
  1. He'sstudiedintheUSandhasagoodcommandofEnglish.他在美国读过书,英语很好。钟先生说农夫山泉的重大突破是在1999年,他宣布公司不再销售纯净水,而是专注于矿泉水,因为前者对于人体没有益处。

    Mr. Zhong said Nongfu Spring 's major breakthrough came in 1999 when he announced the company would stop selling purified water to focus on mineral water as the former offered no health benefits .

  2. 钟晱晱先生拥有农夫山泉84.4%的股份,这是中国一家著名的瓶装水和饮料制造公司。

    Mr. Zhong Shanshan owns 84.4 per cent of Nongfu Spring - a popular bottled water and beverage maker in China .

  3. 他表示,在刚刚过去的一个月中,不实报道已对农夫山泉公司造成了巨大困扰,迫使该公司不得不停止了在北京桶装水的生产。

    He said inaccurate reports had caused big troubles for the company in the past month , and have forced the company to quit producing barreled drinking water in Beijing .

  4. 他表示,农夫山泉公司采用了多种瓶装水标准,其中包括瓶装饮用水的国家卫生标准、直接饮用水国家标准、以及浙江省瓶装饮用水质量标准。

    The company has been adopting several standards for bottled water products , he said , including a national standard on the sanitation of bottled drinking water , a national standard on tap water and a quality standard on bottled drinking water made in Zhejiang .