
  • 网络economic asset;economic capital
  1. 目前这是块死亡的经济资产。

    It 's a dead economic asset at the moment .

  2. 父亲和我都没意识到,当时他正在利用一种神秘的经济资产&社会资本。

    Neither of us realised that he was using a mysterious economic asset , social capital .

  3. 清代两淮盐业经济资产宏大,动关国计,左右风气,造就了巨大的儒商集团。

    In Qing Dynasty , salt economy in two Huai districts developed a huge group of intellectual - merchants .

  4. 市中心的开发项目,加上整个地区的经济资产,让底特律获得两代人以来最好的经济立足点。

    Downtown developments , together with the wider region 's economic assets , put Detroit on a better economic footing than it has enjoyed for a couple of generations .

  5. 在当今日益为知识和信息所驱动的全球市场中,知识产权制度在促使创造、创新、知识和信息转化为有形经济资产方面,发挥着至为重要的作用。

    In today 's increasingly knowledge and information-driven global marketplace , the IP system plays a pivotal role in the conversion of creativity , innovation , knowledge and information into tangible economic assets .

  6. 在禁止童工以前,尤其在农耕时代,孩子其实是一种经济资产,帮家里面干活,也到工厂之类的地方打工。

    For starters , there has been a major historical change . Kids worked , on parents ' farm primarily , but also in factories , mills , and mines . Kids were once considered economic assets .

  7. 经济资产限值结构体现了现代风险管理的观点,即风险是具有两面性,理应追求达到既定风险水平下,最大化回报或在既定回报水平上,最小化风险水平。

    This kind of structure incarnates the view of modern risk management that is risk has dual trait , the stock fund ought to maximize the return at a fixed risk level or minimize the risk level at a fixed return level .

  8. 科技型中小企业只有优化人才与技术的组合,将经济资产与科技资产结合、重组,在保证可持续创新能力的基础上形成核心竞争力,才能长期维持真正意义的科技企业地位。

    Technological small and medium sized enterprise can keep the position of technological enterprises for a long term only through optimizing its talents and combining its techniques , combining and recombining the economic assets with technological assets , forming core competitive ability on the basis of guaranteeing sustainable innovation .

  9. 两期交换经济Contingent资产市场的指标公式

    The Index Formula of Contingent Asset Market

  10. 美国财政部昨日表示,银行、对冲基金及其它金融机构可能会发现自己的投资策略受到美联储(fed)的限制,以降低经济出现资产泡沫的风险。

    Banks , hedge funds and other financial institutions could find their investment strategies curtailed by the Federal Reserve to reduce to the risk to the economy from asset bubbles , the US Treasury said yesterday .

  11. 依据绿色投入产出原理,根据吉林省实际情况构建环境生态成本,包括自然资源耗竭损失、自然资产退化损失、预防支出和非经济自然资产向经济自然资产转移,对传统GDP进行调整。

    Traditional GDP is adjusted by deduction of environment and ecology cost on the bases of green input and output theories , including the cost of resources lost , natural capital degradation , defending and the transferred value from economic capital to uneconomic capital .

  12. 经济林资产评估中折旧问题的研究

    Depreciation Issue on Evaluation of Economic Forest Assets

  13. 冰岛的银行杠杆比率都很高,相对于国内经济而言资产规模较大。

    The Icelandic banks were highly leveraged and large relative to the domestic economy .

  14. 如果我们考虑当今世界经济的资产负债表,就会面对四个问题。

    If we think about balance sheets in the world economy of today , four questions arise .

  15. 在世界经济综合资产负债表的字里行间最能观察到这一点。

    This can best be observed in the context of the consolidated balance sheet of the world economy .

  16. 欧洲债务危机被视为中国廉价购买发达经济体资产的机会。

    The European debt crisis is seen as an opportunity to buy up assets in developed economies at bargain prices .

  17. 而且,本文的研究对于转轨经济中资产管理公司运作方式的阐述、演进路径的预测都具有十分重要的现实指导意义。

    Moreover , the research has important realistic significance on the analysis of its operating mode and forecast of its evolution path during transition economy .

  18. 更重要的是,报告几乎丝毫没有关注公共部门的资产负债状况,其实也就是整个经济的资产负债状况。

    More important , the report pays next to no attention to the balance sheet of the public sector or indeed of the economy as a whole .

  19. 本文借鉴汇率决定的货币分析法,对会汇率影响实体经济的资产价格路径建模并进行实证分析。

    This reference currency exchange rate determined by analysis of the exchange rate affect the real economy will be the asset price path modeling and empirical analysis .

  20. 首先,本文根据研究中涉及到的问题,对相关文献进行了回顾,包括货币政策通过何种渠道影响实体经济以及资产价格与货币政策之间的关系。

    Firstly , we summarize the relevant literature on the channels of monetary policy effect the real economy and the relationship between asset prices and monetary policy .

  21. 在分析我国政府融资结构状况的基础上,利用一元线形回归方程预测国家预算内资金占国有经济固定资产投资的合理比例,为我国政府投资项目融资结构优化提供理论依据。

    Base on the analyses of our government financing structure , this thesis forecast the proper ratio of capital within budget in comparison with state-owned investment through linear equation .

  22. 如今的中国也面临顺差居高不下、人民币升值压力大、国内经济存在资产价格泡沫和通胀威胁的问题,中国应充分吸取日本的经验教训,建立完善的汇率制度,确保经济平稳运行。

    Today , China also faces the RMB revaluation pressure , and the threats of asset price bubbles and inflation problems , China should fully absorb the lessons of Japan , establishes a sound exchange rate system to ensure economic stability .

  23. 那么qe2中的很大一部分就有可能流向海外,在高回报的发展中经济体引发资产泡沫。

    A significant portion of the QE2 could then leak offshore , sparking asset bubbles in high-return developing economies .

  24. 鉴于许多投资者比较依赖MSCI定义新兴世界的方式,他们根本不会想去大幅超配比如东亚经济体的资产。

    Given that many investors are tied to the way MSCI defines the emerging world , the option of going materially overweight say east Asia is simply not available to them .

  25. 具有比例摩擦金融市场的一般经济均衡与资产定价(英文)

    General equilibrium and asset pricing for proportional frictional financial markets ;

  26. 本文对知识经济时代无形资产的成本提出了新思考,并阐述了自己的一些观点。

    The paper illustrates the cost of intangible asset in intellectual economy .

  27. 负债是对一个经济实体的资产债权人的金钱债权。

    Liabilities are creditors'monetary claims against the asset of an economic entity .

  28. 基于经济周期的资产配置是一种积极的资产配置策略。

    Asset allocation based on the economic cycle is a positive asset allocation strategy .

  29. 对知识经济时代无形资产战略发展问题的探讨

    A Study of the Strategic Development of Intangible Assets in the Course of Knowledge Economy

  30. 知识经济与无形资产

    Knowledge economy and incorporeal assets