
huán jìnɡ xiào yì
  • environmental benefits
  1. 土壤Fe(Ⅲ)异化还原的环境效益

    Environmental Benefits of Soil Fe (ⅲ) Dissimilatory Reduction

  2. 结果证明,模型可行,非开采煤层储存CO2的环境效益显著。

    The result proves that this model is feasible , and the environmental benefits are remarkable .

  3. 禁止工业锅炉原煤直接燃烧,改烧经洗选、加工、成型、转化后的洁净煤制品,锅炉热效率可明显提高,烟尘和SO2污染也会得到控制,实现经济效益和环境效益双赢。

    Prohibiting direct burn of raw coal and burning clean processed products can achieve a good benefit in economy and environment .

  4. 以高亮度LED为基础的固态光源由于有着巨大的经济效益、能源效益和环境效益从而有很好的发展前景。

    The solid light source based on high brightness LED exhibit broad market prospects due to its enormous economic benefit , drastically power saving and being very friendly with environment comparing with incandescent and fluorescent lamps .

  5. 采用PLC的干除灰系统抗干扰能力强,操作方便,且大幅度提高了粉煤灰的综合利用率,产生了良好的社会效益和环境效益。

    The system based on PLC can provide more powerful anti - jamming capability , operate conveniently , enhance synthetic utilization of lime greatly and bring good social benefits and environmental benefits in return .

  6. 基于6S技术体系之上的林业活动是一种能把完善的管理、资源的高效利用和社会、经济、环境效益有机地统一起来的动态管理系统的战略思想。

    Forestry activity based on 6S technologies is a strategic thought of dynamic management system .

  7. 在广州市各主要交通道路上选择7个有代表性的道路绿化模式,分别监测它们对NOx、CO和TSP等大气污染物质的净化效果,分析其环境效益。

    The environmental benefits from seven chosen patterns of road green in Guangzhou city were systematically monitored and analysed by monitoring the main air pollutants of NOx , CO and TSP .

  8. 实现了清洁生产和污染预防,完全达到原料药生产车间的GMP标准,取得了经济效益和环境效益的双赢。

    The cleaner production and industrial pollution prevention of chlorzoxazone have been obtained , accomplishing the GMP criterion of material medica workshop and acquiring the harmony of economy and environment .

  9. 分析了CCHP系统的环境效益,最后提出了CCHP系统与大电网的并网交易模式和电价政策。

    This paper also estimates the environmental benefits of CCHP . Finally , suggestions for pricing policies and trading mechanism of CCHP are given .

  10. 使合成氨装置H:S废气全部回收,消除了装置区H2S恶臭,年增产硫磺2503t,取得了明显的环境效益和经济效益。

    The H2S was recovered completely , the H2S odor was removed and production of sulfur 2530t / a was increased . The obvious environmental and economic benefit were obtained .

  11. 计算结果表明,该方法降低了间歇性DG和补偿电容的总投资成本,取得了系统运行的经济效益、环境效益以及电压质量的综合最优。

    Results have favored this method for reducing overall investment cost of intermittent DG and compensating capacitor and achieving a comprehensive optimization of economy , environment and voltage quality in operation .

  12. 使用GC料取代水泥,具有经济、可掺量大、耐久性高、综合环境效益好等特点,实现了绿色高性能混凝土的预期目标。

    Substituting GC material for cement has many advantages such as economy , large addition quantity , high durability , and good comprehensive environmental benefit and so on , and can realize expected objectives of green high performance concrete .

  13. W公司已建成的污水处理厂存在着经济效益、环境效益低等问题,造成投资的巨大浪费,原因是污水处理工艺选择不合理,而传统的优化决策方法已经不能对问题给出令人满意的答案。

    Economic returns and environmental protection , which caused a great wastage on investment , the reason is that the effluent disposal process chosen is not reasonable . Meanwhile , traditional optimization decision-making method can not give satisfactory solution on above problems .

  14. 利用3S技术,开发出土地整理生态环境效益评价系统,实现了空间数据库和专业计算模型的友好链接,并且设计了评价指标因子的互动选择和基本定量分析算法。

    A system of evaluating eco-environment benefit of land rearrangement was established with 3S technique . The spatial database and the specialized mode were linked friendly . The interaction of the evaluation factors and the quantitative analysis algorithm were designed .

  15. 应用传统的控制方法及技术,即旋风除尘器、水膜除尘器及烟气脱硫技术,很难控制燃煤工业锅炉的SO2污染,其经济效益、环境效益和社会效益也很差。

    Applying traditional methods and technologies , for example cyclone dust collector , water film dust scrubber and flue gas desulfurization , are very hard to control air pollution from sulfur dioxide of coal-fired industrial boilers , their economic , environmental and social benefits are not very much .

  16. 指出了兼顾环境效益和经济效益,济南市高排放烟囱的高度不宜低于150m,也不宜高于250m,一般以210m左右为宜。

    It proposes that taking account of both environmental effectiveness and economic benefits , the altitude of high exhaustion stack in Jinan city is generally more adequate at 210m , not lower than 150m , and not higher than 250m .

  17. 本文论述了我省发展K2SO4生产的重要性,介绍了目前K2SO4的主要生产方法,着重指出用磷石膏和氯化钾制造K2SO4的经济意义和环境效益。

    The paper describes the importance of K2SO4 development in Hubei province , summarizes current production technology of K2SO4 , and emphasizes that high economical and environmental benefit can be achieved producing K2SO4 from phosphogypsum and potassium chloride .

  18. 集中供热区域的大气环境效益预测研究

    Study on prediction of Atmospheric Environmental Benefit in Central Heating Region

  19. 该项研究为白土渣的处理提供了一个可行的、处理效果好的新方法,经济、社会、环境效益显著。

    The process has remarkable economic , social and environmental benefits .

  20. 铁岭市污水处理厂环境效益预测

    Estimation of Environmental Benefit of Sewage Treatment Plant in Tieling City

  21. 实践证明,该工艺技术可靠,运行稳定,有较好的经济和环境效益。

    According to the engineering practice , the technology is reliable .

  22. 既有显明的环境效益和社会效益,又有很好的经济效益。

    It has notable benefit in environment , society and economy .

  23. 具有显著的环境效益、经济效益和社会效益。

    Having marked economic benefit , environmental benefit and social benefit .

  24. 鄂尔多斯生态环境效益分析与评价

    Analysis and assessment on ecological environment benefits of Er dous City

  25. 景观水体功能恢复技术研究及其环境效益评价

    Research on Waterscape Functional Rehabilitation Technology & Evaluation on Environmental Benefits

  26. 这不仅回收了固废,而且还具有可观的环境效益。

    This is beneficial to solid waste regaining and environment protection .

  27. 微型化学实验的经济效益和环境效益分析

    Economic Benefits and Environmental Benefits of the Micro - scale Experimentation

  28. 叠合结构体系应用的经济和环境效益

    Economical and environmental benefits of application of composite structure system

  29. 兰州城市主要大气污染治理方案和环境效益

    Main schemes of air pollution control and their environmental benefit in Lanzhou

  30. 西安市城市轨道交通建设产生的环境效益分析

    Analysis on the environmental benefit of urban rail transit construction in Xi'an