
  • 网络Farmland Development Rights;right of agricultural land development
  1. 基于主体功能分区的农地发展权补偿研究

    Study on Compensation of Farmland Development Rights Based on Main Functional Zoning

  2. 农地发展权价格研究

    Study on the Price of Farmland Development Rights

  3. 农地发展权定价则是农地发展权发挥作用的基础。

    The pricing is the basis of full use development right .

  4. 辩证地看待微创外科农地发展权探微

    The Thoughs in the Minimally Invasive Surgery Development Right to the Agricultural Land

  5. 试析农地发展权的归属问题

    An Analysis of Ascription of Farmland Development Rights

  6. 农地发展权之法律建构&以私权为研究视点

    Law of Construction Farmland Right to Development & From the Angle of Private Power

  7. 其中重点探讨了基于所有权归属的农地发展权归属问题。

    Based on the ownership attribution , it focuses on the attribution of farmland development right .

  8. 农地发展权探微

    Development Right to the Agricultural Land

  9. 博弈视角下的我国农地发展权归属的历史演变分析

    Analysis on the Evolvement Pattern of Distribution of Farmland Development Rights in China with Game Theory

  10. 因此,修改现行《土地管理法》,确立农地发展权已迫在眉睫。

    Therefore , we must modify current Land Administrative Law and confirm right of agricultural development imminently .

  11. 中国农地发展权制度构建及预期社会经济效用

    Discussion on Building the System of China 's Agricultural Land Development Right and Its Expected Socio-Economic Effect

  12. 而农地发展权的设置,是我们解决上述问题的关键。

    With the Farmland Development Right being introduced , we already had the key to solve the problem .

  13. 其创设的主要目的在于保护农用地,保护自然资源,保护生态环境,因而常被称为农地发展权。

    Its primary purpose of setting-up land development right is to protect farming-land , protect natural resource and entironment .

  14. 论基于小产权房市场的农地发展权的缺失

    Discussion on the Deficiency of Agricultural Land Development Right Based on the " the Small Property Rights " Housing Market

  15. 基于国内外已有的研究阐述了农地发展权和土地征收补偿的内涵、特征。

    In this chapter , I state the significance and features of farmland development right and land acquisition compensation based on the domestic and international studies .

  16. 在此基础上,从地租地价理论、区位理论和法理基础上分析了农地发展权价格的相关理论基础。

    After that , this paper analyzes the related theory of farmland development rights price , including land rent theory , location theory and legal basis .

  17. 结合西方发达国家农地发展权归属的情况,利用微观经济学的供给&需求理论分析了我国农地发展权的归属。

    According to the ownership of farmland development rights in western counties , the thesis analyzes the ownership of farmland development rights by the demand-support theory of microeconomics .

  18. 文章通过现行的土地法律制度和政策,分析了我国农地发展权缺失的表现、后果及原因,并探讨了建构的思路。

    In this paper , author analyze reasons and consequences for the missing in the existing system of land law and policy , and explore the construct of thought .

  19. 研究结果:耕地产权体系包含耕地的生产收益权、生存保障权、农地发展权、粮食安全权和生态安全权,各权利价值在不同的社会经济条件下有不同体现;

    The results show that the tenure system of cultivated land includes production profitability right , livelihood guarantee right , farmland development right , food security right and ecological security right .

  20. 在农村土地集体所有的条件下,提出应通过建立农地发展权制度来保障农民在征地实施过程中的决策权。

    Under the collective ownership of the rural lands , this paper deems that we should protect the decision making power of the peasants via establishing a development right of agricultural land .

  21. 因此,应明确耕地资源保护立法的价值,调整耕地保护法律关系,构建完整的法律制度体系,逐步建立并完善农地发展权制度。

    For this reason we should clarify the value of farmland protection legislation , regulate legal position of farmland protection , build full legal system , set up and improve farmland development right system .

  22. 从产权平等的角度分析了征地制度中引入市场机制的重要性以及建立所有权市场的可能性,提出了增设农地发展权的观点;

    Based on even chance of property right , introducing the market mechanism and ownership market into land expropriation system , the paper raises the viewpoint of setting up the farmland 's development right .

  23. 建立农地发展权,赋予两种公有土地所有权主体平等的民事地位,赋予两种土地所有权平等的财产权能,也不失为一种途径和方式。

    It is a sensible means to establish farm land developing rights and give equal rights to the legal entities in terms of two types of public lands and their legal ownership for the lands .

  24. 总结了文章的主要结论,并据此对农地发展权与征地补偿提出相关政策建议,并对论文存在的不足之处及未来展望进行讨论。

    Relative Suggestions is given to farmland development right and requisition compensation according to the conclusion of this thesis . And in the end , the deficiency exists in the thesis and future prospects are discussed .

  25. 目前我国学术界对农地发展权制度的研究仍然处于起步阶段,许多基本问题在理论上还没有解决。

    So we . At present , the researches of the system of farmland development rights in academic circles of our country still are at the starting stage , even if many fundamental issues in theory have not been solved .

  26. 本文研究的农地发展权即在此基础上为合理处分农地开发的增值利益和保障农民生存、发展的权利而提出的。

    According to the basis , the right of agricultural land development which this thesis studies is put forward in order to dispose of the increment benefit of cultivated land exploitation and safeguard the living and development right of farmers rationally .

  27. 分析农地发展权的价格形成机理,确定农地发展权的估价方法,并对所选案例进行实证研究。第六章:农地发展权流转市场培育及实施途径。

    It analyzes the price forming mechanism of the farmland development right , decides the estimate method of the farmland development right , and then researches the chosen case . Sixth , nurturing the transformation market of farmland development right and the implementation methods .

  28. 第四章研究农地所有权和农地发展权体系,当前我国农地所有权流转的唯一途径是国家对农地的征用制度,因此研究农地的征用和补偿制度是非常重要的问题。

    Chapter four studies farmland ownership and development right system , presently China 's farmland expropriation is the only way of market transference of farmland ownership rights , so it 's necessary to study the expropriation and compensation systems .

  29. 第三章和第四章则分别研究农地承包经营权体系、农地所有权和发展权体系。

    Chapter three and four focus on farmland contract-management right systems , ownership right and development right systems respectively .

  30. 针对我国农地非农化及耕地保护工作中存在的问题,国内学者借鉴国外相关先进经验,引入农地发展权,并做出了大量研究,试图解决我国农地保护中存在的问题。

    To resolve these problems in non-agricultural process and farmland protection work , domestic scholars learned from foreign advanced experience and introduced farmland development rights .