
hǎi shì sù sònɡ
  • Maritime Litigation;maritime action;admiralty action;admiralty proceedings;maritime proceedings
  1. 海事诉讼中几个法律概念的辨析

    Differentiate and analyze some conception of law in admiralty action

  2. 船舶扣押的法律思考&兼评我国《海事诉讼特别程序法》的有关规定

    Some Legal Consideration of the Seizure of Ships & On some relevant articles in " Special Procedure of Admiralty Proceedings " in China

  3. 海事诉讼中协议管辖和协议仲裁的效力

    The Effect of Arbitration and Forum Election Agreement in Maritime Action

  4. 扣押船载货物在海事诉讼中具有独特的作用。

    On the " Search and Seizure " in Criminal Procedure ;

  5. 论海事诉讼鉴定结论审查模式的构建

    Identification of the Conclusions of the Review of Maritime Litigation Mode

  6. 究其实质,中国海事诉讼法中的海事强制令属于行为保全。

    The nature of maritime injunction is reservation of behavior .

  7. 浅析《海事诉讼特别程序法》中的对物诉讼制度

    An Analysis of Action in Rem in Maritime Procedure Law

  8. 海事诉讼举证责任分配研究

    Study on Allocation of Burden of Proof in Admiralty Cases

  9. 中英海事诉讼程序之比较研究

    Comparative Search on Maritime Procedure between PRC and UK

  10. 论民法选诉理论在海事诉讼中的运用

    On the Application of Forum Shopping of Civil Law Theory in Maritime Action

  11. 海事诉讼是一种专门诉讼,有不同于普通诉讼程序的特殊之处。

    Marine procedure is different from common civil procedure .

  12. 涉外海事诉讼的管辖原则

    On Principles of Jurisdiction over Foreign Maritime Cases

  13. 对我国《海事诉讼特别程序法》第97条的理解与适用

    Understanding and Application of Article 97 of MPL

  14. 玛瑞瓦禁令对海事诉讼,尤其是扣押船舶制度产生了重要的影响。

    Mareva Injunction has important influence on maritime cause , Specially on attaching ship system .

  15. 下列海事诉讼的地域管辖,依照以下规定。

    The maritime territorial jurisdiction below shall be conducted in accordance with the following provisions .

  16. 浅析我国《海事诉讼特别程序法》对证据的庭前陈述制度和庭前举证制度的规定海底争端分庭的程序

    On the Pre-trial Statement and Pre-trial Testimony System ; Proceedings before the Sea-Bed Disputes Chamber

  17. 玛瑞瓦禁令源于英国,是国际海事诉讼中的一项重要保全制度。

    Mareva Injunction as an important preservation system in international maritime cause was come from England .

  18. 略论海事诉讼时效协议延长的法律效力联邦刑事诉讼法(法典)

    A Brief Comment on the Legal Effect of Lawsuit Timeliness Agreement Extension of Maritime Affairs ;

  19. 论涉外海事诉讼管辖的若干问题

    On Matters about Maritime Jurisdiction

  20. 强制拍卖船舶属于海事诉讼法中极具特色的制度之一。

    Court ordered auction of vessel is one of the extremely special systems in Chinese admiralty practice .

  21. 因此,研究涉外海事诉讼管辖制度有着重大的现实意义。

    Obviously , it has practical meaning to study the jurisdiction system in maritime litigation with foreign elements .

  22. 在国际海事诉讼中,有关管辖地的确定是一个争议已久的问题。

    In the international maritime procedure , the determination of jurisdiction is a controversial question for a long time .

  23. 所以,加强对涉外海事诉讼管辖制度的研究十分必要。

    So it is very essential to strengthen the study on system of maritime jurisdiction concerning foreign-related affairs jurisdiction .

  24. 渔船因非法侵入受限制水域而被扣押。论我国扣船管辖制度的立法完善&兼论海事诉讼中不便审理法院原则

    The fishing boat was seized for its trespass into restricted waters . On Forum Non Conveniens in Admiralty Suit

  25. 《中华人民共和国海事诉讼特别程序法》两种英译本评析

    Comments on the Two English Versions of the Special Maritime Procedure Law of the People 's Republic of China

  26. 最后,对我国海事诉讼程序中的协议管辖原则提出了立法修改建议和构想。

    Then the thesis make some suggestions about the selective jurisdiction principle in the maritime procedure of our country .

  27. 中国《海事诉讼特别程序法》是《民事诉讼法》的特别法。

    The Maritime Procedure Law of the People 's Republic of China is the special law of Civil Procedure Law .

  28. 在第一部分奠定的理论基础上,第二部分提出了海事诉讼证据改革先行的问题,并选取证据调查制度和专家证人制度两大海事诉讼特色证据问题详细探讨。

    The Part two focus on two particular maritime items in evidence system , i.e. evidence investigation procedure and expert evidence .

  29. 该章第一节对英国的海事诉讼仲裁制度进行了介绍,涉及到英国的民事诉讼规则和仲裁法的规定。

    First section of the chapter introduced British maritime litigation and arbitration system , involved the civil rules and arbitration law .

  30. 对物诉讼源于罗马法,却只在英国得到延续,并在其海事诉讼中得到巨大发展。

    Action in rem first founded in Roman , but it survived only in England , and thrived in its maritime procedure .