
  • 网络Class Action;class action lawsuit;class action suits
  1. 这是第一起针对《PokemonGo》游戏制造商Niantic、任天堂和宝可梦公司的诉讼,目前这起诉讼正在寻求集体诉讼,号召那些自家住宅被《PokemonGo》设立为站点和道馆的人们加入到这起诉讼中来。

    The first suit against game makers Niantic , Nintendo , and The Pokemon Company seeks class action status for others who have had Pokemon stops and gyms placed on their property .

  2. MichaelDorf:“集体诉讼是美国法律规定的一种程序上的策略,可以允许许多人将自己的诉求作为一个整体来处理。”

    MICHAEL DORF : " A class action is a device under US law that allows a large group of people to bring their individual claims together as a group . "

  3. 塔吉特遭到了受到黑客攻击的消费者的集体诉讼。

    Target has been hit with class actions from hacked consumers .

  4. 在2008年和2009年,美国庄臣公司因在其清洁产品上使用“绿色名单”的标签而遭到集体诉讼。

    In 2008 and 2009 , class-action lawsuits were filed against SC Johnson for using " Greenlist " labels on its cleaning products .

  5. 脸谱审理了一起集体诉讼,这迫使它更加清楚得告知用户:在点击“like”按钮时,意味着你的姓名、照片会被用来支持你“喜欢”的电影、产品或政治家。

    Facebook has settled a class-action lawsuit that forces it to be more clear that clicking on the " Like " button means your name and photo can be used to endorse whatever movie , product or politician you " liked . "

  6. 宾夕法尼亚大学的社会学家JaniceFaddingMadden回顾了两大经纪行存在的数据信息,这些数据通过了集体诉讼。

    University of Pennsylvania sociologist Janice Fadding Madden reviewed info from two major brokerage houses available via class action lawsuits .

  7. Facebook将面对两起集体诉讼。此前一名联邦法官表示,Facebook股东可以对这家社交网络提起诉讼,原告声称Facebook在160亿美元的首次公开发行(IPO)之前隐瞒了对其增长预测的担忧。

    Facebook will face two class-action lawsuits after a federal judge said shareholders could pursue their case against the social network , which plaintiffs claim hid concerns about its growth forecasts ahead of its $ 16bn initial public offering .

  8. 这份电子邮件是对一起集体诉讼案做出的回应。这起名为“西南航空公司优惠券诉讼”的案件是由伊利诺伊州北部行政区地方法院法官马修??肯内利(MatthewF.Kennelly)审理的,诉讼编号为No.11-cv-8176。法院通告称:

    It is a document arising from the class-action case , In re Southwest Airlines Voucher Litigation , No. 11-cv-8176 , which came before Judge Matthew F. Kennelly of the District Court for the Northern District of Illinois .

  9. 大众汽车(Volkswagen)同意为其柴油机排放作弊丑闻支付近150亿美元和解金。这将是有史以来美国最大规模的消费者集体诉讼和解方案之一。

    Volkswagen has agreed to pay nearly $ 15 billion to settle claims stemming from its diesel emissions cheating scandal in what would be one of the largest consumer class-action settlements ever in the United States .

  10. 与此同时,最近发生针对全国橄榄球联盟NFL的集体诉讼案,原告方代表2000名前橄榄球运动员,他们称NFL在他们打球的时候故意隐藏了一些关于大脑受伤的外科伤害方面的信息。

    Meanwhile , the class-action lawsuit filed recently against the National Football League on behalf of the 2000 former players alleges the NFL withheld information about traumatic brain injuries during their years of play .

  11. 据“法院新闻”(CourthouseNews)报道,在4月的另一场集体诉讼中,芝加哥的斯泰茜·平卡斯(StaceyPincus)控告星巴克在冷饮中加的冰块太多,导致消费者拿到的饮料只略多于其应有分量的一半。

    A separate class-action lawsuit in April by Stacey Pincus of Chicago accused the company of putting too much ice in cold drinks , leaving consumers with just over half the amount they paid for , according to Courthouse News .

