
  • Maritime Silk Route;Silk Road of the Sea;Marine Silk Route
  1. 广州是华南海上丝绸之路最早的始发港(Ⅱ)

    Guangzhou : the earliest set sail port of the maritime Silk Route of South China (ⅱ)

  2. 华南海上丝绸之路始发港,据《汉书》记载111BC有日南港、徐闻港和合浦港。

    A Chinese ancient book reported that in111BC , the set sail ports of the maritime silk route of South China included Rinan port , Xuwen port and Hepu port .

  3. 笔架山窑的瓷器,已经加入到海上丝绸之路的行列。

    The China from Bijia Mountain had joined the Maritime Silk Road .

  4. 东南亚地区自古以来就是海上丝绸之路的重要枢纽和组成部分。

    And Southeast Asia has always been a nexus of this interaction .

  5. 泉州海上丝绸之路滨海史迹的研究与保护

    Research on the Sea Silk Road harbor protection at Quanzhou

  6. 海上丝绸之路与钦州的发展

    On the Ancient " Silk Road at Sea " Versus Then Qinzhou Development

  7. 陆上与海上丝绸之路

    The Silk Road on Land & Sea

  8. 安史之乱之后,海上丝绸之路开始兴盛。

    After the Rebellion of An and Shi , the Silk Road by sea blossomed .

  9. 海上丝绸之路与粤洋西路之海盗

    The " Sea Silk Road " and the Pirates along the Coast of Western Guangdong

  10. 关于中国古代海上丝绸之路最早始发港研究述评

    A Review on Researches in Earliest Departure Harbor of Silk Road on Sea in Ancient China

  11. 有了这海上丝绸之路。

    With the Maritime Silk Road .

  12. 这个建在福州的第二中心主要聚焦海上丝绸之路沿线城市的旅游业。

    The Fuzhou sub-center will mainly the tourism industry in cities along the Maritime Silk Road .

  13. 海上丝绸之路溯源&兼论古代南方蛮族的历史性贡献

    A Making Research the Source of the Silk F the Sea & Ethnic Historic Contribution for Ancient South China

  14. 泉州一度是重要的贸易港口,也曾经是“海上丝绸之路”的起点。

    Quanzhou was once an important trading port and known as the starting point of the'maritime silk road ' .

  15. 中国和马尔代夫就21世纪海上丝绸之路的发展达成一致。

    China and the Maldives have reached an agreement on the development of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road .

  16. 这是中国首次发布海上丝绸之路沿线旅游市场数据并进行全球范围内的分享。

    This was the first time China has released and shared the Maritime Silk Road tourism market data internationally .

  17. 提出建设丝绸之路经济带、21世纪海上丝绸之路的构想。

    The vision of establishing a Silk Road economic belt and a 21st century maritime Silk Road was put forward .

  18. 经济上,发展了这一地区同中国的商贸关系,促进了海上丝绸之路的繁荣;

    Economically , it improved the business relations between China and these countries and the prosperity of the Sea Silk Route .

  19. 他们将就21世纪海上丝绸之路地区与岛屿经济可持续发展问题进行讨论。

    They will hold discussions on sustainable development of rural areas and island economies on the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road .

  20. 海上丝绸之路文化旅游发展研究&以南海一号古商船为例

    A Study of Cultural Tourism Development of Maritime Silk Road & A Case Study of " The South China Sea NO.I "

  21. 厦门港作为“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的重要港口节点,获得了极大的发展。

    This has created a boom for the Xiamen Port , which is an important transit point along the Maritime Silk Road .

  22. 宋元时期,泉州是著名的东方大港和海上丝绸之路的起点。

    During the Song Dynasty and the Yuan Dynasty , Quanzhou was a well-known oriental seaport and the start of Marine Silk Road .

  23. 帕普利亚斯表示,希腊愿积极参与中方关于建设丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路的重要倡议。

    Papoulias is promising Greek support for Chinese initiatives , including a Silk Road Economic Belt and a 21st Century Maritime Silk Road .

  24. 罗马人沿海路向东方的探索,对古代中西海上丝绸之路的开通发挥了不可磨灭的作用。

    The unique role should not be ignored of the Romans in opening the relationship with the Orient along the Sea Silk Route .

  25. 来自海上丝绸之路沿线30多个国家和地区的300多名旅游业从业者参加本次盛会。

    More than 300 industry insiders from over 30 countries and regions alongside the Maritime Silk Road will attend this year 's event .

  26. 主要目的在于推进古丝绸之路及古海上丝绸之路沿线国家的基础设施建设、经济和社会发展。

    with the main aim to promote infrastructure building , economic and social development along the ancient Silk Road and its maritime trading routes .

  27. “海上丝绸之路”形成于西汉,完善于东晋南朝,在隋唐宋时广州发展成为“海上丝绸之路”第一大港和世界东方港市。

    The Marine Silk Route beginning from Guangzhou came into being in West Han Dynasty and became perfect in East Jin and Southern Dynasties .

  28. “海上丝绸之路”肇始于雷州半岛等地古越人文化和南越、西汉的外贸方略,而“海上丝绸之路”又为雷州文化的产生创造了条件。

    The " Sea Silk Road " originated from the Ancient Yue Peoples culture and created the precondition for the birth of Leizhou culture .

  29. 早在唐代之前的早期佛教传播中,就有不少中外佛僧取道海上丝绸之路求法巡礼。

    In the early time of Buddhism spreading before Tang Dynasty , many Chinese and foreign Buddhists spread the Buddhism via the Maritime Silk Road .

  30. 在谁拥有海洋谁就拥有世界的当今,真正继承和发扬海上丝绸之路的精神,应是发展雷州文化的应有之义、必由之路。

    Today , in order to develop Leizhou Culture , we should probe and inherit the real spirit of the " Sea Silk Road " .