
nónɡ cūn ɡōnɡ yè
  • rural industry
  1. 重庆市农村工业发展水平与产业取向研究

    A research into Chongqing 's rural industry development and its industry orientation

  2. 三峡库区农村工业发展模式研究

    Studies on Developmental Mode of Rural Industry in Three Gorges Reservoir Area

  3. 适应性分析主要从财政扶持与WTO协议、与农民增收、与农村工业发展、与农村经济发展四个角度来研究。

    Analysis of the adaptability is carried out in four aspects , the WTO agreement , increasing the farmers ' income , rural industrial development and rural economic development .

  4. 农村工业起步晚,基础差,不平衡;

    Late start of rural work , poor foundation and imbalance ;

  5. 河南农村工业产业结构省际比较

    Provincial Comparison of the Industrial Structure of Rural Industry in Henan

  6. 农村工业产业结构特征及优化对策

    The Study of Optimizing Countermeasure for the Village Industrial Domain Structural Feature

  7. 影响农村工业聚集的因素及实证分析

    Effect Factors of Chinese Rural Industry Agglomeration and Positive Analysis

  8. 日本农村工业与泉州乡镇企业比较研究

    A Comparative study on rural industry between Japan and Quanzhou

  9. 中国农业与农村工业关系的研究

    Study on relationship between agriculture and rural industry in China

  10. 准晶的结构与性能研究的意义与进展农村工业产业结构的调整与可持续发展

    Countryside Industry Property Structure Adjusting and Lasting Development Research

  11. 外部经济与农村工业集聚区的形成与发展

    External Economies and the Development of Rural Industry Agglomeration

  12. 农村工业发展与环境保护的经济分析

    Economic Analysis between Rural Industrial Development and Environmental Protection

  13. 新中国农村工业变迁:实践与理论

    Changes in Chinese Rural Industry : Practice and Theory

  14. 河南农村工业的空间变化分析

    A Spatial Analysis of Rural Industrialization in Henan Province

  15. 70年代后期,农村工业异军突起,乡镇企业蓬勃发展。

    Late 70s , the sudden emergence of rural industry and township enterprises flourish .

  16. 农村工业集聚区是农村工业集聚发展的载体。

    The rural industry agglomeration is the carrier of the development of rural industry .

  17. 因此,让我再重申一遍,恢复农村工业是根本的措施。

    Therefore , industrial recovery , let me repeat once more , is essential .

  18. 发展农村工业,壮大民营经济,加快山区县域经济的发展;

    Develop the rural industry , boost private economy , speed up the county economy .

  19. 农村工业集聚区中的技术创新

    Technology Innovation of Rural Industry Agglomeration District

  20. 农村工业发展落后是西部地区经济发展滞后的重要原因。

    The major cause of economic backwardness in Western China is backwardness of rural industries .

  21. 关于农村工业废水污染防治的法律思考

    Legal Consideration of the Control of the Pollution from Industry Waste - water in Rural

  22. 发展非农产业,提升农村工业的发展水平。

    To develope the non-agricultural industries to enhance the level of development of rural industries .

  23. 总体来讲,乡镇企业工业品的生产无法超越城市企业,农村工业企业将也无法得到现代金融业的支持。

    Generally speaking , the products from rural industry cannot compete with those from urban enterprises .

  24. 中国的农村工业直到1970年代末才进入一个相对稳定的发展时期,此后的20多年里,国内学者对农村工业研究的重点是:第一,发展农村工业的目的、意义和作用何在。

    The rural industry in china came into a rapid developing period till later 1970s ' .

  25. 然而,进入20世纪90年代中期以后,农村工业的整体发展趋缓,并呈现出集聚与消散两种状况。

    After the mid-terra in nineties of the 20th century , the rural industry made slowly progress ;

  26. 试论战前日本农村工业的发展&战前农村工业调查资料分析

    On the Development of Pre-war Japanese Agricultural Industry : Analysis of the Investigation Data Concerning Agricultural Industry

  27. 目前,农村工业增长减缓,其中一个重要的原因在于其分散性布局。

    At present , the rural industrial growth slowed down , one of the important reasons are its scattered layout .

  28. 论文指出农村工业系统环境系统的主要组成要素为制度、市场和其他经济条件。

    The paper points out that the environment of rural industry system mainly included systems , market and economic conditions .

  29. 小城镇市场是小城镇及广大农村工业品及农产品流通的主渠道,小城镇市场的培育和发展有利于完善我国市场体系网络,促进全国统一、开放的市场体系的形成;

    Small town market is the main way for industrial and agricultural goods flow in small towns and rural areas .

  30. 这一部分的研究揭示了农村工业集聚区内区域创新环境的特点和演化过程。

    The study of this part proves the feature and changing course of regional innovation milieu of rural industry agglomeration district .