  12. 因为有机会一脚踏入职场,有人为此而心存感激,免费工作对他们来说没什么大不了的。但2010年电影《黑天鹅》(BlackSwan)剧组工作的实习生提出的集体诉讼却改变了这种思维,而且产生了深远的影响。

    Working for free might not be a big deal for some who are just grateful to have their foot in the door , but a class-action lawsuit led by interns who worked on the set of the 2010 film , Black Swan , could change that mindset and have far-reaching implications .

  13. 最近这起让乔布斯的灵魂走上法庭的案件,定于周二在加州奥克兰开庭。这是一起集体诉讼,涉及版本较老的iPod。它们只能播放iTunesStore销售的音乐,以及从CD上导出的音乐,无法播放从对手的商店购买的音乐。

    The latest case to bring Mr. Jobs 's spirit into a courtroom is set to begin on Tuesday in Oakland , Calif. It is a class action involving older iPods , which played only songs sold in the iTunes Store , or those downloaded from CDs , not music from competing stores .

  14. MICHAELDORF:“能够进行集体诉讼,也是导致最高法庭法官之间出现分歧的问题是,所有150万名原告是否存在足够的共同点来进行集体诉讼。”

    MICHAEL DORF : " The key to being able to bring a class action here and the issue that divided our Supreme Court was whether all of these different claims -- by over a million people -- had enough in common to a single class action . "

  15. 虽然GT打算将其财务困境归罪于与苹果的协议,但它已遭到愤怒股东的集体诉讼。这些股东称,GT“歪曲和/或隐瞒”自身财务状况、满足苹果要求的能力以及制造蓝宝石的进展。

    While GT is looking to blame its deal with Apple for its financial difficulties , it already faces a class-action lawsuit from angry shareholders who claim that it " misrepresented and / or concealed " its financial position , its ability to meet Apple 's requirements and its progress on manufacturing the sapphire .

  16. 原告谢拉·斯特鲁姆劳夫(SieraStrumlauf)和本杰明·罗布尔斯(BenjaminRobles)在3月提起的集体诉讼中认为,星巴克那些受欢迎的饮品比该公司对外公开的12、16和20盎司的分量少了大约25%。星巴克称“通情达理的顾客”不会被误导。

    The plaintiffs , Siera Strumlauf and Benjamin Robles , contended in a class-action complaint filed in March that the popular drinks were underfilled by about 25 percent of their advertised sizes : 12 , 16 and 20 ounces . Starbucks had argued that a " reasonable consumer " would not have been misled .

  17. 在美国,这样的一场集体诉讼可能即将要上演。

    This being America , a class-action lawsuit is looking likely .

  18. 他们还可以在州法院寻求集体诉讼。

    They can also seek class actions at the state level .

  19. 如果你干掉他,集体诉讼的其他人就垮了。

    The rest of the class action crumbles if you destroy him .

  20. 没有他就不会有这个集体诉讼

    The class action doesn 't exist without him .

  21. 然而,所有大法官均赞同该案件不能作为集体诉讼继续进行。

    Yet all nine justices agreed that the case could not go forward .

  22. 然而,集体诉讼带来的困扰却从未消褪。

    Yet the plague of class-action lawsuits continues unabated .

  23. 这份和解协议将解决2008年发起的一起集体诉讼。

    Settlement would resolve a class action lawsuit against the bank filed in 2008 .

  24. 他们对每一位集体诉讼代表都提出了质询

    They served interrogatories on each class representative .

  25. 我手捧白金盘子,向你奉上一个价值数百万的集体诉讼案子

    I walk in here with a multimillion-dollar class-action lawsuit on a damn platinum platter ...

  26. 但是这些人要进行集体诉讼必须获得批准,该请求可能会被驳回。

    But groups need permission to bring a class action , and that can be denied .

  27. 决意发起集体诉讼

    signed to the class action

  28. 事实上,这是一个针对我们公司的集体诉讼。艾丽:哦。

    In fact , it 's a class action suit against our company Ally : All right .

  29. 法院开始审理集体诉讼纽约警察局拦截搜身一案。

    The class action lawsuit over the New York Police Department use of stop-and-frisk tactics has begun .

  30. 2011年的一场集体诉讼声称,该公司的椰汁包装上的一些矿物质含量被夸大了;

    Then a 2011 class-action lawsuit contended that some of the mineral sums on its packages were exaggerated ;