
  1. 推行无氰工艺,重塑行业形象

    Promoting cyanide-free process , rebuilding image of industry

  2. 四是经营服务质量低下,损害行业形象。

    The fourth is the service quality low and not good for the image of the industry .

  3. 因此,对政府主管单位与经营者而言,如何提高出租汽车服务质量吸引乘客,改善成都市民的交通出行环境与提升出租汽车行业形象,一直是他们关心的问题;

    Accordingly , what the government department and taxicab operator concern is how to improve service quality and transportation circumstance for attracting more passenger .

  4. 在国家十一五规划和建设社会主义和谐社会方针的指引下,南京市江宁区交通局力争当好新时期的排头兵,以交通建设促新城开发,树行业形象,更好地服务于人民。

    Under the guidance of the eleventh-five-year-plan and the policy of construction harmonious society , Jiangning transportation bureau of Nanjing work out new traffic construction ways so as to promote new towns development and service people better .

  5. IT行业产品形象设计的创新与延续

    Innovation and Continuation of the Image Design of IT Products

  6. 推进医疗收费公开制度树立卫生行业良好形象

    Promote open system for medical charge and set up good shape for health profession

  7. 创建证券文化,塑造证券行业新形象

    Establishing security culture and portraying new security market

  8. 但是,目前我国一些中小型企业的导游人员,她们不良的服务态度严重影响了整个行业的形象。

    However , the poor service attitude of tour guides in some small and medium-sized agencies have badly affected the good image of tour guide field .

  9. 以行风评议为契机,切实抓好医院行风建设,树立卫生行业良好形象;

    Based on professional style appraisal , they carried out hospital professional style construction in a practical way , so as to re-establish the good images of medical institutions .

  10. 专注造就品质,专业成就未来,成为中国市场丝印、移印油墨产品最具影响力的领导品牌,在品质、服务、分销等方面树立行业标杆形象是我们的愿景规划。

    We aim to be one of the leading brands of screen & pad printing in Chinese market , and set up the industry image in quality , service , and distribution etc.

  11. 为了维护注册会计师行业的形象和声誉,引导行业持续发展,更好地为经济发展服务,这就要求审计师组织必须在一定质量下提供高效率的供给。

    In order to maintain the image and reputation of the CPA industry better serve the economy and the society and lead to a sustainable development of industry , the auditor is required to provide an efficient supply .

  12. 亲切温暖的微笑就是空乘最佳态度的表现形式,易于乘客接纳,产生宾至如归之感,同时树立了行业良好形象,为企业打开声誉,态度决定成败,微笑战胜一切。

    Kind warm smile is the best form of flight attitude , easy to accept , passengers feel , and set up a good image industry , reputation , open attitude decides success or failure , overcoming all smiles .

  13. 在分析社会因素时,利用2006年在全国范围内通过有关专家组织的问卷调查,反映了社会公众对电力行业社会形象的客观认识和公正评价。

    At analytical social factor , make use of the questionnaire investigation that the relevant expert organized in the national scope in 2006 , reflect the objective understanding and fair evaluation of the social image to the electric power industry .

  14. 这些问题直接导致了我国分时度假行业社会形象不佳,顾客满意度低下的现状,严重地阻碍了我国分时度假业的发展,进而影响到整个旅游产业的升级换代。

    The negative social image and the low customer satisfaction have hampered the development of China 's timesharing industry to a great extent , and furthermore , exerted a negative influence on the upgrade of China 's whole tourism industry .

  15. 探讨得出手机行业品牌形象的构成要素及其构成要素与顾客满意和顾客忠诚的影响关系。本文通过实证证明了,手机行业品牌形象的三个维度和顾客满意、顾客忠诚具有显著的正相关关系。

    Explore the mobile phone brand image elements and its impact on customer loyalty is found through empirical study , it shows there is a significant positive correlation between the various dimensions of the mobile phone brand image and customer loyalty .

  16. 目前我国很多的担保机构虽然建立了一些风险管理制度,但风险控制效率低,不少担保机构项目风险频频发生,严重影响了整个行业的形象和可持续发展。

    At present , although many guarantee agencies in China have established some risk management regulations , the efficiency of risk control is still low . Frequent occurrence of project risk of many guarantee agencies seriously hampers the image and sustainable development of the whole business .

  17. 不同行业的企业形象要素体系的共性与个性

    The Common and Individual Factors of Corporate Image of Different Industries

  18. 重塑我国注册会计师行业的诚信形象

    Industry To Remould the Sincere & Honest Image of the Registered Accountancy

  19. 不仅造成经济损失,而且影响交通行业的社会形象和工程的可持续发展。

    Not only caused economic losses but also affected the social image of the transport sector and project sustainability .

  20. 随着我国铁路调度集中系统的不断建设,系统的安全性问题日益突出,对于系统安全问题的研究,不仅关系到铁路的安全运营,更关系到铁路行业的安全形象。

    With the continual development of centralized traffic control system in China , the safety of system is becoming more crucial .

  21. 在国际钼产品市场上,金堆城钼业公司的定价水平代表了中国钼行业的价格形象。

    Jinduicheng Molybdenum Mining Corpoeration is leading pricing of China moly industry and also represented China moly pricing in the international moly market .

  22. 此外,这个活动亦可提升本澳时装设计及服装行业的国际形象。

    At the same time , having a well organized fashion event will definitely help to escalate Macao 's image in the international fashion design and apparel industry .

  23. 针对问题论文提出的改进建议:一是加强农村地区营销人员管理;二是提高保险行业的公共形象;三是加强农村消费者的保险教育。

    In view of the above question , this paper puts forward improvement suggestions : strengthening the marketing management in rural areas and improve the public image of insurance industry .

  24. 如果世贸组织裁定台湾违反知识产权保护规定,将严重打击台湾作为全球科技行业中心的形象。

    Any move by the WTO to target Taiwan for violating rules on intellectual property rights protection would deal a severe blow to its status as a global technology industry hub .

  25. 近年来,在探究品牌形象对顾客满意、顾客忠诚的影响关系时,国内外学者开始结合具体行业研究品牌形象的构成要素及其影响。

    In recent years , domestic and foreign scholars began to explore brand image influence on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty , combining industry-specific research and brand image elements of its impact .

  26. 财富管理公司希望修复该行业受损的形象。它们的私人客户在此次金融危机中遭遇财富缩水,并由此丧失了对其投资建议的信任。

    Wealth managers are hoping to restore the battered image of the sector , which saw private clients burn their fingers in the financial crisis and subsequently lose faith in investment advice .

  27. 明星替不法厂商代言虚假广告的行为不但误导广大消费者,损害了消费者的合法权益,还破坏了正常的市场经济秩序,损害了广告行业的整体形象。

    False ads represented by famous stars not only misled consumers and damaged the legal rights of them , but also devastated normal market economy orders as well as the whole image of advertising .

  28. 在此基础上,开发出手机行业的品牌形象测评量表,该量表可以帮助手机企业衡量其品牌建设情况,同时也能在实践中指导企业产品品牌建设。

    Developing the brand image for the mobile phone industry evaluation scale . The scale can be used as mobile phone companies to measure the brand building tool that can guide the practice of brand building .

  29. 因为在这种方式中私人股本企业与债主地位不平等,以及私人股本企业能够借用数十亿美元的资金进行收购(只用拿出很少的自有资金),这一行业长期以来形象不佳。

    Because of this one-sidedness , and because the private equity companies can buy businesses using billions of dollars of borrowed cash ( risking very little of their own money ) , the industry has long had an image problem .

  30. 不管是什么行业,良好的形象都是最好的。

    Good grooming is standard , no matter the industry .