
  • 网络environmental assets
  1. 准确测算绿色GDP测算环境资产价值是关键。

    It is the key to calculate the value of environmental assets accurately for calculating green GDP .

  2. 对环境资产的确认是研究其计量、记录与报告的前提。

    The premise of accounting measurement , record and report is identifying environmental assets .

  3. 传统国民经济核算体系将环境资产排除在外,导致了GDP的虚增。

    Traditional SNA leads to unreal increase of GDP for excluding natural capital .

  4. 但是,目前的GDP核算体系将资源环境资产排除在外,不能准确反映由于资源环境恶化造成的发展不可持续性以及由此对人类产生的各种危害。

    However , resource and environmental asset has been excluded for a long time , so the current GDP accounting system can not accurately reflect the environmental degradation caused by unsustainable development and thus make a variety of hazards to human .

  5. 环境资产的级核算

    Grade . The Environment Study on the Accounting for Environmental asset

  6. 河西走廊绿洲农业区生态足迹和环境资产负债研究

    The Ecological Footprints and Environmental Assets and Liabilities in Hexi Oasis Agricultural Area

  7. 试论建立我国环境资产化管理制度

    Establishment of System for Management of Environment as Assets in China with New Ideas

  8. 第三部分是对绿色会计中的环境资产、环境负债、环境费用和环境效益四要素,按照概念、特征、确认和分类标准的顺序进行探讨。

    The third part is the discussion of Green Accounting key elements , according to characteristic , confirm , classify , and the standard to describe environmental assets , environmental expenses and environmental benefit separately .

  9. 环境资产是环境会计的一个重要会计要素,对环境资产的确认是研究其计量、记录与报告的基础。

    The environmental asset is an important accounting element in the environmental accounting , the recognitions of the environmental assets are the basis for the research of the measurement , the record and the report .

  10. 环境资产的产权赋予农民、确定政府与农民的交易量和政府给予农民的补偿必须解决信息不对称问题是解决农民生计问题的三大出发点。

    We should give farmer the property of the environment assets ; ensure the volume of business between the government and farmer and resolve the problem of the information asymmetry that the government gives farmer compensation .

  11. 在此基础上,文中进一步提出完成这一工程的核心任务是研建一个框架,四类标准,和为核算实务创建绿色会计、环境资产评估等支撑条件。

    Based on these , it is pointed out that the key to complement the engineering is to establish " a framework and four standards " as well as provide support for establishing green accounting and environmental asset evaluation .

  12. 环境资产化管理揭示了环境的经济属性,其以环境价值管理为核心,目标是对环境资源进行经济补偿与价值实现,使环境资产收益最大化,实现资产性环境的保值与增值。

    Focusing on the capital value of the environment , the system for management of environment as assets reveals economic features of the environment and aims to compensates the environmental resources and maximize the income of environmental as assets .

  13. 结果表明,扣除资源枯竭和环境资产维护成本后,2003年广州市国内生产净值由29884392万元减少到28637458万元,减少了1246934万元,占国内生产净值的4.17%。

    The results showed that the environmentally adjusted net domestic product was 4.17 % less than the traditional net domestic product in 2003 , it indicated 4.17 % of net domestic product in Guangzhou was false at the cost of excessively employing nature resources and destroying environment .

  14. 模糊环境下资产组合决策模型解的讨论

    Discussion on the solution of portfolio decision model in fuzzy environment

  15. 网络环境媒体资产管理核心技术研究

    Research of core technical in media asset management on the network environment

  16. 环境资源资产化管理的最终目的是解决环境资源的市场失灵。

    To resolve the market failure of environment and resource is the final goal of environment and resource asset management .

  17. 而国内在外部环境与资产专用性对资本结构影响的实证研究还比较缺乏。

    But there is lack of empirical research in the impact of the external environment and asset specificity on capital structure in domestic studies .

  18. 本文通过实证研究得出以下结论:(1)企业整体信息环境的资产专用性越高,其信息系统外包程度越低;

    According to this paper , we conclude : ( 1 ) The more specified IT environment of the enterprises is , the lower outsourcing degree is .

  19. 最重要的是,集成工具环境通过资产访问和资产共享推动连接开发、资产管理,以及开发角色之间的深度协作。

    Most importantly , the integration tooling environment promotes joint development , asset management , and deep collaboration between development roles through asset access and asset sharing .

  20. 玛丽·卡萨特是印象派画家中杰出的女性艺术家,她的大部分作品都反映了她所生活的都市环境中资产阶级女性及家庭的生活状态。

    Mary Cassatt is an outstanding female artist in impressionists . Most of her work reflects bourgeois women and their family lives in the urban environment where she lives .

  21. 我对此的理解是,作为与良性经济环境及资产价值上升所形成的三方共生关系的一部分,这种文化随着时间的推移变得越来越强势。

    My understanding of this is that such a culture gained strength over time as part of a troika of symbiotic relationships with the benign economic environment and inflating asset values .

  22. 改善信用环境保全银行资产

    The Improvement of Credit Environment and the Protection of Bank Assets

  23. 可能需要针对环境自定义某些资产。

    Some assets may need to be customized to the environment .

  24. 浅析当前环境下国有资产的现状和管理对策

    An analysis of current status of national capital and Management Countermeasures

  25. 在云环境中,资产共享和重用变得很迫切。

    In a cloud environment , asset sharing and reuse becomes imperative .

  26. 多租户环境中的资产隔离和共享

    Asset isolation and sharing in a multi-tenant environment

  27. 公司部门正在非常敏捷地满足投资者对环境友好型资产不断增长的需求。

    The corporate sector is nimble at meeting growing investor demand for environmentally-friendly assets .

  28. 我国目前法制环境下的资产证券化对象选择

    Discussion on the Object of Asset-backed Securitization under the Current Legal Environment of China

  29. 正是在这样的大环境下,资产价格与货币政策问题的研究成为热点。

    It is in this environment , the research of asset prices and monetary policy has become a hot spot .

  30. 某些软件环境要求对资产的高度控制,因为这些资产可能跨社区边界搜索该模板。

    Certain software environments requiring a high degree of control over assets which will cross community boundaries may seek this template .