
  • 网络agglomeration economy;Agglomerative economies
  1. 集聚经济、FDI区位选择与引资新战略

    Agglomeration economies , FDI location choice and new strategies of attracting foreign capital

  2. 集聚经济与劳动生产率:基于中国城市面板数据的实证研究

    Agglomeration Economies and Labor Productivity : Evidence from Chinese Urban Panel Data

  3. 该模型对FDI区位影响因素的概括具有综合性,除了传统的区位因素,将新经济地理因素集聚经济也纳入FDI区位的影响因素系统来整体考虑。

    This model generalizes comprehensively affected factors of FDI location ; In addition to traditional location factors , it brings the NEG factor agglomerative economy into the influence factors system of FDI location to consider wholly .

  4. 研究结果表明广东在开放水平、市场化水平、集聚经济上占比较优势,江苏在人力资本、平均工资水平、人均GDP增长率上占比较优势。

    The results show that there are advantages on openness 、 the level of marketization and agglomeration economy in Guangdong while there are advantages on human resources 、 average wage and the growth rate of GDP per capita in Jiangsu .

  5. 这一部分先运用C-D生产函数模型对集聚经济效应进行了定量测算,然后以经济效应值为依据,从规模经济和范围经济两个方面对集聚经济效应的表现做了详细的分析。

    This part we first used C-D production function model to guess and estimate the agglomeration economy effect , then based on economic effect value , we carried on a detailed analysis from the " scale economy " and " scope economic " two aspects .

  6. 集聚经济现象是目前区域经济学的重要研究领域。

    Agglomeration economy is an important research area in regional economics .

  7. 多样化、专业化与长三角都市集聚经济

    Diversification , Specialization and Urban Agglomerative Economies of Yangtze River Delta Urban

  8. 集聚经济、外资溢出效应与中国汽车企业效率

    Agglomeration Economies , FDI Spillovers and Chinese Automobile Enterprises Efficiency

  9. 知识集聚点的选择具有其规律性,首先,我们分析是集聚经济的最终存在性。

    First , we deal with the eventual existence of agglomeration economies .

  10. 集聚经济作为一种新的区位因素引起了普遍的关注。

    Agglomeration economy has attracted common attention as a new location factor .

  11. 集聚经济对外商直接投资地区分布影响的实证研究&以江苏主要城市为例

    An Empirical Analysis of the Agglomeration Economy on the Regional Distribution of FDI

  12. 关于集聚经济形成机制的研究,是集聚经济研究的重点之一。

    The formation mechanism is one of important points of agglomeration economies research .

  13. 论集聚经济效益与城市地域结构的演变和优化

    Research on Agglomeration Economic Benefit and Evolution and Optimization of the Urban Area Structure

  14. 集聚经济测度方法前沿综述

    The Summary of Methods to Measure Economic Convergence

  15. 集聚经济理论指出,空间结构对城市经济增长非常重要。

    Aggregate economics theory indicates the importance of urban spatial structure to the economic growth .

  16. 空间集聚经济与西部城镇密集区的发展

    Economy of Spatial Agglomeration and the Development of Intensive Towns Cities Areas in the Western Region

  17. 集聚经济、环境规制与外商直接投资区位选择&基于新经济地理学视角的分析

    Agglomeration Effects , Environmental Regulation Policy and Foreign Direct Investment Location Choice & According to the New Economic Geography

  18. 第三章分析了浙江金融结构的现状,总结了浙江产业集聚经济的特点。

    Chapter ⅲ analyses the status quo of the financial structure and the characteristics of industrial agglomeration in Zhejiang .

  19. 产业园区建设是培育区域经济增长点,实现集聚经济的重要举措。

    Industrial park construction is an important measure to foster regional economic growth point and achieve the agglomeration economies .

  20. 特长,专长一个人特别突出的某方面多样化、专业化与长三角都市集聚经济

    Something in which a person excels . Diversification , Specialization and Urban Agglomerative Economies of Yangtze River Delta Urban

  21. 基于研究结论,文末对未来促进双三角城市集聚经济的发展提出了政策建议。

    In the end , some policies and suggestions are provided for future urban agglomerative economies development in both deltas .

  22. 而在集群这一中观层次上,规模经济、外部经济、网络效应等集聚经济因素导致的自增强机制只有在集群达到一定规模时才起作用。

    However , the self-strength mechanism derived from scale economy and externality economy works until the scale of cluster is larger .

  23. 招远近岸人工鱼礁集聚经济生物资源效果的初步研究

    Primary Study about the Effection of Artificial Reefs on the Distribution of the Economic Species in Coastal Area of Zhaoyuan City

  24. 从空间经济学的发展轨迹看,对集聚经济的研究始终是它的一个重要环节。

    View from the evolution of spatial economics , the research on agglomeration economy is an important component all the time .

  25. 本文从城市集聚经济角度入手,对东部三大都市圈城市集聚经济程度进行实证分析。

    From the aspect of urban agglomeration economy , we have an empirical analysis on the urban agglomeration economy of east three metropolitan regions .

  26. 集聚经济促使了城市的形成和演变,城市功能的变化是城市演变的重要特征之一。

    Agglomerative economies promote the formation and evolvement of modern cities , and the transformation of urban functions is an important character of this evolvement .

  27. 集聚经济有很多潜在的源泉,其中一些已被马歇尔所提出,包括知识外溢、劳动力市场蓄水池和投入品共享等。

    Agglomeration economy has many latent fountainheads , in which some have been proposed by Marshall including knowledge spillover , labor market pooling and investment sharing .

  28. 产品内贸易的不断发展和进步改变了制造业集聚经济形成的外部环境,因此,其内在形成机制也必然发生变化。

    The continuously expanding of intra-product trade makes the economic environment of manufacturing industry undergone great changes therefore will change the internal mechanisms for its being .

  29. 通过公共投资对资本性公共品的提供,促进了城市土地的优化利用,提高了城市的集聚经济。

    The provision of the public investment to the capitalized public items has promoted the optimized utilization of city land and raised the intensified economy of cities .

  30. 因此,化工产业集群获得了单个企业所不具备的循环经济、集聚经济和知识溢出创新优势。

    Therefore , the chemical industrial cluster gains the innovation advantages that single company does not have , such as circular economy , agglomeration economy and knowledge overflow .