
  • 网络decreasing return to scale
  1. 此外,企业资产规模与企业效率并未成正比例变化,相反规模越大的企业,效率都比较低,呈现规模报酬递减。

    In addition , the enterprise asset scale is not positively related with enterprise efficiency . Inversely , bigger enterprises all have low efficiency and decreasing returns to scale .

  2. 新兴股份制商业银行的规模报酬情况基本处于规模报酬不变和规模报酬递增阶段,而四大国有银行大都处于规模不经济的规模报酬递减阶段。

    The newly founded joint-stock commercial banks are in the stage of constant return to scale or increasing return to scale , while the state-owned commercial banks are mainly in the stage of decreasing return to scale .

  3. 事实上,一个经济系统要产生持续的增长,就必须要克服规模报酬递减,实现要素报酬的递增。

    In fact , long-term economic sustainable growth must conquer scale reward descending .

  4. 本文发现,相对于国家垄断而言,在规模报酬递减的技术下,地区竞争一般会带来社会福利的提高;

    With the technology of decreasing return to scales , decentralizations do improve social welfare ;

  5. 规模报酬递减下的企业研发行为与政府政策

    Firm 's R D Activities and Government Policies under Diminishing Returns to Scale of Firm 's R D

  6. 内生增长理论认为,R&D溢出是克服规模报酬递减和维持经济增长的一大引擎。

    Endogenous growth theory regards R & D spillovers as an engine to overcome diminishing returns to scale and maintain economic growth .

  7. 从地理位置看,东、中部矿业城市处于规模报酬递减阶段。

    By the look of geographical position , the mining cities in the east and middle parts are at the decreasing stage of the scale return .

  8. 实证结果表明,我国高新技术产业研发效率整体水平偏低,各地差异显著,且大多数省份都呈现规模报酬递减;

    The empirical results show that most of the provinces run short of R & D efficiency in the high-tech industry , while there exist distinct differences among them .

  9. 研究结果表明:煤炭类矿业城市处于规模报酬递减阶段,而其他类型的矿业城市处于规模报酬递增阶段;

    The study result shows that , the coal-mining cities are at the decreasing stage of the scale return , and the other types are at the increasing stage ;

  10. 市场占有率高,在中国市场有最大影响力的企业,往往由于其过多的投入人力、财力、物力,并没有有效的进行资源配置和优化的经营管理,而持续处于规模报酬递减的状态。

    The companies with high market share are usually not the best because of redundant input like human resource , finance , assets , referring to non-efficient resource allocation and management , which leads to decrease of returns to scale .

  11. 研究结果(:1)整体上中国城市土地利用结构效率偏低,规模收益报酬处于递减状态,不同等级的城市表现出完全不同的相对效率和规模收益报酬递增/减规律。

    The results indicate that land use structure efficiency ( LUSE ) is low on the whole and cities with different grades show diverse efficiency and the return to scale profit .

  12. 在生产要素市场是完全竞争条件下,规模报酬递增将产生规模经济,规模报酬递减将产生规模不经济。

    Under a perfect competition condition , it will exhibit economies of scale that the returns to scale increase progressively ;