
  • 网络Diseconomies of scale;Diseconomy of scale
  1. 巨型医院的问题主要表现在过度负债、规模不经济和导致新的医疗事业发展不均衡;

    The main problems of huge hospitals included high debt , diseconomies of scale and imbalance of health resources .

  2. 同时,为通化市其他尚处于零散、规模不经济的林木小企业未来的发展提供了借鉴意义。

    Meanwhile , our study provides a reference for the future development of the rest Still fragmented , diseconomies of scale small enterprises .

  3. 我国中成药工业的劣势是:产业结构分散,企业规模不经济;

    And our disadvantages are : A. loose industrial structure and uneconomical enterprise scale ;

  4. 研究了当产业处于规模不经济的情况下,差异产品企业兼并的长期效应。

    This paper makes a study of the long run effect of differentiated products enterprises horizontal merger .

  5. 规模不经济的主要原因:一方面是过度竞争,另一方面是行政垄断。

    Diseconomies of scale can be attributed to two reasons : Overreaching competition and the executive monopoly .

  6. 造成乡镇工业污染严重的主要原因是乡镇企业规模不经济和乡镇工业布局太分散。

    What make the rural industries so pollutive mainly lie in their under-economy of scale and irrational distribution .

  7. “企业纵向规模不经济”理论猜想提出之后,至今尚未得到实证检验。

    " Diseconomies of Vertical scale " theoretical conjecture made , it has yet to be empirical certificated .

  8. 许多很高的建筑都是规模不经济的,它们之所以直冲云霄更多是出于名望,而非效率考虑。

    Most very tall buildings are at an inefficient scale , propelled skyward for reasons of prestige rather than efficiency .

  9. 基础金融服务在农村地区的缺失,是由其规模不经济的经营属性所决定的。

    The lack of basic financial services in rural areas is decided by the business property of rural non-economic scale .

  10. 国有保险公司中,营业费用较高是造成规模不经济的主要原因;

    It also shows that the high running expense is the main reason of the uneconomic scale in the state-owned insurance company .

  11. 对核心医院来说,整合的三级医院只是在2002年存在轻微的规模不经济,在其他年份都存在规模经济。

    To core hospitals , slight diseconomies of scale existed only in 2002 and economies of scale were realized in all other years .

  12. 纵向规模不经济的观点对这一问题给出了一个清晰的研究思路,因为企业经营范围从学理上就是企业的纵向规模问题。

    Diseconomies of vertical scale gives a clear research idea about this question , because business scope is business vertical scale on academic point .

  13. 二是存在规模不经济问题;三是导致新的学校发展不均衡。

    Large schools often lead to three deficiencies , including the debt , diseconomies of scale and the new unbalanced development of different schools .

  14. 另外,电影作为一种内容产出,产出的多样性与独特性使得电影生产趋向于规模不经济,但电影的消费却因内容产品极低的复制成本而趋于经济。

    In addition , film as a content output , the diversity and uniqueness means that the film production tends to diseconomies of scale .

  15. 分的层面,家庭经营的规模不经济使农户在市场竞争中处于不利地位。

    In the level of decentralization , diseconomies of scale of the household contract management make farmers in a disadvantage place in the market competition .

  16. 得出了中国商业银行业产业集中度高、存在规模不经济性、进入壁垒较高的结论。

    It comes to a conclusion , which indicates there are high concentration ratio non-economics of scale and high barrier to entry in Chinese commercial baking .

  17. 我国企业集团规模不经济的原因与对策三相异步电动机的轻载运行,是很不经济的。

    Reasons of and solutions to the diseconomies of scale of enterprise groups in China The running of electric motor with light load is not economic .

  18. 结果表明:(1)随机前沿模型估算结果表明我国存在着规模不经济。

    The results show that : ( 1 ) the estimation results of the stochastic frontier model shows that there are diseconomies of scale in China .

  19. 我国企业集团的发展对我国经济增长发挥着重要作用,但部分企业集团却存在着规模不经济的问题。

    But too large scale will lead to diseconomies of scale . The development of enterprise groups plays an important role in the economic increase in China .

  20. 但是仍然存在着成本高,运力过剩,技术落后,规模不经济等事实。

    But there are still some problems to be settled , such as high cost , transport capability surplus , laggard , technology and diseconomy of scale .

  21. 国有银行和股份制银行都存在规模不经济现象,特别是国有商业银行,都处在规模效率递减阶段。

    Both kinds of banks show the scale inefficiency , especially the state owned commercial banks , which are all lie in the degressive return to scale .

  22. 安徽汽车产业要抓住这次机会把安徽汽车产业所存在的企业规模不经济、零部件产业滞后、售后服务不完善等问题解决好。

    AnHui auto industry must seize this chance to Anhui auto industry under existing enterprise scale , spare parts industry lags imperfect , after-sales service problem has been solved .

  23. 中国汽车产业管制失效主要体现在规模不经济、技术创新能力低下和轿车产品需求结构畸形化。

    The Chinese industry of automobile 's regulatory failure includes diseconomy of scale 、 lacking of ability of technology 's innovation and the car 's abnormal structure of demand .

  24. 如隐性教育资源闲置、规模不经济、管理涣散造成人财物资源的巨大耗损流失和教育质量低下等等。

    Such as : recessive education resources is idle , scale is uneconomical , huge loss of wealth , properties and persons because of lax management and low education quantity etc.

  25. 乡镇企业产业组织结构的不合理和空间配置上的分散化导致了其发展的规模不经济,存在着多种积极溢出的损失和产能过剩。

    The unreasonable industrial organization structure and the dispersion of spatial disposition of the township-village enterprises lead to the diseconomies , the loss of many kinds of positive overflows and excessive production .

  26. 对我国钢铁产业组织现状进行了评述,特别指出我国钢铁产业的逆集中化趋势和规模不经济的特征。

    This part comments on the nowadays organization condition of the steel industry , in particular points out the anti-concentration trend and uneconomical scaled feature of the steel industry in our country .

  27. 规模不经济、产权制度不明晰和创新动力不足等是国有商业银行经营效率低于股份制商业银行的主要原因。

    Diseconomies of scale , unclear system of property rights and lack of innovation motivation are the main reasons that the operating efficiency of state-owned banks is lower than the joint-stock banks .

  28. 而我国烟草业却存在着诸多的问题,突出表现为规模不经济、产业集中度低、品牌集中度低,直接的影响就是资源不能合理配置、有效竞争不足、经济效益低下。

    But there are a lot of problems in Chinese tobacco industry , they are diseconomy of scale low degree of industry concentration , separate market structure which lead to low economic efficiency .

  29. 它既可以减少相关企业一体化带来的规模不经济,又可以在一定范围内在一定程度分享一体化组织带来的规模经济,减少交易成本,分散交易风险。

    The integration organizations can reduce the diseconomies of scale brought by the associated business integration , but also to some extent share the economic scales , transaction costs reduction , spreading trading risk .

  30. 针对高校个体而言,是否出现了规模不经济的现象,造成这种规模不经济的具体原因是什么,各高等院校该怎样提高自己的办学效益,这些问题都是值得认真研究的。

    Those problems , such as whether there exists diseconomy in the scale of universities and colleges , what are specific reasons for that , and how to improve their efficiency are worthy of studying .