
  • 网络Group Finance
  1. EVA财务管理系统在集团财务管理中的应用前景

    Prospect of Application of EVA Financing Management System in Group Financing Management

  2. 重庆海外旅业集团财务管理体制的设计

    Design for the Financial Management System of Chongqing Overseas Tourist Group

  3. 第三部分是在第二部分的基础上,对兵器集团财务管理的具体方式方法进行研究和探讨。

    Secondly , the paper discusses how to choose the financial management mode of CNGC .

  4. 出版集团财务管理模式选择

    Financial Management Mode of Publishing Groups

  5. 本文对中油集团财务管理的内控制度一个全面、三个集中体系进行了总结,并对未来的内部控制框架提出了构想。

    This paper summarizes the experience on CNPC financial internal control and conceives the future framework of internal control system for CNPC .

  6. 根据国有企业组建企业集团的经验以及财务管理技术的发展,我们能够找到医疗集团财务管理的首选方式&实行财务集中管理模式。

    Reference to the experiences from state ownership enterprises , the financing concentration management is the first priority option in medical groups .

  7. 但是目前我国集团财务管理的理论体系尚不完善,不能跟上企业集团发展的脚步。

    But China has yet to establish a financial management enterprise group theory system , keep up with development needs of enterprise groups .

  8. 在确立集团财务管理体制后,要优化财务权限配置,分散经营风险。

    After the establishment of the group financial management institute , the Group should optimize the financial right station and management risk should be disperse .

  9. 其次,主要阐述了集团财务管理模式对吉林省军队离退休干部安置系统财务管理模式的借鉴。

    Secondly , the group focuses primarily on the financial management of retired cadres of the armed forces placed in Jilin Province of financial management systems of reference .

  10. 目前我国企业集团普遍存在着财务管理方面的问题,有效的集团财务管理体系是整合企业各项资源、提高企业综合竞争力的坚实基础。

    At present , China Enterprise Group widespread financial management issues , effective financial management system is to integrate all their resources and improve the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises of a solid foundation .

  11. 本文通过对百胜餐饮集团财务管理、财务控制的现状进行分析,充分肯定其在财务控制方面取得的成绩,同时进一步寻找其存在的机会点,并探求产生问题的根源。

    This recognized YUM restaurant Group ' great achievement on financial control through analyze the current status refers to whole financial management and control process . Moreover , it seeks more possible opportunities and root of problems .

  12. 集团财务管理权限的配置包括集团内各成员企业间的配置和母公司的管理权限配置,其中母公司财权配置要遵循所有者财务和经营者财务的划分。

    The configuration for the power of the financial management includes the configuration of the member corporation in the Group and the configuration of its general corporation , which must follow the financial divide from proprietors to runners .

  13. 同时,国家电网公司的财务控制问题也日益复杂,粗放式、松散型的财务控制模式已经无法满足集团财务管理的需要,成为阻碍集团可持续发展的主要屏障之一。

    Meanwhile , the State Grid Corporation of the financial control issues are also increasingly complex , extensive , loose financial control model has been unable to meet the needs of financial management , become an obstacle to sustainable development of the Group one of the main barrier .

  14. H集团公司财务管理的诊断与优化

    Diagnosing and Optimizing the Financial Management of H Group Company

  15. 最后结合上述的理论研究和技术分析,针对东北特钢集团财务核算管理的特点和现状,给出了基于web平台的erp财务核算管理系统的实际应用案例。

    Combining above-mentioned theories and technological analysis with account , based on the characteristics and the current situations of financial sale accounting system in northeastern special steel group , the applied case of Web-based ERP financial sale accounting MIS was provided .

  16. 集团版财务管理软件的设计与开发

    Designing and Developing the Software of Financing Management of Group Version

  17. 网络经济与集团财务集中管理

    Network economy and centralized management of finance in business groups

  18. 试论集团公司财务管理的集权与分权

    On the Centralization and Decentralization of the Financial Management of the Group Company

  19. 网络财务&铁路客运公司(集团)财务管理发展方向的研究

    Network Finance Research on Development Trends of Financial Management of Railway Transportation Group

  20. 优化集团企业财务管理体制的研究

    Researches in Optimizing Financial Management System For Enterprise Group

  21. 集团公司财务管理的探讨

    Exploration on the financial management of the group company

  22. 浅析集团公司财务管理

    Primary Analysis of Financial Management of Chain Corporations

  23. 东安集团公司财务管理案例分析

    Case Analysis on Financial Management of Dongan Group

  24. 对集团现行财务管理体系的分析探讨;

    Third , Discussion and analysis on current financial affairs management system of the group ;

  25. 内部转移价格成了集团企业财务管理的重要组成部分。

    The internal transferring price is the important component of finical administration of enterprise group .

  26. 该文分析了企业集团财务管理的特点,并对医疗集团的财务管理模式进行了初步探讨。

    This paper analyzed the characters and discussed the financing management model in the medical groups .

  27. 第四章介绍了大庆油田钻井集团的财务管理工作经验;

    Chapter four introduces some work experiences of financial management in the Drilling Group Company of Daqing oilfield .

  28. 龙江森工集团财务战略管理环境分析。

    The main research contents have the following aspects : ( 1 ) Financial strategic management environmental analysis of the group of forest industry of Longjiang .

  29. 集团企业财务管理和控制的核心问题是解决各成员企业在集团战略发展思路上的高度统一。

    The key problem of the enterprise group financial management and control is how to solve the co-ordination of the every member company in the conception of development strategies .

  30. 构建有效的财务管理体制,强化集团的财务管理职能,是当前我国许多建筑企业集团发展面临的需要迫切解决的问题。

    Now it is an urgent problem and needs be solved in many building enterprise groups to establish an effective financial management system and intensify its functions in the groups .