between the State and the peasant for the rural land development right with the examples of the China 's system of land expropriation and the circulation of the rural collective land .

  23. 摘要分析研究了重庆市荣昌县的农村集体土地流转的基本形式,根据农用地等级的高低由土地的区位条件和收益决定的基本原理,把荣昌县农村集体土地划分为4个等级。

    Analyzed the form of rural collective land conversion in Rongchang of chongqing , based on the theory that the grade of rural collective land depend on the location and income , and then divide rural collective land into four grades .

  24. 但流转中暴露的问题也越来越突出,究其根源,我们认为集体土地流转存在的诸多问题关键在于有关集体土地流转的法律不健全以及农村土地产权的制度建设滞后上。

    The problems exposed in the flow of more and more prominent , and its root , we believe that the key to many problems of collective land transfer is the collective land transfer law is not perfect and rural land property rights on the system lags behind .

  25. 集体土地不良流转问题初探

    On the Ill Transfer of Collectively - owned Land

  26. 我国城市郊区集体土地非法流转产生的原因及对策研究

    Research on Our Suburban Collective Land Illegal Transition

  27. 现阶段,我国城市郊区集体土地非法流转有愈演愈烈之势,这明显与我国土地政策法规相悖。

    At present , suburban collective land illegal transition has become a simple phenomenon in our country , which is opposite with our laws .

  28. 征地制度作为我国集体土地单向流转进入土地市场的唯一手段业已成为国家与社会关注的焦点。

    As the only means our collective land enters into the land market , land expropriation has been the focus of attention of our society .

  29. 城乡结合部集体土地非法流转现象的产生,其原因是多方面的,既包括体制因素、利益集团因素,也包括管理因素。

    Peri-urban phenomenon of the collective land of illegal transfer of the production , which for many reasons , both institutional factors , interest groups of factors , including management factors .

  30. 其次,着重于完善集体土地的流转制度,规范集体土地流转市场,严格执行按照用途区分对待的土地登记制度。

    Second , we should focus on improving the circulation system of collective land , regulate collective land transfer market , strictly in accordance with the purposes of land registration system treated differently .